Primary One Home Learning Tasks 17th June 2020

Hi Primary One,

I was super impressed with all your work yesterday! The drawings of animals were AMAZING! Well Done!

I look forward to seeing what you send me on Seesaw today!

We are continuing with our preparation for our virtual zoo trip!

The first task today is to research about your favourite animal and tell me one fact about them?

What did you use to research?

You can either write your fact down or send me a video via seesaw! 🙂

When we are at the zoo we have to go and watch the penguin parade! It is one of Miss McAtear’s favourite things to do at the zoo! It’s a bit smelly though!

You can watch the penguin parade here.

One of the penguins has been a bit silly and has gotten lost from his rookery, which is what a group of penguins are called. Can you help guide him back to the group?

Can you use directions such as forward, backwards, right, left and turn?

Today’s last task is a bit of drama!

Can you think of all the animals at the zoo and send Miss McAtear a video on seesaw of you acting like the animal?

How does the animal move?

What noises do they make?

If your interested you can watch the penguins on the penguin cam!

I hope you enjoy today’s tasks.

Lots of Love,

Miss McAtear