Category Archives: School Blog

Good job!

One of our pupils shared their fantastic progress in handwriting today. He was really proud to show me how much he has improved and what a lovely way to start the week. Well done!

Community Heroes

We have been blown away with the kindness and generosity of our school community today who have donated food items for our local Foodbank.

The House of Arran came up with the idea and felt it was a good way to make a difference to their local community whilst they could have some fun by coming to school dressed in their PJs and Onesies.

Huge thank you to everyone who has supported us to make a difference today.  #community

P4 Christmas Maths Challenge

If you are looking for a fun activity for the children during the holidays, why not try the Deputy First Minister’s Christmas Maths Challenge 2019. It is packed with Festive Puzzles you can pick and choose from to keep everyone entertained.

Click on the picture below to see a copy of the challenge. Paper copies will be distributed to Primary 4 pupils before the Christmas Break.

Want to know the answers? They’ll be available on the Making Maths Count blog from 6th January 2020.




St Andrew’s Day Family Celebration

Today we had our first Together Ceilidh to celebrate the feast of our patron saint, St Andrew.

We enjoyed a family quiz in the classroom areas  with a Scottish theme and the Richardson family showed off their geography skills by completing the map of Scotland.

In the hall, Mr Kerr treated us to a traditional bagpipe performance before showing off some new skills as our Ceilidh-caller. Our families, pupils and staff showed off their fancy footwork and most importantly we all had a fun afternoon together.

Thank you so much to all of the school community for making it a fun event!

Glorious Mud

P2 have been enjoying creating some delights in our new mud kitchen this month.

“I liked making stuff. We made soup with some salt, leaves and grass.” Jessica

” We were making macaroni. Jessica made the cheese sauce, I made the pasta. Campbell boiled the pasta and I stirred it. We feeded Mrs Fletcher.” Ellie

“We made mud pasta, we put mud in and mixed it. I liked you got muddy” Lucia

“I liked when we were cooking mud pie. We used grapes and rubbish and grass and we put a starfish on it” Millie

“There are so much resources to use. I like the scoop to scoop up the mud to make cheesy pasta.” Campbell


Active Schools Dance

Today I was invited along to the final Active Schools Dance club to watch the girls perform the dance routine they have been working on. It was lovely to see everyone participating in an activity which they clearly love and finding a way to have an active lifestyle in the future.

We have some very talented dancers! Fantastic way of demonstrating our shared value of Together.