Category Archives: School Blog

Wellbeing Warriors

Wellbeing Warriors 
The Wellbeing Warriors have been working hard throughout our school to spread positivity and kindness as always. They have been working in the playground alongside the Happiness Heroes to ensure no one is left out and helping those who are upset or need a bit of cheering up 🙂 
On the 7th of June, we will have our final Wellbeing Wednesday of the school year. This will focus on self-esteem/growth mindset. The children will also work together to create words of affirmation for their class.
Relational Gestures continue to be important work of the Wellbeing Warriors and many children have earned hearts for their class jar – Well done everyone!
As we head towards summer, the Wellbeing Warriors are already looking forward to the next school year to raise more awareness about our physical, emotional and mental wellbeing.
I would like to thank the children of the Wellbeing Warriors for their commitment to their role this year. It has been a privilege to work alongside them to ensure wellbeing is a priority in our school – Mrs Hunter

P7 Enterprise Fundraising

Hi everyone,

As part of our fundraising for our Graduation and Prom, we will be holding some events in the next few weeks. Please take a note of these exciting things we have organised for your children in the school.

Starting from Wednesday 10th May… Leon, Lewis, Kian, Callum and Kyle will be selling raffle tickets for children and adults, with the chance to win a small hamper of items. This will cost 50p a strip.

On THURSDAY 24th MAY our monthly tuckshop will be organised by Sara, Mia, Nicola and Amelie. They have conducted surveys and found out which sweets our children really love! We will be having a pick’n’mix tuck which will be very popular I’m sure!

During our Sport’s Day on THURSDAY 1st JUNE we have 3 exciting events planned…

Alan, Milosz, Mason, Hayden and Alex will be setting up an ice cream stall as a lovely reward after our races. Make sure to visit us!


On FRIDAY 2nd JUNE we will be hosting two sponsored events- an obstacle course and a dance. Your children will be able to participate in both events- our children have made a timetable for the day which will be handed out to teachers. All we are asking for is if you could find one/two people to sponsor your child for these events.

Our Sponsored Dance event is being organised by Annie, Abbie, Kerys and Miley- they have made playlists for the younger and older children and are currently working on routines to teach them.


The Sponsored Obstacle Course is being organised outdoors by Kyle, Steven, Ryan, Chanel and Kaylee. This will be open to everyone and again is a sponsored event.

Our P7 children have worked very hard to organise this and developed their enterprise skills as a result: organising, planning, budgeting etc.

We hope you will support them in their last weeks in St. Fergus’

Thank you!

Who Cares? Scotland Information for Care Experience Groups

Please click (HERE) for information about Who Cares? Scotland’s regular group activity for Care Experienced people in Renfrewshire. Who Cares? Scotland have offers for people of all ages!

Who Cares? Scotland are able to assist with transport and aim to do what they can to reduce other barriers too.

Should you wish to find out more information or would like to have a chat about these groups the contact numbers are:

07849 085041 
07849 090685

Or you can contact via email the team on :



Wellbeing Warriors

Wellbeing Warriors 
The Wellbeing Warriors have been working hard as always to continue to promote physical, mental and emotional wellbeing for all. 
We have recently introduced a Relational Gesture Jar ‘Mini Hearts’ where if you are spotted using relational gestures in the playground, you will be given a heart sticker and then can place a mini heart in the jar back in class.  Our Wellbeing team have visited each class to introduce this. At the end of each month, we will collect these in and give a prize to the class with the most hearts.
A reminder that Happiness Heroes are in the playground every play and lunchtime. If you ever find yourself upset or feeling lonely, seek one of them out and they will cheer you and make sure you are included. They are visible by their Happiness Hero badge.
Finally, our next Wellbeing Wednesday will on Wednesday 3rd of May and will be on Moving our Bodies.

Wellbeing Wednesday – Parent Groups

Our next Wellbeing Wednesday is on the 3rd of May we would like to invite parents/carers into the school to be part of our wellbeing journey for a coffee, breakfast, and chat. All welcome.

Following our successful Well-being Wednesday Groups,  our parents have been working with RAMH and we would like to collate information on places that keep us well. Have a look at our video below.

We have a post box at the office for suggestions for our wellbeing map, or you can simply email RAMH with any to

Winners of our School’s Christmas Card Competition 🎄🎅🤶

Well done to all of our children who took part in this years competition.

Each class had a winner:

Primary 1 – Lena

Primary 2- Dominik

Primary 3- Lilia

Primary 4- Diana

Primary 5- Aleksander

Primary 6- Shanice

Primary 7- Lewis

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The overall winning design was by Sara in Primary 7 and I am sure you will all agree it shares the real story of Christmas.

The card will be sent to our partners and it will be attached to a email sent across the whole council.