Category Archives: Primary 6/7

🌞Summer Trip🌞

We have all enjoyed a fabulous fun day at Heads of Ayr Farm Park today and are heading home tired, but with great memories together.

Thank you to our wonderful Parent Council for organising and funding this trip for our whole school and to everyone who has supported the Parent Council events throughout the year to make this possible.

Finally another thank you to our anonymous donor who made it possible for all the children to have an ice cream on the trip today as well – they were delighted!

Lunderston Bay – Outdoor Learning

Primary 6/7 had a fantastic day at Lunderston Bay for our last Outdoor Learning focus day of the session.

They lit lit fires on the beach and toasted marshmallows, making them into summores with chocolate digestives!

After lunch, everyone rolled up their trouser legs and had a paddle in the water!

’I’ve never toasted a marshmallow before this – this is AMAZING!’

’I thought I’d be scared of the fire but because I know how to do it safely now, I’m not scared.’

’I’m going to ask my dad if we can have a campfire in the summer holidays. I want to try roasting a marshmallow again.’

’I’ve never lit a match before – it’s easier than I thought and nowhere near as scary!’

St. David’s Family Picnic

We may not have had the  glorious weather of last year however we had a fabulous day in the good old Scottish weather to celebrate the feast of our patron, Saint David of Scotland.

Our annual family picnic was well attended by all generations of the Saint David’s school community and our school value of happiness was evident in the faces of everyone in attendance.

A huge thank you goes to all of our pupils (especially our new P1s who will join us in August), families and staff for making this day so special and demonstrating our school values in action.


P6 Safe Kids

Say cheese everyone!

P6 spent an afternoon at Lapwing Lodge taking part in a variety of discussions all focused around staying safe.

We heard from the fire service, Police Scotland, the transport police, Renfrewshire warden service and many more.

It was a great reminder on how to behave responsibly both in our community and online.

P6/7 Masterchefs!

Primary 6/7 have been cooking up a storm!

Today they were given a recipe to make their own pizzas from scratch. They had to measure all of the ingredients, follow all of the steps to mix and knead the dough, roll it out and then top with tomato pizza sauce and cheese. They then had to use the oven carefully and time their pizzas to perfection!

They also made some extra pizzas and shared them with the rest of the school, who all gave them the thumbs up!

If you would like to try out their recipe then you can find it by clicking here.

Here are a few photos of them in action!

How Good is My Learning

Don’t forget tonight is our 3rd How Good is My Learning of the session. The event will be held in the Dining Hall tonight and we’re looking forward to seeing you.

Tonight our House Captains will be asking you to complete our Annual Parent Survey. Your views are really important to us and help us to identify our strengths and also what we need to work on.

You can access it at the link below:

We will also have iPads in the hall tonight and QR codes available if you would prefer to complete it on your own device. If you would prefer a paper copy or any help to complete this, please let us know and we’ll arrange it.

P6/7’s Journey Sticks

On Monday afternoon, Primary 6/7 went out for a walk to create a Journey Stick.

First of all they had to find their partner after choosing a ball at random – we had pairs such as Woody and Buzz, Mickey and Minnie and Mario and Luigi!

With their partner, the pairs then went for a walk and exploration around a part of The Bluebell Woods, collecting natural items. These items were tied onto their journey stick, in order, so that they could retell the story of their journey using the items as a reminder.

P6/7 also had a great time exploring the natural surroundings – even finding part of a tree trunk which became a throne and another huge tree trunk which was big enough to fit the whole class onto!


Raffle Winners

Well done to all our lucky Raffle winners today. There are still a few prizes to be collected:

Bowen Therapy Gift Voucher – Caitlin Ellis

Marshall’s Gift Voucher – Caitlin Ellis

£5 Peacocks Voucher – Patricia Torrance

£10 Peacocks Voucher – Vincent Torrance

McDonald’s Linwood Voucher – Ellie Gorman

Johnstone Print Centre Voucher – Ellie Gorman

Domino’s Pizza Voucher – Elizabeth McWilliams

Christmas Tea Hamper – Jakub Swistak

Luxury Hamper – Ryan Haigh

Please contact the school office to arrange collection of your prize. Once again thank you to everyone who supported the raffle and the school fayre today – this is an important fundraiser for our school community and your support is greatly appreciated.

A huge thank you also goes to all our raffle prize donors whose generosity and commitment to their local community sets a great example to us all.