Category Archives: School Blog

Primary 1 Parental Survey

Hello everyone,

In St. David’s we teach Emotional Literacy through our PATHS programme. Our PATHS co-ordinator, Katrina, would normally have a parent information afternoon to explain the programme in more detail. However, due to the current restrictions in place this is not possible in person. We would like to offer our Primary 1 parents the opportunity to attend an online information session on November 26th. To ensure we reach as many parents as possible I have created a very short survey to find out what time may suit you best. I would be very grateful if you could take a couple of minutes to fill this out.

Many thanks,

Miss Crawford

Parent/Carer Survey – Device Access and Online Connectivity

As we prepare to make increased use of Seesaw and our school blog in our school community (Home Shared Learning, communication etc), we would like to ask you about access to devices you have at home to ensure we are getting the content and delivery right for everyone. Please take a few minutes to respond to this questionnaire to help us achieve this. You can access the survey by clicking here or via this QR Code – simply hover your phone camera over this and it should take you directly to the survey:

Important Information for all Parents and Carers

Dear Parents and Carers


Just to keep you informed. Some of you may have read information already given by the council.


This is the relevant information for St David’s and Cochrane Castle:


FOR INFO ONLY: Test and Protect contact tracing at West Johnstone ELCC. NHS letter:




Mrs Berry and Mr Mothersole