Bambinelli Sunday

Yesterday we celebrated a special day with our wider school community at St Margaret’s Parish. Pupils from P7 attended and submitted their letter of commitment to Bishop John as part of their preparation for receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. P6 pupils attended also, and enrolled in the Pope Francis Faith Award scheme.

Our P4 and P5 pupils brought along the cribs they made as part of their learning in class about Bambinelli Sunday. Fr Paul gifted them all a blessed Baby Jesus figurine to be treasured at home.

Our pupils from the upper school also participated in their new role as part of the church choir and were absolutely fantastic as were our P4 pupils who lead the offertory procession.

It was a lovely service and a special reminder of how important it is to us here at St David’s to be part of the St Margaret’s parish community. Thank you to all the staff, pupils and families who supported it as well as the parishioners and Fr Paul.

#community #faith