All posts by Miss Muir

Term 3

Term 3 in primary 1 was a busy one!

We started the term off with our Scotland Topic and our fabulous trip to Burns Cottage. The class had a brilliant time and learnt a lot about Robert Burns.

We covered lots of new sounds and common words throughout the term and are working really hard to all become independent writers.

In term 4 we have our sports day coming up which we have been training for. We will also be participating in inter-house games and out mini p1-3 championship.

Forest Fridays will continue this term and we hope the weather is going to keep getting better. Remember if the weather is nice to provide your child with a sun hat and sun cream!



Term 2

Term 2 in P1 has been a busy one!

We have been learning lots of new sounds each with Inky. Each week he continues to bring us 2 new sounds that come with actions and songs to help us remember. This term we have managed to complete our alphabet and now know all of our initial sounds. We have also been working really hard to learn our common words and be able to read and spell these. Miss Muir is very impressed with our handwriting too, we always try our best!

In maths we have been continuing to learn our numbers to 20. We have started to learn how to add numbers within 10 using lots of different concrete materials to help us.  We have also been learning about money, we have had lots of fun playing in our class post office to help us recognise coins and begin to add amounts.

Our topic this term has been ‘How Things Work?’ and we have been so busy learning lots about forces. We have had lots of opportunities through play to try pushing, pulling, rolling and even looking at magnets! We now have a big focus on Christmas and our Nativity which we cannot wait to show you!

We have been going outdoors most Fridays with the EYC and have braved some cold weather! However, this did not stop us from having fun. We have been making our own paint brushes to create wonderful pictures and we made cereal bird feeders.

Next term we will begin to learn trickier sounds and continue to work hard with all aspects of our learning. We will also have a big focus on Burns and lots of poetry.

Term 1

This term in Primary 1 we have been really busy!

We have been learning lots of new sounds each week and have had Inky the mouse to help up learn. Each week he brings us 2 new sounds that come with actions and songs to help us remember. We have also started to blend out sounds together to make words. Miss Muir is always so pleased to see us all trying our hardest!!

In maths we have been learning our numbers to 20 using TenTown. Each number has a story and a song which has made our learning so exciting! We have been looking at addition within 10 and using lots of concrete materials to help us. We have also been looking at patterns and 2D shapes.

Our topic this term was Fairyland and we had the best time turning our classroom into fairyland. We have read lots of fairytales together and completed lots of tasks the dragon set for us!

We have been going outdoors most Fridays with the EYC and have braved some horrible weather! However, this did not stop us from having fun. We have been making beanstalks, spiders webs and we even made a fire! We cannot wait to go back out next term and see what else we can explore.

Next term we will be continuing with our new sounds and numbers and are really excited for Halloween and the Christmas madness!!

Week one in Primary 1

We have had a fantastic first week in Primary 1!

We started the week reading Elmer and creating our class charter. We then met inky the mouse who is going to help us learn all of our sounds this year and even took a trip to Ten Town to begin to learn our numbers.

Our exciting week finished off with an outdoor day where we explored out local area. We cannot wait for next week!

Term 3 and 4

In terms 3 and 4, primary 1-3 have been learning a range of topics. We started the year looking at Scotland and all things Scottish. We tried a range of Scottish foods, learned different poems and sang songs with David Hunter. We then moved onto our topic of The World Around Us. This topic has allowed the class to learn about lots of different things. We started with the jungle and looking at what animals live there and their habitats. We then began to look at famous monuments and created some with a range of resources. We are currently learning about different careers and discussing what we would like to be when we are older. It has been really exciting exploring the different aspects of the world.

This term we have also been learning about data analysis and measure. We have been participating in lots of active maths and getting the chance to use the outdoors and school to measure different things. We learnt about centimetres and metres and the differences in different measurements. We will be moving onto fractions for the rest of the term and we can’t wait to do more active tasks.

During our outdoor learning sessions, we have been building our team building skills. We have been working hard at working together and as part of a group using different equipment. Mr Woods also built a fire with us one week and brought us in marshmallows. This allowed the class to learn about fire safety. We can’t wait to keep going out once a week to enjoy the sunshine!

We have been working hard through our Talk for Writing activities and have developed lovely handwriting skills and have become superstars at using adjectives in our writing. This term we will be focusing on punctuation and will have a big focus on speech.