Category Archives: School Blog

Applications for Clothing Grants and Free School Meals

Applications for clothing grants and free school meals for the new school year 2024–25 are now open.

You should apply for a clothing grant and free school meals if you are on a low income and receive a qualifying benefit.

The Council makes payments in lieu of free school meals during school holidays. You can only get these if you have applied for free school meals, so if your child is in primary 1 to 5 (P1 to P5) where all children get a meal free of charge, you should still apply so you get this money.

Anyone with a child going into primary 6 (P6) who meets the criteria is encouraged to apply for free school meals to ensure their child continues to receive one.

If you apply for a clothing grant by Friday 12 July and include all the required supporting documentation, then the Council will process your application and make a payment to you before the start of the new school term.

Apply for free school meals and clothing grants at:

Wellbeing Warriors

Wellbeing Warriors Update

The Wellbeing Warriors have been working hard to ensure Wellbeing is promoted throughout our school daily. Here is notes of importance and some dates for your diary for this term.

Monday 29th January

We have planned a Wellbeing Day where every class will focus on different activities to relax their minds, move their bodies and make them feel good! Please ensure your child is dressed in comfortable clothing. This can be pjs, loungewear, trackies/joggers etc. NO DRESSES, SKIRTS, DENIUM. Each class has been issued a timetable for the day. A reminder that some activities are outside and so appropriate footwear and jackets must be worn.



Fruity Fridays will begin from Friday 2nd of February. Before playtime, a tally will be taken for how many pieces of fruit each child has for their snack. At the end of a 4 week block, the class who brought the most fruit will win a prize. This will run monthly.

This months Wellbeing Wednesday will focus on Kindness to coincide with kindness week. It will take place on Wednesday 7th February.



On Wednesday 6th March, our Wellbeing Wednesday will focus on friendship to coincide with kindness week.


Happiness Heroes

A reminder that our Happiness Heroes are in the playground everyday. They can be identified by their badges. If your child is upset, feeling left out or needs someone to talk to, please encourage them to look for a Happiness Heroes 😊

Laudato Si Leadership Group


Introducing our Laudato Si Leadership Group.

This year we have chosen to focus on Pope Francis’ Quote 3.

There are not two crises, one environmental and one social, but one complex crisis. The solution means we have to combat poverty, restore dignity to the excluded and protect nature.

We have lots of ideas to achieve our quote.  We will keep our Blog up to date to share what we have been doing and our plans for the future.

Wellbeing Warriors Update

Wellbeing Warriors
The Wellbeing Warriors are full steam ahead planning our Wellbeing Wednesday afternoons and a Wellbeing Day for January. Our next Wellbeing Wednesday will focus on the importance of sleep and the impact this can have on our physical and mental health.
In December, we will be introducing our Fruity Friday initiative where each class will add up the amount of fruit brought in as snack on a Friday over the course of 4 weeks. The fruitiest class will receive a special reward.
Our Happiness Heroes are also in the process of getting back up and running and we can’t wait to make sure our playground continues to be a happy and inclusive environment.

Primary 6 Strike Day Activities

Free Vector | Hand drawn all saints' day illustration
Good Morning Primary 6

I hope you all had a fun night for Halloween and a long lie in bed this morning.

You got your learning grid earlier this week but incase you’ve lost it I have attached a copy below. If you have any questions you can message me online in Google Classroom or on Seesaw. Have a good day and I’ll see you back in class ready for violin and guitar on Thursday.

Mrs Coyle

Primary 6 Learning grid 1.11.23

Planned Industrial Action Tomorrow


As Renfrewshire Council have already communicated , the school will be closed to staff and pupils for industrial action of non-teaching staff on :

Wednesday 1st November

Our Teaching  Staff will be working at home on this day and have prepared a learning grid for you to follow at home.  Your child’s class teacher will be available on their email address:

Mrs Wilson:

Mrs McLean:

Miss McAdam:

Mrs Hunter:

Mrs McDougall:

Miss Fulton:

Mrs Cryans:

Mrs Coyle:

Mrs Pirrie:

or  on Seesaw / Google Classroom during the working day, 9am- 3pm.  They will do their best to answer any queries about the work provided and provide feedback to your child just as they do when your child is in school.  Staff will also post these grids on our school website and repost on our social media channel for ease of access.

Should you wish to contact either Mrs Rowley or myself  during these 3 days we can also be contacted via our Glow email address:

Please note that both Mrs Rowley and myself only use this email in emergencies,  the best way to contact us  during a normal working day is to go through the school office.

We hope that this information is helpful to you and as always, please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of further help or assistance.

Thursday 28th September 2023- Primary 1 Home Learning Grid

Hello Primary One.

Only one more day to go until we get to see you back in our classroom! I have attached below the timetable of work for today. This has also been posted to Seesaw where I will be responding to your fabulous work! If you have any questions please just give me an email ( or a message on seesaw. Today is Mrs Wilson’s non-class contact time so I will be responding to tasks posted on seesaw or email.

There are 3 tasks each day: Literacy, numeracy and 1 other curricular area.

We look forward to seeing all of your fabulous work!


Mrs Wilson & Mrs McLean.

P1 Strike Plans PDF

Home Learning Primary 6

Backpack icon set. School bag sign set. Cartoon style.

Good Morning Primary 6,

I hope you all had a great long weekend and were not too lazy with your tasks for Mr Reid yesterday.

I’m back today and if you have any questions you have Google Classroom and Seesaw to get in touch, just send me a message.

I have set you a task for each portion of the day, do what you can manage but remember to get outside for a breath of fresh air as well.

Click on the link below to see your plan (it is the same plan I gave you on Thursday).

Have a good day.

Mrs Coyle

Primary 6

Children and Young People Act – Parent Consultation

As part of the  Children and Young People 2014, Councils are required as to consult with parents/carers every 2 years on their views and needs  for early education and childcare up to the age of 14. I am emailing to advise you that Renfrewshire Council’s consultation is now live, please take the time to share your views in this consultation.

The consultation is open until Monday 25 September and can be accessed by clicking on the link below:

Visit to fill out the form.