Category Archives: School Blog

Catholic Education Week

Jesus is the Truth: it can be difficult, in the face of so many conflicting voices, to know which ones to trust. Jesus provides us with an eternal truth, on which we can build our school’s vision, values and aims, and on which our young people can depend throughout school and beyond.

Our mural which we launched this session represents our school vision, values and aims.  We have just received some of our printed versions of the mural and will be displaying these around the school and the grounds. What do our school values mean to you?

Catholic Education Week

Today we focus on Jesus as ‘The Way’. Every day, we strive to follow the way of Jesus.

Jesus is the Way: to follow the Way of Jesus gives us certainty and direction in our lives, particularly now when everything is so uncertain. We take comfort in our Sacred Spaces in class and the protected time we offer each day to prayer.

Our senior pupils engage in the Pope Francis Faith Awards which is a two year programme which encourages them to put their faith in to action while continuing to learn about the saints and the gifts of the Holy Spirit to inspire and enthuse them in their Spiritual development.

This week, our P1 pupils have been thinking about how they use their special gifts to follow the Way of Jesus – ask them to tell you more about this at home


Catholic Education Week

Catholic Education Week is a very important part of our school calendar and is celebrated each year in the month of November.

During this time, the Catholic Church in Scotland encourages schools, parishes and other agencies to work closely together in order to celebrate the successes of Catholic education, not only for young people,  but for society as a whole.

This year the theme for Catholic Education Week is:

 “Jesus Christ- The Way, The Truth and The Life”

We will be doing lots of learning and activities in class which we hope to share with you, as well as inspire you to reflect on this special theme at home too.

This week, our classes will be using the Catholic Education Week prayer in their own daily prayer routines – maybe you could try this together at home as a family too:

We’d love to see what you are doing at home on Seesaw too

Book Week Scotland – P3/4


At the end of Book Week Scotland, P3/4 are our focus class of the day and  have  showcased  their  love  of  reading  to  us  all

They had lost of fun exploring new books and also sharing some of their favourites.

Click here to listen to some of our pupils:




As part of the Read, Write Count initiative, they also had a bag gifting in class – you can click on the link to find out more about everything inside.

We would love you to share how you are using your bag and all the contents at home on Seesaw.

Anti Bullying Week

Today we rounded off Anti Bullying Week with our Odd Socks Celebration – it was great to see so many people taking part and recognising that we are all different and that is ok

We also watched a video during our Virtual Assembly from Respect Me all about Bullying and what you can do – our pupils told us that they enjoyed the video and found it informative.

Respect me have lots of information about bullying on their website  for children, schools and families. You can find out more by clicking here.

Book Week Scotland P2

Primary 2 and Mrs Foy have been enjoying Roald Dahl’s book The Twits and as part of their reading focus for Book Week Scotland, they have enjoyed a day full of activities.

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Inspired by Mr Twit, they wrote their own revolting recipe and then created this on a plate – why not ask them all about it at home and come up with your own fantastic recipes in the kitchen.

The pupils also designed Mr Twit himself and his disgusting beard – can you spot anything lurking in there?

Later this week, the P2 pupils will also receive their Read Write Count Bag from the Scottish Book Trust with lots of great activities to do together at home. We hope you enjoy it – click on the image below for more information on this.

Anti Bullying Week

When bullying is reported to us, we will investigate and work with everyone involved to manage bullying behaviour and restore relationships.

All our staff, partners and pupils are regularly reminded to be vigilant and report anything they are concerned about.

We always listen to both sides of the story and treat everyone with respect. We rely on working closely with families to ensure we find a way forward that is suitable for everyone.


This year, Odd Socks Day is being promoted by Anti Bullying Week organisers as a way to show that our differences are what make us unique and we should celebrate them. If you would like to join in, your child is encouraged to come to school tomorrow, Friday 20th November, wearing odd socks – the sillier the better!