All posts by Mrs McDONALD

Free Bus Travel

Under 22s Free Bus Travel Cards

All children and young people resident in Scotland who are aged 5-21 are entitled to free bus travel within Scotland.  They can access it using their National Entitlement Card (NEC) which must be applied for.

Children aged 5-10 receive a Junior NEC.  This is a plain card that has the saltire as a background, your child’s name, the card number and a valid to date.  Once your child is 11 or over, they are entitled to a different card called a Young Scot NEC which looks different and offers extra benefits.

How do I get a Junior NEC for my 5–10-year-old child?

If you have a account set up, you can simply apply using that.  You can use this video guide to see how it’s done.  Please note that only the main contact on the account can apply this way.

You can also apply online at though this option does require that you have proof documents both for yourself and your child.

You can also apply by completing the application form at your child’s primary school office (Renfrewshire primary schools only). All you need to do is fill out your child’s name and sign the consent to include free bus travel on their card.  Please note this option should not be used for replacement cards.

What if my child is 11 or over?

Once a child is 11, they can no longer be issued with a Junior NEC.  The Young Scot NEC is for 11–25-year-olds still offers free bus travel up until the age of 22.  It also offers extra benefits such as discounts, proof of age/ID and Young Scot Membership.

To get a Young Scot NEC, you can apply online at or at any local library in Renfrewshire.  If you choose to apply at the library, you will need to be there if your child is under 16 and you need to take along a printed passport photo or a photo in a similar style cut to size.  If your child is in school in Renfrewshire, you won’t need to take any proof documents as we can use their school record to verify all of their details.  If they are not in school or have left, you will need to take along suitable proof documents.

If you have already had a Junior NEC and simply want to upgrade to a Young Scot NEC, don’t worry, you don’t need to go through the application process again. The Junior NEC will last up until your child turns 12 but they can get a Young Scot NEC from age 11 which gives you a full year to upgrade them.  Simply email us at with your child’s name, date of birth and address and let us know you are looking to upgrade them to a Young Scot NEC.  Please also include a photograph of them.  It must be taken against a plain light or white background, with no objects lines or patterns behind them and they must be looking straight ahead.  Something taken on a phone or tablet is fine.  We will access their existing record and issue a new card.  Once the new card is issued, their Junior NEC will stop working, and you will need to wait for the new card to access free bus travel.

Primary 7 Bulk Exercise

Each year, we run an exercise to help those who have not yet upgraded to a Young Scot card.  This typically happens around March/April with the aim of getting cards out before Summer.  You can use the options above to apply yourself instead of this though.

How do I get a replacement card?

If your card is lost, damaged, or not working, email with your name, date of birth, and address to request a replacement. If it is a Young Scot NEC, contact us if you need to update the photograph.  If you don’t use email, you can also call 0300 300 0300 or ask the school office to contact us on your behalf to request a replacement. Please note, only one card can be active at a time, so previous cards will stop working immediately once a replacement is issued.  You do not need to fill out a new application form for a replacement card.

What other card types are available?

More information:

Renfrewshire Council Youth Services manages the Junior and Young Scot NEC schemes in Renfrewshire. Contact us at

Wellbeing Day

Tomorrow, Thursday 10th October , we are having a Wellbeing Day and the cost is being covered by a grant gained. All children will take part in exciting outdoor learning Activities in Glencoats Park, the Activities are being led by Scott MacDonald who deals with Outdoor Activities for OneRen. Can I please ask that the children are dressed for the weather and bring either their welly boots or a change of shoes in case their feet get wet.

Applications for Clothing Grants and Free School Meals

Applications for clothing grants and free school meals for the new school year 2024–25 are now open.

You should apply for a clothing grant and free school meals if you are on a low income and receive a qualifying benefit.

The Council makes payments in lieu of free school meals during school holidays. You can only get these if you have applied for free school meals, so if your child is in primary 1 to 5 (P1 to P5) where all children get a meal free of charge, you should still apply so you get this money.

Anyone with a child going into primary 6 (P6) who meets the criteria is encouraged to apply for free school meals to ensure their child continues to receive one.

If you apply for a clothing grant by Friday 12 July and include all the required supporting documentation, then the Council will process your application and make a payment to you before the start of the new school term.

Apply for free school meals and clothing grants at: