Our teacher this year is Miss Baillie and we have 18 pupils in our class. We also have Mr Woods, Mrs Robertson and Mrs Eaglesham supporting our class throughout the week.
Our P.E. days are Tuesdays and Wednesdays. We have been working on our basketball and tennis skills. Our class have also started working towards our Junior Coaching Award.
We have outdoor learning every second Thursday. We have been helping to tidy up the playground by weeding, painting and digging to set up new playground apparatus.
This term our topic is the Scottish Parliament. We are very excited about going on a class trip to visit the parliament in December!
Our Talk for Writing unit this term is the warning story ‘The Canal’. We have been building upon our speech marks skills, adverbials and using similes and metaphors in our writing.
In numeracy and maths, we have been focussing on bar modelling (using concrete, pictorial and abstract methods) and angles.
P7/6 braved the weather and had a brilliant ACE day! We even spotted some seals! We spent the morning coasteering and then some fun team building activities back at the centre. Miss Baillie was so impressed with the team work she witnessed! Everyone helped and encouraged each another along the way. I am so proud of each and every one of you for pushing yourself. Well done P7/6!
Keep an eye out for all the fun we are going to get up to in Term 2!