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Greetings From Your School Counsellor

Hello St. David’s Primary School Families,

My name is Melissa and I am the school counsellor on West Johnstone Campus. I have been working at St. David’s since November and it has been such a joy getting to know your children.

I work for an organization called Place2Be which is a children’s mental health charity. Our mission is to enhance the wellbeing of children and their families by providing access to therapeutic and emotional support in schools. We believe in the whole school approach which means that we offer services to students, parents, and staff.

-Students have access to one-on- one counselling, Place2talk, group counselling and whole class sessions aimed at promoting social and emotional skills.

-One of the most critical elements that we offer for your students is a program called Place2Talk, which is a lunchtime self-referral service in which students can speak with a counsellor about any issues that they may be having.

-Parents have access to ‘parent partnership’ which is a service dedicated to helping parents navigate any parental challenges you may be facing.

-I am in the school on a part-time basis. Wednesday in the morning and all day on Thursday and Friday.  If you would like to speak to me, please do not hesitate in reaching out to me. My contact info can be found below. I also attend a lot of school events so say hello if you see me. I very much look forward to getting to know each of you!

Phone: 07976 229491


Mrs Granger’s back

Good morning.
To all the children and adults of St David’s, I wanted to say hello and let you know that I have returned from Mat leave. I hope that you are all keeping well and staying safe.  Sadly we are having to interact from a distance but I’m sure I’ll be seeing your happy faces and hearing your lovely voices in the not to distant future.  From next week I will be adding posts to the school blog and look forward to seeing your replies. until then I hope you  enjoy the sunshine that the weather report has promised.
Best wishes to you all
Mrs Granger.

First Communion and Confirmation Events

It is with great sadness that we must inform you that both our celebrations of these important Sacraments in May 2020 will not go ahead.

We have just received news from the Diocese of Paisley that First Holy Communions and Confirmations are postponed until a suitable time after the public health threat has passed.

I realise that you will have had plans to celebrate these special events and that this will be disappointing news for our pupils and families. We share this disappointment with you, but recognise the need to prioritise the health and safety of our school community.

Please be assured that when we are able, rearranging these special events will be a top priority for us and we will communicate new dates to you as soon as possible.

Outdoor learning – The Rain

Today Miss McAtear seen a break in the rain and we decided to go out and explore the changes rain brought to our playground.


When we were outside we noticed that it was

“wet and windy”

“there is a massive puddle”

”it’s soaking wet”

“it’s cold”

“our glasses go blurry”

“rain gets you wet’

We also took a vote and out of 15 children, 5 liked the rain and 10 did not.

The rain didn’t stay off for long, we got caught in it and by the time we returned to class it looked like this outside!

STEAM Dream Café

Our school community enjoyed an informative morning learning about all things STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) as we welcomed some special guests in to talk to us about a variety of jobs connected to these subjects.

We were joined by a mechanical director, a plumber, two quantity surveyors, an architect, a health and safety manager, an Olympic athlete, a manufacturing engineer, a joiner turned construction company director, a former actress, a systems design engineer and finally a structural engineer.

We had the opportunity to interact with our visitors and ask questions about their profession and how they use STEAM in their day to day job.

A great morning was had by all and it was great to see some family members joining in too

Quantity surveyor


Kelson asking the health and safety manager about his job


Having a sing and dance with a former musical theatre performer
Manufacturing engineer
Asking our athlete some interesting questions
Our architect

An opportunity to use some VR glasses

Winter time

Primary one outside
Puddle Jumping
A tree without leaves
Tree reflected in puddle.

Today primary one ventured out into the playground to explore the changes outside during winter. Our class were very good at explaining to myself and Mrs Lamont what the different changes were,

“There’s no leaves on the trees” Emily and Oliver

“The grass is wet” Kian

“The birds are picking up berries from the ground.” Grant

“It’s raining” Kelson

“The ground is wet.” Paul

Maicey said “There’s branches on the ground” and Amelia told us “that’s because it’s windy!”

Matthew was in charge of taking photos and he took some beautiful photos! My favourite is the trees reflected in puddles, “It’s like a mirror.”
