P5/4 Term 1

Primary 5/4 have had a busy first Term. We have been creating our Class Charter, learning about 2D shapes and 3D objects, place value and practising our new spelling words. Some of the children have been enjoying completing lego challenges and we have been learning through play-based learning activities.

P5/4 demonstrated some of our spelling activities during our first open morning and enjoyed playing place value games with parents during our second open morning.

Primary 5/4 (with help from some of p6/7) were given a range of challenges including building a boat from lolly sticks, marshmallow towers, lego pyramids, paper tissue aeroplanes and spaghetti bridges. They then had to use their measurement skills.

Term 2 Here we come …. Keep an eye out for what we are going to get up to this term!

Dolphin House 2022

P7/6 along with a few pupils from P5 had an amazing week at Dolphin House! Over the week, they were working towards  their John Muir Award and using his 4 key objectives :- Discover, Conserve, Explore and Share. 😍🐬🌟

Our first day at Dolphin house involved some archery, we had lots of fun and settled in well.

We had a productive second day hill walking. 🏔 We got to experience some breathtaking views throughout our walk and appreciate what a beautiful country we live in. 😍 Some very tired children (and adults) this day! 🤣


A lovely evening rock pooling at Dolphin House🤩🐬🦀

We had a fabulous day paddle boarding and canoeing! 🤩🏄‍♀️🚣🏽🌟

A night walk through Culzean castle and then a disco for our last evening at Dolphin House! We had so much fun!🤩🐬🌟

Our Final Morning doing The Trout run 😆

P7/6 Term 1

Welcome to Primary 7/6!

Our teacher this year is Miss Baillie and we have 17 pupils in our class.

This term our topic is World War 2. We have been reading Goodnight Mister Tom as our class novel.

In numeracy and maths, we have been focussing on bar modelling, angles and time.

This term we also had the opportunity of going on a residential trip to Dolphin House. We have been working towards the John Muir Award with the key elements of ‘discover’, ‘explore’, ‘conserve’ and ‘share’. Whilst at Dolphin House, we got to experience activities such as archery, orienteering, rock pooling, movies, hill-walking, geology, quiz, paddle boarding, canoeing, night walk, disco and a trout run!

Keep an eye out for all the fun we are going to get up to in Term 2!

Here are some Photos of what we’ve been up to in Term 1.


Primary 1 – 3 Term 1

In term 1 primary 1-3 have been learning all about the circus. We have been practicing circus tricks in P.E, creating our own circus tents and masks and learning about the animals. Take a look at our topic display that we have developed over the term and some of the tricks we have been learning.

This term we have also been learning about shapes in maths. We have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes and learning about the properties of each. We completed lots of fun tasks during this time: look below to see our shape treasure hunt around the classroom.

In our outdoor learning slots this term we have been collecting leaves, acorns, helicopters and conkers. We have used them for many different things in class, for example, creating pictures and next term creating our own natural mobiles for every class in the school. We have been enjoying splashing in the mud and climbing the trees when we have been out and can’t wait to see what else we can do during the winter when the seasons change.

Next term our topic is going to be minibeasts. We can’t wait to learn about habitats, create our own bug hotels and describe and create our own minibeasts. We are also going to be learning lots about pattern and money in maths and writing our own stories in literacy.