Category Archives: School Blog

Outdoor fun!

Primary 1 have enjoyed experiencing all the seasons over the last couple of days! We had a windy start to our day yesterday so decided to make some kites with Mrs Fletcher to fly high into the sky. Today we made the most of the rainy weather and puddles by creating water obstacle courses using pipes, stands, milk crates, buckets and watering cans. Then the sun decided to appear in the afternoon for outdoor PE with Sean and fun on the trim trail.  Miss Munro also put on a Power Rangers disco for us at lunch time! You really can experience all weathers in 24 hours! Have a look at our pictures below to see what we have been up to.

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Diocesan Mass for Families

Bishop John invites every family to our live-streamed Mass for Families at 11am on Sunday 21st March 2021.  Come and give thanks for the gift of our families as we mark the Year of St Joseph and the start of a special Year of the Family.  Sign up and add prayer requests here

Family Learning Survey Results – Mar 2021

Thank you so much to everyone who took part in the survey – all of your feedback is essential in us ensuring the Pupil Equity Fund and Attainment Challenge Fund budget is spent correctly for our school community.

Below you will see some of the summarised responses which we hope you find useful. We will use these in our discussions with CLD staff who support the programme as we plan for the future.