Category Archives: School Blog

Parent and Carer Survey Response

Earlier this month, Renfrewshire Council asked parents and carers to submit their questions on schools and nurseries. Thank you to everyone who took part, there was a phenomenal response with more than 1,000 questions.  


Your most-asked questions were put to Steven Quinn, Director of Children’s Services, which you can see at You can also find answers to many more questions there too. 


Thank you for your continued patience and support for our school during this difficult time. We hope to see you back in our school as soon as it is safe to do so. 

Coping During COVID: Children and Families Wellbeing Support

We are all aware of the challenges, pressures and stresses that have arisen during the COVID-19 crisis and the unusual circumstances we all find ourselves in.

 To help children and families with wellbeing concerns arising during the COVID-19 school closure period, Renfrewshire Educational Psychology Service have set up a new service and it is already receiving positive feedback.

This service can be via email, call-back and signposting all  staffed by Educational Psychologists and Specialist Teachers, with an agreed level of confidentiality to parents and children.

The Support Helpline can be accessed by any Renfrewshire or Children’s Services Partnership team. If you feel that this would be of benefit to you or your family, then please get in touch with us through the current communication channels:

We are here to help and look forward to hearing from you.


Home Learning Survey Results

Thank you to everyone who responded to our survey – we have already started to take on board your ideas. For example, the launch of Seesaw last week which has been an amazing success.

The results speak for themselves, however we want to stress to you that we understand this is a difficult time for everyone but we are all in this together. Please don’t worry that you are not doing enough or that it seems other people are doing things differently. Do what you can, when you can – make sure your family are happy and healthy and let us know when or what we can do to help. The building may be closed, but the St David’s community is still here.

HT Update – End of week

We are now at the end of our 4th week of Home Learning and I would like to take this opportunity again to let you know how incredibly proud we all are to be part of the St David’s community.

It has been wonderful to hear from so many of you on the phone, via text, by email and on the Facebook page. We hope to speak to even more of you next week. Please remember we are always here if you need anything at all.

We want to make sure that we are getting Home Learning right for everyone and have created a brief survey to gather your opinions. It should only take a couple of minutes to complete and as always, your feedback is invaluable to determining our next steps.

You can access the survey by clicking on this link:

alternatively you can hover your phone/tablet camera over the QR link below:

A reminder that next week is a little different:

Monday 4th May – Online learning day

Tuesday 5th May – Online learning day

Wednesday 6th May – In Service Day – Children on holiday

Thursday 7th May – In Service Day – Children on holiday

Friday 8th May – Holiday

Monday 11th May – Online learning day

Well done everyone – have a great weekend.

Mrs Berry

Active Schools – Online Workshops

After an extremely successful online workshop pilot Active Schools are pleased to announce that they have just launched new sport specific workshops that will be released over the coming weeks.

In order to take part in any of these workshops please visit and sign up now. You will receive an automatic booking confirmation immediately and then on the specific Monday outlined on the confirmation you will receive a link to an online video which you can complete as many times as you like (please ensure to check spam/junk folders for the automated emails).

Active Schools will also post about this on their social media channels to make sure everyone is kept up to date. As an organisation during these challenging times, Active Schools just want to say a massive thank you for your continued support. They also want to thank everyone that joined us on their digital journey and please ensure to tag @RL4Leisure on Facebook and @RLSportServices on Twitter using the hashtag #RLSportAtHome to share your families skills.

Active Schools Update

We are sorry that our clubs and camps have had to be cancelled for a short while, but we are establishing something exciting and opening online workshops for all the family to take part in at home. That’s right – we will be hosting our workshops online to keep young people (and parents/guardians) active during this time, educating them and keeping their skills up to date. It’s important to us that we still deliver a service of value and provide young people with some normality in these times.

We are working in the background at the moment to establish our first Dance Workshop that will be released on Wednesday 25th March 2020. In order to take part in this workshop please visit and sign up now. You will receive an automatic booking confirmation immediately and then on Wednesday you will receive a link to an online video which you can complete as many times as you like (please ensure to check spam/junk folders for the automated emails).

We will also post about this on our social media channels to make sure everyone is kept up to date. As an organisation during these challenging times, we just want to say a massive thank you for your continued support. We also want to thank everyone that join us on our digital journey and please ensure to tag @RL4Leisure on Facebook and @RLSportServices on Twitter using the hashtag #RLSportAtHome to share your families dance moves.


Coronavirus – national school closure

Coronavirus – national school closure

The Scottish Government has announced schools across Scotland will close after Friday.

We are working with them to ensure continued support for children and families affected. We will provide more info as soon as we can.

Please follow the council on Twitter @RenCouncil or visit for the latest updates. Visit for health advice.