P7/6 – Term 4

I cannot believe we are in our final term already – time has flown in! We are looking forward to a busy term in P7/6 and preparing for our future in Primary 7 and academy!

This term, we have been extremely busy preparing for our school show ‘Rock Bottom’. Children put in a lot of time and effort in order to perfect lines, delivery, singing, dancing, sound, lighting, props, backdrops etc! They did an excellent job and we are all so proud of them.

Our Talk for Writing unit this term is ‘Gadgets’. We are focusing upon persuasive writing techniques. The children started off by trying to persuade Mrs Morrison to get rid of school uniform!

In numeracy, we are focussing upon our division strategies. We are encouraging the use of CPA approaches (concentre, pictorial and abstract). In maths, we are building upon our knowledge of ‘measure’.

We baked cakes for a special coronation themed cake sale. This was part of our Make £5 Grow project. The children looked at costs of what we would need for our cake sale and we worked out selling prices to ensure we would make a profit. This combined with our previous sales at the Easter service means our total raised so far is over £100! The children will be involved in deciding how the money is spent.

We are continuing our weekly outdoor learning sessions on Fridays. Children have been learning how to safely build fires, taking part in team activities, helping to clean up our village and there is lots of time to play and have fun (climbing trees is one of our favourite things to do!)

In PE, we have been working on our athletics skills in preparation for sports day. The children are taking part in inter-house competitions including rounders, football, basketball, cross country running, javelin and long jump.



Miss Baillie

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