All posts by A. stcatherinesp


Term 4 Newsletter 2023 2024

Term 2 Newsletter 2023 2024

Newsletter January 2023

August-September Newsletter 2022 2023

Newsletter Term 4 2022

St Catherine’s Newsletter Online Safety

Newsletter Term 3 2022

Newsletter August 2021 2022

 2021School Newsletter End of Term 2021

School Newsletter February/March 2021

Newsletter January 2021


Newsletter OCTOBER 2020

Newsletter August September 2020

School and ELCC Newsletter May 2020

Newsletter March 2020

Newsletter February 2020

Newsletter January 2020

Newsletter DECEMBER 2019

Newsletter OCTOBER 2019

Newsletter August 2019

End of Term Newsletter June 2019

Newsletter April 2019

Newsletter March 2019

Newsletter February 2019

Newsletter January 2019

Newsletter DECEMBER 2018

School Access / Inclement Weather

Please be aware that during the winter months, pavements around the school may be slippery. The playground areas could also be icy. Everyone is asked to take extra care and use the safest routes and those which have been gritted. The council policy is that only main walking routes/pathways in and out of the building will be treated with grit. A very big thank you to Mr O’Neill for doing more than required to keep our families safe. Mrs Henry is very grateful to have the best janitor in Paisley!

Sacrament Dates

In order to give you us much notice as possible I would like to share the following dates with you for your diary.

  • P4 Sacrament Parent/Carer Meetings: 27th November 2018 at 6.30pm
  • P7 Sacrament Parent/Carer Meetings: 27th November 2018 at 7.15pm
  • P4/P7 Mass Of Commitment: 9th December 2018 at 10am
  • P4 First Holy Communion: 11th May 2019 at 10am
  • P7 Sacrament of Confirmation: 15th May 2019 at 7pm
  • P4/P7 Mass Of Thanksgiving: 19th May 2019 at 10am

Term 2 Catch Up

Reminder to all Parent/Carers Early Learning and Childcare Class to P7. Tomorrow at 2.15 is our Term 2 catch up. Come along and find out how we are progressing with our School Improvement Plan. This is a fantastic opportunity to let us hear your views too. The kettle will be boiled!!!

Dates for your diary!

12th October – Own clothes day (£1 donation)

Last day of term

22nd October – In-service Day

23rd October – Pupils return to school

26th October – Families First HOPE sessions begin

25th October – Halloween Disco

30th October – NSPCC Parent/Carer Online Safety Workshop 2pm

31st October – Final P3-P4 Tech Lit Café session

7th November – P5-P7 Tech Lit Café sessions begin

12th November – Anti-bullying week

19th November – Book Week Scotland

20th November – P1 and P7 Class Photographs/ P1-P7 family photographs

25th November – Catholic Education Sunday Mass St Mirin’s Cathedral

29th November – Parent Coffee Afternoon – School Improvement Priorities

30th November – Holiday

6th December – Christmas Fayre

7th December – Whole School Pantomime ‘Beauty and the Beast’

14th December – Nursery Christmas Show am/pm

17th December – P1 –P7 Christmas Show pm performance

18th December – P1 –P7 Christmas Show am performance

19th December – P1 –P7 Christmas Show pm performance

20th December – Nursery – P7 Christmas Parties

21st December – 2.30pm finish/Own clothes day (£1 donation)

7th January – Term 3 begins! Staff and pupils return to school



Free Books for Schools


We are collecting tokens from The Scottish Sun in a bid to claim 105 free Collins Big Cat books. Tokens can be collected from The Scottish Sun with additional bonus token days on offer too up until 18th November. Please send tokens in to school with your child or hand them in to our school office. We appreciate your support with this.