Category Archives: School Blog

Home Learning Tasks Primary One 24th June 2019

Hello Primary One,

I am so excited that you have found out your new teacher! Mrs Foy is an AMAZING teacher!!! I hope you are excited for Primary two!

Today I would like you to answer the questions below! This is so I can let Mrs Foy know a wee bit more about you!

I would love for you to sound out your answers to the questions (remember don’t worry about spelling) and I will send them over to Mrs Foy.

Love, Miss McAtear


Home Learning Tasks Primary One 23rd June 2020

Good Morning Primary One,

It’s a bit wet outside! I love the rain but not everyone does! If you are going a walk today remember your wellies to go puddle jumping in! 🙂

I am super proud of all the work you have been doing over the past 12 weeks!

Remember you can play sumdog or Teach Your Monster to read as well as these tasks!

Today’s tasks!


Using your flashcards can you practice the different sounds.

If you click on the picture below I have attached the sounds songs.

I’d love to see a video of you practicing your sounds! 🙂


Yesterday, we worked on number formation and they looked good! Today we are going to continue with number formation.

Can you make numbers out of different objects in the house such as toys or cutlery?

I look forward to seeing your pictures!

Expressive arts

Can you roll your dice and make a Picasso?

I would love to see a silly drawing from you!


Can you do all the exercised that your name spells out?

I look forward to seeing your work on SeeSaw!

Love Miss McAtear

Return to School Information for August 2020

As we are making our final preparations for our return to school in August 2020, we have attached some important information below which will tell you everything you need to know. As always, this information is subject to change – where this is required, we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.

You should have received a text message from the school today which informed you as to which group your child is in – please check the text to ensure you access the appropriate letter below based on the group your child has been allocated to. This information letter will let you know which days your child should attend and also any information about staggered start and finish times to help us maximise learning time on our return.

Please click on the links below to access the relevant information for your child. If you haven’t received a text message today, please contact the school office who can provide the required information and update your contact details.

We appreciate your patience and co-operation throughout this period of significant change. Please be reassured that we are doing everything we can to ensure a safe return to school for all pupils and staff.

If you have any questions with regard to any of this information, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Home Learning Tasks 22nd June 2020

Happy Monday Primary One!

I hope you have all had a good weekend! Did you do anything fun? It was my granny’s 85th birthday, so we had socially distant afternoon tea in the garden! Which was lovely!

Your work last week on on virtual school trip was fantastic!

Today’s tasks


Today I would like you to write a sentence on what your favourite part of primary one has been.

Your sentence should have a capital letter at the start and a full stop at the end! Don’t worry about spelling  just sound out all your words!

I have so many favourite parts of this year! I loved watching you in Everyone Loves a Baby! You were all superstars!


Using your number line, I would like you to practice writing your numbers out.

  • Are they all facing the right way?
  • Is there any numbers your stuck with the shape of?


Firstly we are going to do some mindfulness. We are going to concentrate on “I can…”

Can you tell me about something you can now do that you couldn’t before! This means you’ve defeated the “I can’t monster!”

I am looking forward to seeing all your work over Seesaw!

Love Miss McAtear



Home Learning Tasks 18th June 2020

Hello Primary One,

Miss McAtear and Mrs McLeish here today for the last day of our virtual school trip!

I have seen some brilliant work and yesterday I LOVED your drama videos!

Since we have to get the bus to the zoo. The first activity I want you to do is to sing the wheels on the bus.

Can you add a verse about going to the zoo?

I am looking forward to seeing your videos of you singing over seesaw!

At the Zoo we have to visit lots of animals, at each animal there will be a sign telling you facts about the animal!

I would like to try and read some of the animal facts below. There is some really tricky words in here so let me know what you can do!

You don’t need to do them all. Just the animals you like!

So we’ve had a wee walk round the zoo and seen lots of animals, you can see them live on this link.

Can you design a new enclosure for one of the animals?

The enclosure needs two things!

It needs to be fun and it also needs to make sure it meets everything the animal needs? Like a bed, eating area and somewhere to go to the toilet!

We’ve been to the zoo, we’ve seen all the animals but now we have to go home 🙁

Before we go home we get to go to the gift shop! Yayyyy!

You have 50p. What do you want to buy from the shop?

You can’t spend more than 50p! What did you buy?

Do you have any change left?

I am looking forward to seeing all your work on Seesaw!

I hope you have enjoyed our virtual trip. If you want to continue learning about the zoo then click below 🙂


Miss McAtear and Mrs McLeish.

Home Learning Primary One 15th June 2020

Happy Monday Primary One!

I hope you all had fabulous weekends! I would love for you to show me what you have been up to on Seesaw!

