Primary 1 Friday 15th May

Good Morning Primary 1


For a little change, can you practise saying the months of the year?


Which month are we in just now?  Which month is it going to be next? Which month comes after January? Which month comes before August?


Now can you count up to 10 in Spanish….


Fabulous, well done. Can you tell an adult how you are feeling today in Spanish? (adult: fantastico, bien, regular or mal)




Warm up….


  • Can you count down in 2’s from 10 to 0?
  • Can you count on from 9 up to 27?
  • Can you count back from 22 and stop at 15?


Task: Continued from yesterday….


  • Get the table you completed yesterday… (the one about transport)
  •   Can you ask an adult to help you draw a graph like this….
  • For each vehicle type, look at the total and draw a happy face for each one that you saw.
  • Once finished,  your work might look something like this….
  • Is it easy to see from your work which form of transport was the most common?
  • Is it easy to see from your work which mode of transport was the least common?
  • Do you think this is a good way to show information?
  • For even more of a challenge, you can make something like this for the other information you collected yesterday?




In your Learning Packs you will find 4 word walls…


Practise reading word walls out loud with an adult. Keep practising every day to grow your reading skills. Now choose 4 words from your word walls and ‘Spiderman’ or ‘Elsa’ spell the word. (note: while saying each letter of the word shoot the letters out of wrist for Spiderman or pretend to freeze objects as you say the letters for Elsa)



  • Resources: a book, pencil, paper, dice
  • Choose your favourite bedtime story
  • Open it up at one of the pages
  • Roll the dice
  • The number that the dice lands on will be the number of letters in a word you are looking for e.g. if you roll a number 4 then you must search for a word on the page that has four letters and write the word down
  • Do this 4 times


Challenge: how many 6 letter words can you find on the page? Can you find a word which is more than 6 letters?

Health and Wellbeing


Resources: empty washing basket, 3 balls (or use the same ball three times if you don’t have 3)

  • Put the washing basket in the middle of a room
  • Stand 1.5 meters back form it
  • Have 3 shots at trying to get the ball into the basket
  • Challenge: try to stand 2 meters away from the basket!

Have a good day,


Mrs. McLeish