Primary 5/4 Term 1

Welcome to the Primary 5/4 page! Mr Woods teaches us on a Monday and Tuesday and Mrs Kirkwood teaches us on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Mrs Vance supports us in class every day and Mrs Morrison helps us with our writing sometimes too.

We had an exciting start to our Talk for Writing unit when a strange creature appeared in the field opposite our school! We then looked at the text The Tree Giant and have been innovating this to create our own information texts.

In maths we have been doing lots of number work with Mr Woods. We have been learning about time with Mrs Kirkwood and we also do problem solving every week.

Our Science topic is electricity. Our school has some new equipment that we have been using to create electrical circuits. Our next step is to design a model or a game that contains an electrical circuit. We are also learning about the inventor Thomas Edison.

In our classroom you will see our Class Charter which displays our rights and also our SHANARRI display. We have been learning about our wellbeing and feelings.

This term has been busy already with our open morning, where parents and carers joined us for fun maths and science lessons. We are looking forward to our Harvest Service, where we will perform what we have been learning with our music teacher, Miss Gibson. We are also looking forward to our beach adventure day at Maidens and Culzean on the 3rd October.

In PE we have been focusing on the rules in the gym hall and following instructions as a team.  Caitlin from Active Schools works with us on a Tuesday. We are also lucky enough to do lots of outdoor learning. P5 and P4 go outdoors on alternate Fridays.

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