For daily updates and photographs follow us on Twitter: @stcatherinespsy
We are getting ready for Maths Week Scotland! Every class has exciting experiences planned with a focus on outdoor learning and community engagement. We look forward to welcoming our Parent/Carers to our mental maths workshops led by our Primary 7 pupils #mathsweekscot
A reminder that the cost of meals in all Renfrewshire Council schools has changed. Grab and Go Days are now £2.05, while the cost of both Dine in Days and a paid for nursery meal will be £2.25 from 15th August 2018. All children in P1 to P3 are eligible for a free school meal.
We are looking forward to seeing all of our wonderful children on Wednesday morning. Doors open for Breakfast Club at 8.15am. Relaxed entry from 8.55am. 9.15am for our new P1 children on Wednesday only, parents are invited to come in for a quick photograph opportunity!
We respectfully request that during this period of building works that you refrain from parking in the staff car park. Please ensure that you follow the suggested pathways using the arrow signs. Please do not cut through the car park but follow the suggested pathway. During this period of time it is important for us all to keep in mind that at the end we will have an even better school!
Each year the school makes a plan detailing key priorities for improvement. Staff, pupils, parents and partners have contributed to this plan. We have collated the responses from consultations held throughout the year from all stakeholders including the most recent questionnaires and surveys regarding the spending of our PEF allocation. Our PEF plans will be outlined within our School Improvement Plan, which will be available to you in the new term. Thank you as always for your continued support.
We are always trying to find ways to communicate with you and we have recently joined Twitter, please be patient as we are new to this!
We will continue to communicate with you through our school website, text messaging system and our monthly newsletters.
Twitter is another great way to keep informed of up and coming school events and up to date information. It is also a fantastic way to inform you of opportunities available to you within the local community such as volunteering, college, university courses and current employment opportunities. Keep your eyes peeled!
We hope that you find this additional way of communicating with you useful.
We are delighted that St Catherine’s Primary has been selected to receive a brand new roof and cladding. This is major building works and as such a plan has been put in place to ensure minimal disruption to our day and the safety of our school community.
Please ensure that you read and follow the signs and the suggested pathways and I will keep you updated with the progress of our building works.
During this time Niree’s bench will be temporarily placed inside the school to ensure it is not damaged. It will return to its home when work is complete.
Now that we are in the summer term, we hope the weather will be kinder to us. Please consider providing a hat and applying sun screen to children on hot days. The children should come to school with a water bottle and there are always opportunities for them to refill this during the day.