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#Anti-bullying Week P3/4


Primary 3/4 have had a very busy week learning about Anti-bullying week. It all started on Monday when in our PAThS lessons we were talking about how we can control our emotions using our Control Signals. We talked about how this can help us if people are being unkind to us and how it can help us make good decisions, including talking to a responsible adult.

Tuesday saw the launch our of joint campus policy, ‘Respect for All’, and our new school value of ‘Together’.  We all listened to how we can work together to help both St David’s and Cochrane Castle pupils to do the best we can.

In the afternoon, both schools had assemblies from NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) to talk about what bullying can look like, it also gave children the opportunity to learn about how to be safe, whether at school, home or in public. All the children have told us (and hopefully you) about how much they enjoyed this event.

On Wednesday, Primary 4 children got the opportunity to visit the Poppy Bus (Bud Bus), where they learned about Veterans of the wars, how the poppy helps them and their families. It also gave the children the chance to create their own Poppy and to learn how they can show respect to Veterans for what they have done.

The week ended with Odd sock day to bring awareness to Anti-Bullying! Lots of people participated, which was great to see! Here are some of our crazy, odd socks below.

We then ended by designing our very own odd socks!

Next week is Book Week Scotland, so lots more exciting things to come!

Respect for All Policy

A huge thank you to all of our families, from both Cochrane Castle and St. David’s, who came along this morning to the launch of our new ‘Respect for All’ policy.

We hope you enjoyed the entertainment from our Campus Choir and also the information shared by our House and Vice Captains about our new policy.

If you would like to view the policy in full, please click on the picture below.


Autumnal Inspired Poetry

After collecting an array of crunchy, soft, smooth, jaggy, golden, brown or rough leaves outside, children then thought of adjectives and puns to create some autumnal pictures and poems.

“I’ve conquered the leaves….” -Austin

“We made a man from leaves and conkers,

He’s just hanging there,

But please don’t let him leaf”- Joseph and Preston

“St. David’s has been conquered!”- Caitlin

P3/4 Kelvingrove Museum trip

Last week, P3/4 visited Kelvingrove Museum to experience the Ancient Egypt exhibition. We were given a guided tour and our guide explained some of the artifacts the museum has, including a REAL Mummy!

We got to see lots of Egyptian artifacts and our guide explained lots of the different skills, we even got to dress up as an Egyptian Pharaoh and even Egyptian Gods.

Our day was made even more so, when we got the the very lucky opportunity to hold some real-life Ancient Egyptian artifacts.

We had a great day out and it helped us learn even more about our Ancient Egypt Topic!

Ascension Art

Using a variety of media including oil pastels and charcoal P6/7 created their own artistic interpretations of The Ascension today. Children then took time to self and peer assess their work using Post It notes which they found to be of value

P6/7 Cross Country

P6/7 All showed their sporty side as they competed in a cross country event yesterday. The rain held off and the sun even tried to peek through the clouds as our determined athletes gave it their all. Well done P6/7 for being a credit to yourselves and representing St. David’s so well!