Today’s tasks


Can you practice the sounds using your flashcards?

What words can you make up with the flashcards? Can you show me?

Is there any sounds that you find difficult?

Have a go on Teach Your Monster to Read to practice your sounds?


We are going on a number hunt!!!

Today I would like you to see how many of the number 8 you can find in your house or when you are outdoors!

Can you write it down?

Can you take pictures?

Can you make the number 8?


Today’s task is a catch up task.

If you haven’t already can you complete a picture for your P7 buddy


Could you complete Miss Munro’s social distancing poster

I hope you have a lovely day! I can’t wait to see your work on Seesaw!

Lots of Love,

Miss McAtear!

New Online Interactive Parenting Course

Hello St. David’s Family,

Today I want to share with you about a new and awesome opportunity that Place2Be has created for parents.  Parenting Fast and Slow is a new interactive online parenting course that is fun and highly effective with helping parents makes positive changes for themselves’ and their children.

Parenting Fast & Slow is designed for parents with children aged 3-9 years old. You can learn new ways to help your child be calmer, more helpful, and learn better. There are fun film clips, cartoons and exercises. You can do the course on your mobile, tablet or laptop. The methods are proven to work, and you can practice putting your new skills into action at home from day one.

By doing this online course you will help your children become happier, more rounded, and easier to live with. You will get a better understanding of what makes them tick, and crucially, practical techniques on how to relate to them in a different way. You will find that your children are surprisingly responsive to the changes you make.


•    It’s proven to work: its principles have been successful in trials with over 10,000 children – you get more co-operation, fewer sulks and refusals!

•    Builds inner strength: by responding more sensitively to your child, they will carry forward a sense of security to all future relationships

•    Better learning: it shows enjoyable ways to read with your child that are proven to increase their reading age – and with fewer squabbles over homework!

•    Improves brain growth: applying the course principles develops the parts of the brain that affect learning, feelings and behaviour

•    It’s personalised: the quizzes tell you where you are at compared with other parents and children. As you go along, you write down your experiences which get stored privately in “My Portfolio” so you have a record of your progress

•    It’s interactive and fun: with exercises to help you learn new skills

•    Become part of our community: share tips and experiences with other parents.


If you would like to learn more, click here. I currently have several vouchers that parents can use to make this course free. If you have any questions or are interested in joining please reach out to me!



Call or Text 07976 229491


Greetings From Your School Counsellor

Hello St. David’s Primary School Families,

My name is Melissa and I am the school counsellor on West Johnstone Campus. I have been working at St. David’s since November and it has been such a joy getting to know your children.

I work for an organization called Place2Be which is a children’s mental health charity. Our mission is to enhance the wellbeing of children and their families by providing access to therapeutic and emotional support in schools. We believe in the whole school approach which means that we offer services to students, parents, and staff.

-Students have access to one-on- one counselling, Place2talk, group counselling and whole class sessions aimed at promoting social and emotional skills.

-One of the most critical elements that we offer for your students is a program called Place2Talk, which is a lunchtime self-referral service in which students can speak with a counsellor about any issues that they may be having.

-Parents have access to ‘parent partnership’ which is a service dedicated to helping parents navigate any parental challenges you may be facing.

-I am in the school on a part-time basis. Wednesday in the morning and all day on Thursday and Friday.  If you would like to speak to me, please do not hesitate in reaching out to me. My contact info can be found below. I also attend a lot of school events so say hello if you see me. I very much look forward to getting to know each of you!

Phone: 07976 229491


✨School Update✨

We know that there is lots of discussion about education and schools in the media and recognise that this is a  time of uncertainty for everyone in our school community.

Please be assured that behind the scenes, we are working hard within local and national guidance to prepare recovery plans which will allow the safe return of pupils and staff to school.  You can read an update from the Director of Children’s Services, Steven Quinn, here.

When we have the answers and plans, we will share them with you as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience and support during this time and want you to know that the safety and wellbeing of our children and staff is, as always, paramount.

We will be in touch very soon to share plans to support our new Primary 1 pupils and our current Primary 7 pupils with transition support at the end of the month. We are really looking forward to seeing some familiar faces and some new ones too.

In the meantime, please remember that we are still here. Here to support the pupils on their learning journey and also to support our school community – if you need to get in touch you can do so via our email, social media channels, Seesaw and by replying to a text message.

You will have received a text today with a link to our Annual Parent/Carer Survey – you can also access it by clicking here.  The survey remains open until 6pm on the 11th June – your views are essential to our planning for next session and beyond, and we would really appreciate it if you could spare a few minutes to share these with us.