Home Shared Learning Primary One 16th June

Happy Tuesday Primary One!

I am so excited because today we are off the to Zoo! (Virtually!)

Before we go to the zoo,

We have some tasks we’ve got to do!

Primary one because we didn’t get a class trip this year I have decided to go virtual trip to one of my favourite places!

Edinburgh Zoo!

Before we go on our trip I need some help planning our trip!

Our first task today is all about the animals!

Can you write me a sentence on what your favourite animal is and why?

Can you also draw me a picture of your animal?

If your feeling really keen you can do more than one animal!

Our next task is to plan our day at the zoo?

The bus leaves the school at 9.00am and we get to the zoo at 10.00am (the driver drives very fast!)

What animals do you want to visit ? There are pictures below and a map!

Can you put your day in order? Remember we’ll need to have lunch!

We need to leave the zoo at 3.00pm!


We have to remember and stay safe at the zoo!

Can you think of ways to keep yourself safe at the zoo?

Do you remember our 999 song? Can you sing it to someone at home?

I look forward to seeing all your tasks on Seesaw and for day 2 of our Zoo trip prep! šŸ™‚


Miss McAtear