Please Leave us a Comment!

Hello Primary 2, Miss Rai and Mrs Cheshire would love to hear from everyone today who is managing to access the blog okay. If you could just send us a little hello message we would really appreciate it 🙂 . (Click on the title of this post first and the scroll down to the comment box)

14 Replies to “Please Leave us a Comment!”

    1. Hello Ruby, I am good thank you, I hope you are good too! Well done for continuing to work hard, I am proud of you. What activities have you enjoyed doing so far this week?
      Miss Rai 🙂

        1. Glad to hear you are doing well. That’s good, I will try and post more fun activities like salt dough!

  1. Hi mrs cheshire
    Rachel here. Hope you had a nice Easter – i am now doing work after holidays.
    hope you are well

    1. Hello Rachel,

      I had a lovely Easter holiday, thank you and I hope you did too. I am so happy and proud to hear you are busy working away. Well done!
      I am well, you keep well and safe.

      Mrs Cheshire

  2. Hello miss Cheshire and miss Rai

    How are you. I like using the blog, today I done the Acrostic poem with my mum

    1. Hello Rowan!
      I am well, I hope you are well too. That is fantastic to hear you are enjoying using the blog! Well done for completing your acrostic poem!
      Miss Rai 🙂

    2. Hi Rowan,

      So lovely to hear from you. I so happy to hear that you did the acrostic poem about Spring.
      Hope you enjoyed doing it.
      Mrs Cheshire : )

  3. Hi Miss Rai , The sun is out and the weather is good. I have been drawing animals , like dogs, cats and sharks! I have been really good at my sums!! I have been playing with Lego, and sometimes building houses in Minecraft!

    My dad has also been trying to show me how to bake cakes. I LOVE CAKES!!

    Kai 🙂

    1. Hello Kai! It’s good to hear from you. Yes, the weather has been fantastic this week, we have been lucky. I am glad you are keeping busy and that’s great to hear you are working hard on your sums. I love cakes too, what is your favourite cake? I have been baking too, I made a chocolate and banana cake this week.
      Take care and hope to see you all soon.
      Miss Rai:)

    2. Hello Mr Barclay
      I had been trying to get in touch with you this week. My number will appear as private. I will try next week. Alison Vandal

  4. Hi mrs Cheshire

    Mason here I hope you had a nice easter. I have been working on my homework pack and blog. I’m enjoying the games with spelling and looking forward to making my lockdown 2020 today.

    I have also helped my mum with cooking.

    Mason 😊

    1. Hi Mason,

      So lovely to hear from you, thank you so much for your message. I had a lovely holiday thank you. Have you got any Easter eggs left? Mine are all gone! You sound like you are very busy, I am very proud of you. Well done, keep up the hard work and enjoy your afternoon.
      Mrs Cheshire : )

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