Category Archives: School Blog

The Lorax’s Warning

Primary 2 have been out on an autumn walk looking for signs that the season has changed. We know how important trees are and we can tell the season just by looking at them. We collected lots of things to investigate, leaves and acorns, beech nuts and branches.


However our Dr Seuss book The Lorax warns us what terrible things might happen if we don’t take care of our trees, our clean water and fresh air.

We explored this in our drama.

We were tall soft Truffula Trees waving gently in the breeze. Feeding the cute Bar-ba-loots our Fruits, when the grabby Once-ler came with family and friends to cut us down.

The brave Lorax told them to stop he was cross and proud and stern but the Once-lers would not listen.

They chopped down the beautiful Truffula Trees until there was not a one left… We were very sad.

But perhaps a tiny seed will see Truffula Trees again.

Golden Ticket Tea Party

Congratulations to all of our Golden Ticket winners who have been demonstrating our value of Respect and setting a good example to our school community.

Throughout the year, each class will nominate pupils who put our school values into action so we can celebrate them and the positive impact  this has on our school community.

Well done to this month’s winners!


Bricks in Space competition!

All of the classes in our school, recently took part in competition to create junk models with the theme to be space. This is to celebrate 50 years since Man landed on the moon. The competition is being run by Paisley First and is running alongside their ‘Bricks in Space’ showcase.

I am pleased to announce that several of our school models have made it to be displayed in and around Paisley Town Centre. In total, 6 models were selected and are on display at the following locations:

White Cart Company, High Street, Paisley.

Thomas Cook, High Street, Paisley.

Tom Baird Opticians, High Street, Paisley.

Baru Schoolwear, Moss Street, Paisley.

Morrisons Bed Centre, Lawn Street, Paisley

The school has also has a special mention and pictures of the children working on Paisley First’s website:

Local schools get creative with Bricks in Space

The event last right through the summer holidays until the 13th August 2019.

🌞Summer Trip🌞

We have all enjoyed a fabulous fun day at Heads of Ayr Farm Park today and are heading home tired, but with great memories together.

Thank you to our wonderful Parent Council for organising and funding this trip for our whole school and to everyone who has supported the Parent Council events throughout the year to make this possible.

Finally another thank you to our anonymous donor who made it possible for all the children to have an ice cream on the trip today as well – they were delighted!

Lunderston Bay – Outdoor Learning

Primary 6/7 had a fantastic day at Lunderston Bay for our last Outdoor Learning focus day of the session.

They lit lit fires on the beach and toasted marshmallows, making them into summores with chocolate digestives!

After lunch, everyone rolled up their trouser legs and had a paddle in the water!

’I’ve never toasted a marshmallow before this – this is AMAZING!’

’I thought I’d be scared of the fire but because I know how to do it safely now, I’m not scared.’

’I’m going to ask my dad if we can have a campfire in the summer holidays. I want to try roasting a marshmallow again.’

’I’ve never lit a match before – it’s easier than I thought and nowhere near as scary!’

St. David’s Family Picnic

We may not have had the  glorious weather of last year however we had a fabulous day in the good old Scottish weather to celebrate the feast of our patron, Saint David of Scotland.

Our annual family picnic was well attended by all generations of the Saint David’s school community and our school value of happiness was evident in the faces of everyone in attendance.

A huge thank you goes to all of our pupils (especially our new P1s who will join us in August), families and staff for making this day so special and demonstrating our school values in action.