P2/3 Daily Tasks Friday 12.06.20

Well done for all of your hard work yet again! We are going to start with some Literacy, then Music, P.E. and finally our Friday challenge.

Morning Prayer

Literacy – Morning Routine

With us not being in school I am interested to find out what your new routine is for the day, I know everyone’s will be different but that’s a good thing! Do you work and then play? Or do you have a slow start to your day, play for a while and then work? Remember to include times in your routine, these don’t have to be exact. Here is what my morning looks like:

7:30 – Wake up

7:45 – have breakfast and watch the news

8:30 – upload your daily tasks

8:40 – shower and get dressed

9:00 – start school work

12:30 – lunch


Music – From Miss. P

Today we are going to start by listening to a piece of music called

In the Hall of the Mountain King by a composer called Grieg

First of all, I would

Like you to listen and watch, then clap the rhythm. Do you remember what all your rhythms are called?


Next, we are going to compose our own body beat. First, listen to Ollie, he is using 4 names. I’d like you to choose 4 names and make up your own body percussion.

Lastly, I’d like you to listen to this.

This is John, one of my friends and he has

recorded this. Do you recognise this song?

Your family will recognise it too.

Can you spot how many instruments he is playing and what they are?


GoNoodle to get you moving – pick your own today


P.E – Choice

Pick an activity from the grid.



Friday Challenge – name the animal

Pick an animal and only use words to describe it, you can’t say the name! Pick an animal and think of ways to describe it, for example if I thought of a lion I might say “big, furry, scary, massive paws, very long and large teeth, longer hair around their face that looks red.” And hopefully someone will be able to guess the animal that you are thinking of.