Good morning P6, its is a much colder and wet day than we have become used to, hopefully it will dry up for the afternoon and you can get outside for a while. Your tasks for today re posted in Google Classroom and I have made a plan to follow below;
Task 1 – School Prayer – take some time to think of your friends and family and just as we would do in school, say your St Fergus’ Prayer to ask for their protection through this strange time.
Task 2 – Exercise – any exercise you want to do for 30 min, it will get your brain and body working for the day. Below is the link to Joe Wicks.
Task 3 – Writing – Using Fronted Adverbials – instructions are in Classroom. Replicate yesterday’s task but this time use fronted adverbials to make your sentences more engaging for your reader. Watch the video clip for some examples.
Task 4 – Health and Wellbeing – Joy – Take a photo of a person, a place or an item which brings you joy! If you can, upload it with an explanation of what it is and why.
This is mine.
Task 5 – Go Noodle – Join in with the stretching and release any tension you have in your body.
Task 6 – Maths – Adding and subtracting fractions – Revision of previous work, watch the video clip and complete the worksheets.
Task 7 – STEM activity – Does the design of football boots improve their performance? Watch the video clip and then create your own design.
I’m not in school today so message me at any time, I’ll be looking over previous work so you’ll hear from me throughout the day. Have a good day.
Mrs Coyle