All posts by Mrs Kirk

Diocesan Family Gathering


You are warmly invited to come along to this event for the Year of the Family at St. John’s Barrhead from 2 pm on Sunday 12th June 2022. Bishop John will celebrate Mass at 4 pm. The event will include light refreshments, a family craft activity, and rosary at the Grotto in the church grounds.

We extend a particular welcome to all recent First Holy Communion classes, and those who have just received the Sacrament of Confirmation!


Health & Wellbeing Survey

Over the next few weeks, our local authority is planning to ask all pupils in P5 to S6 to take part in a survey about their health and wellbeing. The findings will help our local authority to understand the needs, strengths and possible concerns of children and young people, which will help plan future improvements to local services. Parents have already received a letter that will have provided them with more detailed information about the Census, and provided them with the opportunity to let us know if you don’t wish your child to take part.