Health Week

We have enjoyed taking part in outdoor art activities using natural resources and bubble painting too! Great fun!

Our outdoor classroom is looking great! We all planted vegetables and flowers. We are hoping to make soup in the new session!

What a fabulous day out to Heads of Ayr Farm Park. The whole school had a fantastic day out and as always our children were beautifully behaved. A few nodding heads could be seen on the bus on the way home…and that was just the teachers! Thank you again to our parent helpers, we couldn’t do it without you.

What a great Sport’s Day was had by all. Thank you to all of the parents/carers for attending and to Mr McKay and our Trinity High School helpers for ensuring everything ran so smoothly. The children enjoyed coming back in to school after their races for a nice cold drink and some fruit! Thank you everyone for another successful Sport’s Day.

Primary 6 delivered presentations to the whole school today on having a growth mindset, well done Primary 6 we are all feeling very positive!

We enjoyed a taster session of the Massaging School’s Programme today and are feeling very chilled out!

We have also participated in workshops from the NSPCC and from our Community Learning Officer, informative and fun!

The children are looking forward to Soccer Aid tomorrow which has been organised by our enterprising Primary 7 and Primary 4 classes.