Category Archives: School Blog

P2 Changes in Winter

P2 have been learning about the changes that happen in winter. Ellie told us it is darker, Sophie explained that is because our planet is further away from the Sun.Aiden reminded us that birds and animals need food in the winter but Evan said some animals hibernate. Jan explained that some animals dig under the ground to make a cosy bed. Lucia remembered that winter was a good time for robins. Jessica spotted a crows nest in one of the bare trees and explained that it was empty in winter.

We noticed that our Green Flag has been ripped in the wind and the rain. But Hope and Calum are looking forward to the snow coming. Lilly noticed how all the leaves were off the trees now and Lacey thought the cold was good and bad for plants. Millie said winter is  freezing and cold and our red hands show that but we still had fun playing outside.


Winter time

Primary one outside
Puddle Jumping
A tree without leaves
Tree reflected in puddle.

Today primary one ventured out into the playground to explore the changes outside during winter. Our class were very good at explaining to myself and Mrs Lamont what the different changes were,

“There’s no leaves on the trees” Emily and Oliver

“The grass is wet” Kian

“The birds are picking up berries from the ground.” Grant

“It’s raining” Kelson

“The ground is wet.” Paul

Maicey said “There’s branches on the ground” and Amelia told us “that’s because it’s windy!”

Matthew was in charge of taking photos and he took some beautiful photos! My favourite is the trees reflected in puddles, “It’s like a mirror.”


🌟End of term🌟

We have had a very busy week in the run up to the end of our Christmas Term.

After the successful foodbank collection by the Community Heroes group, the House and Vice Captain dropped all the donations to the collection point at St Paul’s. They were really grateful for the donation  and very impressed at the planning and organisation from Mrs Foy and the House of Skye. (Look out for them in the Gazette this week too)

We also enjoyed our last assembly of this decade and celebrated our pupils of the week as well as some birthdays. We heard from pupils throughout the school about the wider achievements including Top goal scorer at Glenvale FC, Best goal at Thorn FC, Cooking and Engineering badges at Scouts, homemade Christmas Crafts, Encouraging our school community to follow by example and recycle First Communion Dresses and also about the best Christmas Lights display in Johnstone (keep your eyes on the Gazette over the next few weeks for an article on that too!)

Finally we had our annual Joint Campus Christmas Carol Concert. We announced the winners of our ‘Together’ logo competition – well done to the winning families and we look forward to seeing the finished design in January. We had a record high attendance at the Carol Concert and we would like to thank each and every one of you for coming and along and supporting it – we hope you enjoyed it as much as our singers did!

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued suppport and participation in our school community. We wish you all a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Just a reminder that school re-opens on Monday 6th January 2020 and we look forward to seeing you all then.

#community #happiness #faith

End of Term

We would like to remind our school community that we have an open invitation to our friends and families to join us tomorrow for  Joint Christmas Carols with our friends in Cochrane Castle.

Doors will open at 1.50pm and we aim to start at 2pm. 

As well as spreading some Christmas cheer with our festive singing, we will also be revealing our new logo for our Joint Campus Value – Together.

#community #happiness #faith #together


Yesterday we had a fabulous visit to the Pavilion Theatre in Glasgow to watch their Christmas Panto – Pinocchio.

We had a fabulous time and are so grateful to the Parent Council who have fully funded this event for our whole school from all their events throughout the year.  They are always looking for new members, opinions and ideas so please consider coming along to one of their meetings in the new year and taking an active part in our school community.

We couldn’t have managed the trip without the support of our staff and parent helpers so a huge thank you to all of them for making this possible.

#happiness #community #achieving

Christmas Lunch

Today we joined together with our friends in Cochrane Castle to celebrate our Christmas Lunch. Our catering staff put on a fantastic spread with all the trimmings as always. We enjoyed pulling our Christmas crackers and enjoying some Christmas music while our staff and pupils had a chance to eat together.

#community #respect #together

Bambinelli Sunday

Yesterday we celebrated a special day with our wider school community at St Margaret’s Parish. Pupils from P7 attended and submitted their letter of commitment to Bishop John as part of their preparation for receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. P6 pupils attended also, and enrolled in the Pope Francis Faith Award scheme.

Our P4 and P5 pupils brought along the cribs they made as part of their learning in class about Bambinelli Sunday. Fr Paul gifted them all a blessed Baby Jesus figurine to be treasured at home.

Our pupils from the upper school also participated in their new role as part of the church choir and were absolutely fantastic as were our P4 pupils who lead the offertory procession.

It was a lovely service and a special reminder of how important it is to us here at St David’s to be part of the St Margaret’s parish community. Thank you to all the staff, pupils and families who supported it as well as the parishioners and Fr Paul.

#community #faith