All posts by Miss Galvin

St. Fergus Virtual Pilgrimage to Rome Update

Great Job" photos, royalty-free images, graphics, vectors & videos | Adobe Stock

Thank-you and well done to everyone who has signed up to the Strava app to help with our Sponsored Virtual Pilgrimage to Rome! So far we have covered 62.54km of the journey since Friday! This is a great effort well done everyone! It is not to late to sign up you can join at any time to start tracking your miles of walking, cycling or running! You can download the sponsorship form below or alternatively pop into the school to get a copy of the sponsorship form. Please remember to track your activity wether it be a walk or run as a run and cycling as a cycle so that it shows up on our leaderboard!

Well done everyone! Keep tracking those miles,

The St.Fergus Pupil Council.

Pupil Council Sponsorship Form 2

Pupil Council Sponsored Virtual Pilgrimage to Rome

The St. Fergus Pupil council have decided to hold a sponsored Virtual Pilgrimage to Rome. The distance from our school to St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome is about 1224 miles (1970 km)! This will be a sponsored pilgrimage to help us with our almsgiving during Lent, the sponsorship form is attached below. We are looking for all our St.Fergus families to get involved by running, walking or cycling and tracking the miles you do each day/week on our Strava page. This will take place for the remainder of Lent with the aim of reaching Rome and giving alms to alleviate the suffering of the poor. Our chosen charities this year are Missio and Who cares? Scotland. There is a link posted below for our video explaining how you can download the Strava app and how to use this along with some written instructions.


  1. Visit your devices app store and download the Strava app
  2. Create an account using either your email, Facebook, google account or Apple ID
  3. Create your profile adding your name, date of birth and gender
  4. Click ‘maybe later’ when asked to start your free trial (you do not need to have a free trial or pay for the app to use it)
  5. click ‘get started’
  6. Go to explore on the top toolbar > clubs > search St.Fergus Primary> request to join
  7. Start uploading your activity using either the record button at the bottom of the app to track your walk/run/cycle or you can import activity from a Fitbit/ Apple watch. This is all included in the Facebook Video:

Here is a link to our sponsorship form which you can download or visit the school office for a paper copy of this form. Sponsorship money can be paid via ParentPay:

Mini Vinnies Fun!

Image result for mini vinnies

Hello everyone, as you will know due to COVID the Mini Vinnies haven’t been able to take place this year. However on Sunday the 7th of February it is the feast of the Blessed Rosalie Rendu, who was a main part in starting up The Society of St Vincent de Paul. I have attached below a powerpoint which tells you all about Rosalie Rendu’s life. She was a caring nun who gave her time and talents to help the poor and sick. I am hoping that during these difficult times we can be inspired by Rosalie Rendu. I would like you to make a little booklet/story of her life talking about how she grew up and all the amazing things she has done to help others.

You do not have to be a Mini Vinnie to take part, anyone is welcome to join our Online Mini Vinnies!

P5 Home Learning Monday 11th January

Good Morning Primary 5 and Happy new year!!

I am very sad that we are not all in the classroom together this morning but I am hopeful that we will all be back together soon. We have done this once before and we can do it again!

Please find an introductory video to our home learning on our google classroom.  In this video I discuss home learning this time around and also our first literacy task of today. If you have any issues finding this please email me

We are going to be having Google Meets once or twice a week. This weeks will be on Wednesday at 10am. Please make sure you sign in on the daily register each day on Google Classroom.

Health and Wellbeing: I have posted a link to Joe Wicks youtube channel where you will find his live workouts everyday. These are a fantastic way to get us moving and start our day off right. Doing a workout in the morning can help you feel energised and ready to start your home learning on a positive note.


Task 1:

Today we are going to be doing some place value and addition and subtraction work just to get our minds ready for learning after the Christmas holidays.

Circles: Your first task is looking at the place value of 6 digit numbers. For example the number 593, 016 (five hundred and ninety three thousand and sixteen). In this number the 5 stands for five-hundred thousand (500,000), the 9 stands for ninety thousand (90,000), the 3 stands for three thousand (3000), the 1 stands for ten (10) and the 6 stands for six (6).

Circles 6 digit place value

Diamonds: Your first task is looking at the place value of 4 digit numbers. For example in the number 3116 the 3 stands for three thousand (3000), the 1 stands for one-hundred (100), the 1 stands for ten (10) and the 6 stands for six (6).

Diamonds 4 digit place value

Task 2:

Circles I would like you to complete page 2 in this worksheet.

Diamonds I would like you to complete page 1 in this worksheet.

Numeracy Addition and subtraction

Remember the mental addition skills we practice in class, all questions should be completed mentally. If you have any questions or issues with this please either post on google classroom or email me.

Each worksheet has answers attached please self-correct your work and I will also provide feedback for each piece.


Your last task for today is to think about your new years resolutions. A fresh year is a fresh start for lots of people. I would like you to think about your goals for this year. Is your goal to continue the positive things you were doing last year this could be being kind to others, helping your parents. They could be goals such as health and fitness goals are you trying to eat healthier or exercise more. Whatever your goal be make sure your resolution is a positive one that you will aim to keep up during 2021. I would also like you to draw a picture of your new year’s resolution, this could be on paper or on Google Draw you can find this on Google Classroom -> Google Docs -> blank -> insert drawing -> new. It’s the same place that we done our Christmas cards.

Primary 5 Daily Tasks 12.06.20

Good morning Primary 5. Fantastic job yesterday. I have been so impressed with your numeracy work this week it has been fantastic! Well done on completing such interesting booklets yesterday!!

Health and well being:

Today I would like you to do Joe Wicks Workout!


Today we are going to write an imaginative piece set in the Scottish wildreness.

