Friday Morning Learning Activities ( 15.5.20)

Good Morning Everyone! 

Hope you are all feeling well and wide awake this morning.

What is the weather like today?

Today is Friday the 15th of May

Warm up an wake up your bodies. Try this squat challenge – ask an adult to join in with you!

Did you manage to keep it up all the way through the song without giving up? Are your legs burning? Give your self a good shake!


We are going to keep practicing Subtracting Tens and Units today.

Activity 1

  • Play a game on sum dog or Top Marks to warm up your brain.

Activity 2

  • Choose a maths activity challenge:

subtraction 1 digit – 2






Roll the dice again to reflect on your learning.

Literacy Tricky words

Tricky Words

said   have   like   come   some   what   when

Draw a picture and fit these tricky words into it. Try and put them in different places. They could be on the tree trunk, in the windows, around the edge of the house, in the leaves or in the sun rays. Write each word 5 times. You could draw a picture of :

Or you can think of your own idea.

Time for lunch 




Maths: Adding with words

Every number digit has a number word that matches.

Number Posters Classic Colors {0-20 with Ten Frame, Number and ...

Read the number words, do the calculation and write the answers in words.

six add three makes _____      five add seven equals ____

ten add eight makes ____        nine add four equals ____

two plus one equals _____        one plus nine makes ____

eleven plus seven equals ____     fourteen add six makes ____

nineteen take away four makes ___  seventeen minus eleven equals ___

twelve plus eight makes ___     twenty take away seven is ___

   When we write bigger numbers all we do is add the numbers 1 to 9 to the  bundle of ten word. For example 48 is forty-eight. 

Counting By Tens Charts

Write these digits as words.

45 _____59_____32_____88_____


Feeling brave? Try these super hard calculations!

twenty-four add seven makes ________

thirty-six minus ten makes _____

forty-two plus nine is ________________

seventy nine take away three is ___

fifty-eight minus two equals _________

ninety-eight take away seven makes __

Can you make up your own number word problems?

Odd and Even Numbers Revision

Odd or Even?

a) 3   b) 8   c) 11    d) 15  e) 20  f) 27  g) 32

h) 44  i) 51  j) 89  k) 106

Monday Maths 11.5.20

Number Bonds to 19 Revision (Think about the place value, tens and units too!)



If that is easy then try these:

5+4+__=20           7+3+__=19

11+3+__=23          9+3+__=27

14+2+__=26         20+10+__=50

2. Log into 


Friday morning learning activities

Good Morning Primary 2.

Today is: Friday the 1st of May

Shake up, wake up and boogie! We will join in with you too!


Maths Time

Starter activity

Choose Day 1 – Write the answers in your jotter.



Today we are learning about standard units that are used to measure weight or mass. 

  • We use scales to measure grams (g) A gram is a small unit of measurement that we use to measure how heavy or light something is. We would use grams to measure: flour, sugar and  butter.
  • We also use scales to measure kilograms (kg). Kilograms are a larger unit of measurement that we use to measure how light or heavy something is. We would use kilograms to measure: people, potatoes, a suitcase.


Play the game on the PowerPoint below.


 Maths Task

Your challenge today is to make something in the kitchen with an adult. It has to be a recipe where you have to weigh something. Enjoy making it and eating it!

Here are some easy recipe ideas:


Time to take a break


Task 1

Write the ingredients that you used for your recipe neatly in your home learning jotter. If you would like to, you could write instructions on how you made them. Take a photo and draw a picture of what you made.

Reading Task

Make a den or find a special place to read a book. When I was a little girl I used to hide behind the sofa and my book. I liked it because there was a nice warm radiator there. If you are making a den, ask an adult first if it is ok.







You can choose your own book or listen and read along with the story below called No Matter What by Debi Gliori.

Click on the link below and you can read the story your self now.

Time to think 

 Lunch Time 

Enjoy your lunch

I thought you maybe enjoy listening to a song called ‘Food Glorious Food’ from the musical ‘Oliver’ which is based on the book Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. Charles Dickens is a famous author who lived during Victorian times. 

Hopefully you wont get gruel for lunch!


See if you can find out what gruel is, maybe you can leave us a message!





Monday Morning 27.4.20

Good morning Primary 2! We hope you all had a lovely weekend. Here is our morning song, sing and dance along to wake you up!

Morning Starter Activity

How many words can you make out of these letters?

Sound of the Week 

We are used to long vowel sounds using magic ‘e’ but this week we are going to look at a different long vowel sound: ‘ea’

‘ea’ makes the same sound as ‘ee’ and ‘e_e’. Where e_e has a silent e at the end of the word, ‘ea’ mostly found at the middle of a word e.g. beak, leak, cheap. However, there are some words that do end in ‘ea’ e.g. tea, flea, sea

Remember the rule, when 2 vowels go walking, the first one does the talking. In this case the e in ‘ea’ is in charge and makes the long e sound!

