Term 3

We learned a lot about how to care for animals properly when the SSPCA came in for an informative, engaging and fun morning.

We had a terrific time at the Science Centre! There were laughs and lots of learning. Our short film in the observatory rounded off our Sun, Moon and Stars topic very well.

Easter Raffle


MONDAY – Finn, Lily (2), Lisann, Olivia-Rose, Alishia,     Harry C, Finley
TUESDAY – Danna, Olivia-Rose, Adam, Riley, Lochlan B, Ava, Logan W, Derry, Junior
WEDNESDAY – Arran Lindsay, Jessica, Danna, Emma, Junior, Evie, Rachel, Derry, Maci (2), Brandon, Aiden,    Mason, Ellie, Abbie, Sarah, Keron, Darcy, Braedan

Term 3

In term 3 we are concentrating on making our school a respectful place. We created a display showing ideas for how to be respectful. We also use a board game to learn more about respect. We will plan an assembly about respect and introduce a Rights Respecting School “Article of the Month.”

In March 2018 we had our Rights Respecting Schools assessment and we are delighted to say we achieved our Silver Award! The boys and girls have been working really hard to ensure everyone in the school knows their rights and how to respect others. Our rights respecting school committee are now working towards the Gold Award.


Our rights respecting schools committee organised activities for Children in Need. We did a duck race and a cake sale and everybody paid ÂŁ1 to wear spotty clothes to school. Some of our children read the story “Pudsey’s Fundraiser” to the younger children.



We have been taking part in Unicef’s ShoeShare. The ShoeShare campaign collects old or unwanted shoes. These old or unwanted shoes are then sent for re-use. For every tonne of shoes collected, a donation is made to Unicef which goes towards education programmes around the world.





Next term our plan is to work on displays around the school which show our rights. We will also choose an article of the month for classes to learn about. The committee have been busy designing posters about our rights using Microsoft Publisher.




Term 3

This term our topics have been Robert Burns and The Vikings.  We have studied the life of Burns and created a timeline showing key events.












While the P5s were at percussion, P4 had the opportunity to further explore Burns life and discovered that he was incredibly famous and in the year 1787 went on a tour of Scotland to promote his poems and songs.  We created a map showing some of the places he visited during the tour as well as his homes.









We have learned a variety of songs and poems which we shared with the rest of the school during our Scottish afternoon and Burns’ Supper.

We have explored the life of Vikings discovering how they travelled across the world and for what reason.  We have also looked at the life of a typical family in Viking times, where they lived, what they ate, what possessions they had, how they entertained themselves and how they worked.

Term 3

We have now reached midterm and  have already achieved so much.  It has been all things Scottish so far!  The class practised their Scottish poetry, Lament for a Lost Dinner Ticket and Graffiti, for the poetry competition.  This was judged by the Jolly Beggars.  Keron Suviste took first place with his comical rendition while Derry Sharkey was the runner up.  Both performed on stage during the Scottish afternoon.  All classes enjoyed participating in this in front of friends and family.  Mr David Hunter had taught each class a Scottish song.  P3/4 sang ‘The Midges’.

Poetry Winner Keron’s favourite line- ‘She said ma bums sare and she went to sleep!!’

The class  have started a block of outdoor learning every Thursday.  So far they have spent their time exploring the local woodland.  They have tried some basic orienteering, created  artwork using natural materials and completed a maths challenge to build the tallest stick pile in 20 minutes!

Yeh! We’ve found the answers!
These clues are so confusing!
Defending our castle!
Just hanging around, enjoying the fresh air!
Lauchlan showing off his building skills.