Category Archives: School Blog

A huge well done to all of our pupils in Primary 7 who performed in two shows this evening at Johnstone Town Hall.

Alongside the P7s from Cochrane Castle, our P7s did a fantatstic job and showed their skills in drama, creativity, confidence and teamwork.

We can’t wait to see what the future holds for our pupils and we’re sure that they won’t be limited by anyone or anything.

Autumnal Inspired Poetry

After collecting an array of crunchy, soft, smooth, jaggy, golden, brown or rough leaves outside, children then thought of adjectives and puns to create some autumnal pictures and poems.

“I’ve conquered the leaves….” -Austin

“We made a man from leaves and conkers,

He’s just hanging there,

But please don’t let him leaf”- Joseph and Preston

“St. David’s has been conquered!”- Caitlin

Art Outdoors

Primary 2 have been making autumn art in class and at home. We have also been working with partners and as a team to use our artistic skills outdoors as well.

It was fun to see all the different things we could make as everyone had different ideas; love hearts, trees, what would you make?


We began by looking for anything unsafe and marked it to keep us safe.

Maths Week Scotland in P2

We have been looking at lots of different ways we use numbers and maths in our lives and jobs.

P2 said that we need to measure when we build things and when we cook. They also said that telling the time was important. We all need to be able to count our money.

We even looked at how we need shape in design and learned more about Kandinsky and Klee-famous artists who used shape in their paintings. We even used our Spanish to colour match our shapes.

We used tally marks to vote then filled in our graph. Which character was your favourite.

Sometimes we work best as a team.



P3/4 Maths Week

Primary 3/4 have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes this week. They have been learning about the amount of corners, sides and even lines of symmetry. To show the knowledge we had been learning we went outside to find as many 2D shapes as we could.

We found:

Tyres and signs in the shape of circles.

We found triangles in our Tim Trail and made some out of sticks.

And we found lots of squares.

We even decided to make shapes out of our bodies:

We will continue to learn about shapes but this was a fun way for everyone to enjoy Maths Week Scotland!