I want you to close your eyes and imagine you are in the Scottish Wilderness, what can you hear? What can you see? What can you feel? What can you smell?

Remember to use lots of adjectives and the FANTASTICS to help you!


Circles: Today you are continuing to look at volume.

Squares: Today you are continuing to look at volume.

Diamonds: Today you are continuing to look at weight.

Scottish Wildlife Topic

With an adult, research how human activity can endanger animal life and discuss my feelings about it.

Primary 5 Daily Tasks 11.06.20

Good morning Primary 5. You are all doing a great job, keep it up!!

Health and well being:

Today I would like you to do Joe Wicks Workout!



Today I would like you to create a Scottish Wildlife booklet. I have included a template below for you to use. I would like you to include some information on Scottish wildlife such as different Scottish animals, the climate in Scotland and some pictures of these animals.



Circles: Today you are continuing to look at volume.

Squares: Today you are continuing to look at volume.

Diamonds: Today you are continuing to look at weight.

Scottish Wildlife Topic

Create an art piece with sunsets and silhouettes. I have included an example below. Think of the silhouettes of Scottish animals that you could use.

Primary 5 Daily Tasks 10.06.20

Good morning Primary 5. You are all doing an amazing job with your home learning journey! You should be so proud of yourselves. Let’s have a great day of learning!

Health and well being:

Today I would like you to get moving and do just dance on youtube! I hope you have lots of fun with this!!


Today we are going to do some online lessons!

Blue Group: You are going to learn how to use a thesaurus. A thesaurus is great for supporting you with your learning. It gives you synonyms for words, a synonym is a different word that means the same thing. For example if you looked up hungry in a thesaurus, it would give you starving! Which is a much more exciting way to say hungry.

Red Group: You are going to learn how to use a thesaurus. A thesaurus is great for supporting you with your learning. It gives you synonyms for words, a synonym is a different word that means the same thing. For example if you looked up hungry in a thesaurus, it would give you starving! Which is a much more exciting way to say hungry.

Green Group: You are focussing on handwriting and using commas in a list!


Circles: Today you are going to move on to learn about volume. Us the information at the top of the worksheet to get an understanding of what volume is. You have 8 questions to answer.

Squares: Today you are going to learn about volume. This is the amount of space taken up by an object. Use the information at the top of the page to help you answer the 7 questions.

Diamonds: Today you are going to look at weight and the vocabulary used with weight. Use the information at the top of the page to help you.

Scottish Wildlife Topic

Solo Talk time!!

I would like you to research everything you can about 1 wildlife animal. I would then like you to present your solo talk to your family. You could video the solo talk and send it in, I would love to hear it!

Primary 5 Daily Tasks 09.06.20

Good morning Primary 5. I am so amazed with all of your hard work yesterday especially with your reading comprehension. You all challenged yourselves and showed a great understanding of the text! I have been enjoying looking at all of the birds in my garden now and trying to identify them, I hope you have too!

Health and well being:

Today I would like you to do some Yoga and just take some time to breathe. Try to take a minute to focus on your breathing, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. This can really help improve your concentration and help keep you nice and calm.


Challenge time!

Today I am giving each group a challenge! You have some literacy challenge cards focussed on grammar, I would like you to see how many of them you can complete in 30 minutes!! Good luck! Remember to tell me your number when you send in your work!

Blue Group:

Challenge Cards

Red Group:

Challenge Cards.pdf Red Group

Green Group:

Challenge cards green


I have set you a challenge on Sumdog today! Try to get as many correct answers as you can! It will be revision of what we have learned so far.

I would also like you to spend some time practicing your times tables.

Scottish Wildlife Topic

Todays task is to design and create a bird feeder. Remember birds beaks can be small so make sure they can fit in to get the food without the food falling out! I am not giving you an example of one today as I would like you to be creative!! Enjoy!

Primary 5 Daily Tasks 08.06.20

Good morning Primary 5. I hope you all had a lovely weekend in the sunshine! I am looking forward to seeing the amazing work you complete this week!

Health and well being:

It’s a new week let’s start it off right: Joe Wicks Workout on Youtube.


Today we have some reading comprehension to do. It is all about birds in your garden! Since the weather has been lovely and we have all been outdoors more I don’t know about you but I have been noticing more and more beautiful birds in my garden! This is our chance to learn more about them!

Blue Group I would like you to do the 3 star challenge.

Red Groups I would like you to do the 2 star challenge.

Green Group I would like you to do the 1 star challenge.



Today we are going to take our maths learning outdoors!! I have included some outdoor maths challenges for you to complete.

Circles: 3 star challenges

Squares: 2 star challenges

Diamonds: 1 star challenges

Outdoor Maths Challenge cards.pdf

Scottish Wildlife Topic

Today I would like you to spend some time researching food chains in Scotland (Scottish Wildlife foodchains). I would then like you to draw your own. Here is an example of a food chain in the Rainforest.


Primary 5 Daily Tasks 05.06.20

Good morning Primary 5, thank-you for all of your hard work yesterday! I will reply to everyones emails today, I know this is a hard time for everyone when we can’t see our friends and teachers everyday but remember I am just an email away of you need a chat.

Health and well being:

Joe Wicks Workout on Youtube.


Today we are going to do some writing. Use this grid to make your writing fun. Pick a topic that interest you and write an exciting story! I want to see how well your story writing has progressed.

This story grid gives you some ideas about home learning, take it on an adventure!

Story grid


Friday Challenge Questions!

Circles+ Squares: Complete these challenge questions and use your problem solving skills.

Diamonds: Complete these challenge questions and use your problem solving skills.

Scottish Wildlife Topic: Expressive Arts

Create an advert for a documentary about Scottish Wildlife. It could be a poster, video or sound recording. Have some fun with this you could use some drama to create your own video advert!