Let’s visit Geraldine the Giraffe:


  1. Have a go at reading the words in the list below, remember your reading strategies to help you if you get stuck.
  2. Pick 6 ‘ea’ words and write them down and draw it in your jotter.
  3. Choose 4 ‘ea’ words to write 4 sentences. Get an adult to help you if with words you are unsure of spelling. They can model it and you can copy it down.
  4. Read your sentences out to someone.

Reading Time 

Did you know you can access reading books for free online? is providing access to free reading ebooks. All you need to do is get an adult to sign you up. Here is the link below to get you started. If you do not know which level/band to read then look at the back of your reading book in your homework pack to start you off. If the book is too easy for you then try non-fiction as they can be trickier or jump up a band. If you are finding a book tricky then jump down a band until you become more confident and familiar with your tricky words and phonics. Remember it doesn’t matter, as long as your are having a go at reading. Any problems or questions then leave a comment.

Break Time – Have a snack, go to the toilet and have a 15 minute play!

Maths Time!

Watch the video to recap telling time using o’clock’ and ‘half past’

Length : Non-standards units of Measurement

This week we will focus on measurement. What is measurement? Why is it important? Can you think of some everyday examples of measurement?

There are different units of measurement but today we will revise non standard units of measurement used to measure length. Length is the measurement of distance, how long something is from one end to the other. Length can be measure in many ways, can you think of some?

Today we will be using non standards of measurements, like hands, feet, cubes. Did you know you can use any object to measure the length of something,  as long as you follow these rules:

Watch the clip below:


  1. Find something in your home (sweets, pasta, paper clips, lego bricks, tins etc, make sure they’re the same size) that you could use to measure the length of :
  • a book
  • a bottle
  • pencil
  • a toy

2. Get some paper and draw around your hand and cut it out. Now draw around your foot and cut it out. Can you use lego bricks, pasta, etc. to measure how long your foot and hand is?

3. Let’s use your ‘hand’ to measure the length of larger objects. Go around your home and use your ‘hand’ to measure 4 objects!  Record your answers in your jotter or notebook.

4. Now repeat the above but this time using your ‘foot’ and record your answers. You can record your answers in a table like the one below. What did you notice?

5. What is the problem of using non standard units of measurement like hands and feet? To help you answer this, go and draw around a family member’s hand or/and foot. Cut it out and use it to measure the same 4 objects from before. What did you notice this time?

Finishing Task/ Plenary

Remember to wash your hands before you have your lunch.


Friday Morning Activities

Good Morning Primary 2. Hope you are well today and  ready to enjoy your learning activities this morning. 

Today is Friday 24th of April



Wake and shake yourself up with this dance before we get started.


Click on the link below. There are a number of handwriting sheets with the first 100 high frequency words. You can do one sheet or as many as you you would like. Remember it is quality not quantity.  If you are able you can print them or just copy a page neatly into your jotter.

Don’t forget

  • Your writing should sit on the line.
  • The dotted line is there to help you make all your letters the same size.
  •  Tall letters reach to the top blue line and the tails touch the bottom blue line.



Listen to this story called Troll by Julia Donaldson.

Task 1 – Time to talk 

  • Explain to someone at home what your favourite part of the story was.
  • Was there anything you didn’t like about the story?
  • What did the story make you think of? Did a question come to mind whilst you were listening to it? Was there anything that puzzled you about the story?
  • Near the end of the story, when the troll was on the plank, why do you think it said that Hank Chief looked at the troll in a new way?’


Have a go at drawing a map of one or all of  the places or islands from the story you have just  listened to . See how much detail you can  include. Discuss your map with someone at home so you can  add more detail if necessary.

Here are some pictures of treasure maps to give you some ideas.

If you are feeling adventurous you could try this, but you will definitely need AN ADULT TO HELP YOU. DO NOT TRY IT ALONE.

A successful map should have:

  • Title
  • Lots of detail of the places discussed in the story. You may need to listen to parts of the story again.
  • Label the places you have drawn
  • Colour neatly

Maths and Numeracy

Explain to some one at home what you have been learning in maths this week.

Mental Maths

Task 1

Spent 20 minutes on Sum dog.

Task 2

Consolidate you learning adding tens and units together. Either print the sheet or copy the sums neatly into your jotter.



If you find those too tricky. Practice tour number bonds to 20. Copy the sums neatly into your jotter.

  1. 5 +3 =
  2. 6 + 2 =
  3. 5 + 4 =
  4. 7 + 3 =
  5. 9 + 4 =
  6. 10 + 3 =
  7. 10 + 8 =
  8. 9 + 9 =
  9. 8 + 5 =
  10. !0 + 9 =

Well done – You have worked very hard. We are so proud of you. 

Joke time 

Do you know any good jokes?

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