Category Archives: Primary 1

Merry Christmas!

We would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone in the St. David’s community a very Happy and Healthy Christmas!

We know many of you have been missing our traditional, annual Christmas activities and celebrations, and in particular, our Nativity performance! Usually, our whole school would be involved either with acting parts, as narrators, musicians or singers, but this year we had to adapt to our current situation and instead our Primary 1s along with support from Primary 7 narrators have become Youtube stars instead! We hope you enjoy watching this year’s performance of ‘Rock the Baby’ as a family and that next year we will be back to ‘normal’ and can have you in as a live audience once more.

Please leave us some feedback on the performance on Seesaw or Facebook.


Rock the Baby – Sneak Peak

We are delighted to share a ‘sneak peak’ of our Primary 1 pupils who have been working hard with Miss Crawford, Mrs Lamont and Miss Munro to prepare this year’s nativity show.

Our current Primary 7 pupils are very familiar with the show as they performed this when they were P1 pupils themselves. They have the very important role of narrating the show this year.

The show will be a bit different this year but we can’t wait to share it with you as soon as our Christmas Elves are finished in the editing room.

Primary 1 Book Week Scotland Part 3!

Hello again everyone,

We have had such a busy day full of lots of fun activities.

This afternoon we discussed all three books now that we have had some time to read them together. In St. David’s we talk about our 3 sharings – likes/dislikes, puzzles and connections.

Here are some of our 3 sharings. We hope it inspires you to read our new books at home 🙂

Likes/Dislikes – “I liked this book because it was so funny!” Aleeah

Puzzles – “I am confused about the sheep not realising that Brenda is a wolf!” Finn

Connections – “I have a jumper like that in my house.” Bella

Likes/Dislikes – “I didn’t like that the dog scribbled on the book.” Laila

Puzzles – “How does the dog know how to use the crayon?” Kyle

Connections – “My dog Poppy lies down the same was as the dog in the story.” Kaiden

Likes/Dislikes – “I really like the pictures.” Carter

Puzzles – “I didn’t know the right name for some of the birds but now I do.” Calvin

Connections – “I can see some of those birds at my house.” Michael

We hope you have enjoyed joining us for Book Week Scotland today.

Speak to you again soon,

Primary 1 🙂

Primary 1 Book Week Scotland Part 2!

Welcome back!

After playtime today we had a very special gifting session in class. Each November Bookbug gives every Primary 1 pupil in Scotland a free bag of books and resources to inspire a lifelong love of reading, writing and counting. The Bookbug Primary 1 Family Bag contains the three shortlisted titles for The Bookbug Picture Book Prize.

The bag also contains lots of great resources including an activity booklet, a whiteboard and pen, Bookbug colouring pencils and a numeracy game.

Our class have voted for our favourite book already – This is a dog.

We hope you have lots of fun with this at home!

Check in later for our final post of the day 🙂

Primary 1.



Primary 1 Book Week Scotland Part 1!

Good morning everyone,

Today it’s Primary 1’s turn to show you a little of what we are up to for Book week Scotland. We start each day with some paired reading. We got some new books for our library so it was very exciting deciding what one to choose.

Our first  read was “Brenda is a sheep”. We loved this story but Brenda is definitely NOT a sheep!

Brenda asked us to follow up with some tasks which were very fun. We had to create a new grass food menu with lots of tasty teats for the sheep. Some delicious ideas included grass crisps, grass pizza and grass ice-cream – what a feast! Brenda found it tricky to go to sleep at the right time so we drew the time we go to bed and the time we get up on analogue clocks for her to give her some helpful tips 🙂

Then we listened to a short clip from Morag Hood who is the author of Brenda the Sheep. She asked if we could design some woolly jumpers to help all the sheep in the winter months. I’m sure you will agree we have some great designs!

Check back later for some more updates of what we are getting up to today for Book Week Scotland 2020.

See you soon,

Primary 1 🙂



Anti Bullying Week 2020

This week we celebrate Anti Bullying Week in our school and across the nation. We are also marking one year since we launched our Joint Campus ‘Respect for All’ Policy which sets out strategies and guidance to promote equality and respect for all in our school community.

This week, we will share some daily reminders with you about our Respect for All policy. If you would like to read more about it, you can click here. As always, please get in touch if you would like to discuss this further.

Primary 1 Parental Survey

Hello everyone,

In St. David’s we teach Emotional Literacy through our PATHS programme. Our PATHS co-ordinator, Katrina, would normally have a parent information afternoon to explain the programme in more detail. However, due to the current restrictions in place this is not possible in person. We would like to offer our Primary 1 parents the opportunity to attend an online information session on November 26th. To ensure we reach as many parents as possible I have created a very short survey to find out what time may suit you best. I would be very grateful if you could take a couple of minutes to fill this out.

Many thanks,

Miss Crawford