Term 2 in P1/2/3

Welcome to the P1/2/3  blog! We will be sharing with you what we have been up to in Term 2 so far.

This term, our Talk for Writing text was ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. We were welcomed by a huge beanstalk in our classroom one day and have been discovering different ways to describe it. We have been using lots of similes and the power of 3 to learn lots of new adjectives. It was a fun unit!!

In maths, we have been having a big focus on number. P1 have been working hard to order numbers to 30 and have been introduced to addition and subtraction. They are all doing fabulous! P2/3 have also had a big focus on number and have been learning a  ‘number of the day’ and breaking this down to really understand it.

We also looked at money and symmetry and had a little insight to weight through out Christmas post office!

Every Wednesday we were joined by Miss Green for music. We have been learning lots of different beats to different music and playing lots of musical games. We are sad to see Miss Green go but thank her for everything she taught us!

This term we had our ‘Twinkly Nativity’ Miss Muir and Miss Ingram are very proud of every pupil in the class for their excellent effort during rehearsals. We have decided as a class we LOVE nativity and already cannot wait for next year.

We are so excited to see what term 3 will bring.

We hope everyone has a lovely Christmas when it comes!

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