Tag Archives: Maths

P5 Group 2 Maths Homework – w/b 28.11.16

Please read each question carefully so you understand fully what is being asked of you and the type of operation which should be used.

Each answer should show all workings and include a sentence answer. This task should be completed and returned to school by Thursday.

Have a Go – Word Problems

  1. Eilidh bought a chocolate bar costing 50p.  She also bought one for Emma, Heather and Leah. How much did she spend altogether?
  2. Fraser B has a bunch of grapes.  When he counts them he has 40. He decides to share them with Gregor, Brandon and Owen. How many grapes will they get each?
  3. Hannah has a collection of Trolls totaling 88.  To have a full set she needs 168. How many more does Hannah need to collect?
  4. Evie has 180 pencils and Mischa has 169. How many do they have in total?
  5. Sophie kindly bought in 35 coloured pencils.  She decided to share them between our groups.  We have 7 groups in our class, how many pencils would Sophie give to each group?
  6. David decides to go to the bowling alley as a treat. If he takes Sam J, Killian, Ben and  Duncan how much money will he need if one ticket is £9.00?
  7. Challenge Question: Sionan has 254 Pokémon cards and Jack has 343 .

a) How many do they have altogether?

b) How many more cards does Jack have than Sionan?

P7M Homework – Monday 28th November

Remember to complete each task to the best of your ability. Please let me know if you are struggling with any task or need advice, as soon as possible. Try not to get stressed or upset about homework – it really isn’t worth it! Ask your parent/carer to write a note if you are unable to  attempt any task. Thank you.


  • Reading – Please see below for the pages you have to read. We will no longer be completing any Book Detectives jobs at home. The only reading homework you have, is to read! As this is a short week, no new books will be issued.
    • Blue: Secret and Lies – Whole book by Monday 5th
    • Orange: Deadly, Animal Heroes, Extreme Fear or Trapped! – Whole book by Monday 5th
    • Purple: Own choice of novel – Whole book by Monday 5th
    • Red:  –  Whole book by Monday 5th
    • Yellow: –  Whole book by Monday 5th
    • Green: Split! Whole book by Monday 5th
  • Personal Reading Challenge – Throughout the year, please read extra texts on top of the class novels. Record what you have read and complete the tasks on the Personal Reading Challenge sheet.
  • Spelling – Unit/List 6 – Please complete Unit/List 6 in your Spelling Homework jotter for Monday 5th December. Please practise your spelling words on Spelling City (not compulsory).



  • P.E. Monday  and Thursday 9-10am – Please wear your P.E. kit to school and then change into your uniform.
  • Wednesday 30th – St Andrew’s Day Holiday
  • Friday 2nd – Christmas Art Day: Wear your House colours but it might get messy!
  • We are looking for two adult helpers to accompany us to the library on Tuesday 6th from 11.15-12.00. Please write a note in your child’s diary if you are able to help. Thank you in advance.

Remember if you need a paper copy of any of the homework tasks, please ask.

Renfrewshire Sumdog Contest – Friday 25th to Thursday 1st



Our school has been entered into the Renfrewshire Sumdog Contest which runs from 8am on Friday 25th November until 8pm on Thursday 1st December.

To take part, simply play Sumdog’s maths games. If you do not have your Sumdog Username and Password, please ask your teacher. Scores are based on accuracy, and questions tailored to your level – so everyone has a fair chance.

To make contests fair every pupil is limited to 1000 questions. However, it’s fun to take part even if students only answer a few questions.

The motivation is to climb the leader board and beat all other participating schools within Renfrewshire. You can also win rewards for your Sumdog account. Click here to find out more about the prizes.

Here are some things to keep in mind during the contest:

  • You can play at any time.
  • For the score to count, the Renfrewshire Maths Contest activity must be showing in the green panel on the left of the your screen when you click to start each game.
  • Your scores are based on correct answers.
  • A class’s score is the average of the scores from all students from that class who take part.
  • To appear on the leaderboard, at least 10 pupils from each class need to play.
  • As some pupils have limited computer access, every pupil is limited to 1000 contest questions. However, their free logins let them keep playing other activities afterwards.

P5 – Maths Homework Group 1 w/b 21.11.16

Image result for maths symbols

Please read each question carefully so you understand fully what is being asked of you and the type of operation which should be used.

Each answer should show all workings and include a sentence answer. This task should be completed and returned to school by Friday.

Work It Out!

Word Problems

  1. Kieran has collected 43 football cards. To have a full set, he requires 160. How many more cards does Kieran need to collect?
  1. Innis has 152 ribbons in her room. Lily, Mirren and Olivia also have 152 ribbons each. How many ribbons do the girls have in total?
  1. Charlie takes Aiden and Luca to the cinema as a treat. If one ticket costs £4.75, how much will all 3 cost?
  1. Lucas has 27 chocolate bars. He decides to share them equally between himself, Cameron H and Ewan. How many chocolate bars will each boy receive?
  1. We have 545 books in our class library. Lucy S has read 126 of them and Lucy L has read 127. How many books have they still to read?
  1. Chloe M bought an apple for 30p. How much would she pay for 7 apples?
  1. If Cameron S is 142cm and Mikey is 146cm, what is their combined height?
  1. Challenge Question:  During our Daily Mile session on Monday, Emma walked around the playground 32 times. If she walks the same amount every day, how many laps will she have walked by Friday.

P5 – Maths Homework Group 2 w/b 21.11.16

Image result for maths symbols

Please read each question carefully so you understand fully what is being asked of you and the type of operation which should be used.

Each answer should show all workings and include a sentence answer. This task should be completed and returned to school by Friday.

Work It Out!

Word Problems

  1. Kieran has collected 50 football cards. To have a full set, he requires 160. How many more cards does Kieran need to collect?
  1. Innis has 100 ribbons in her room. Lily, Mirren and Olivia also have 100 ribbons each. How many ribbons do the girls have in total?
  1. Charlie takes Aiden and Luca to the cinema as a treat. If one ticket costs £4.00, how much will all 3 cost?
  1. Lucas has 30 chocolate bars. He decides to share them equally between himself, Cameron H and Ewan. How many chocolate bars will each boy receive?
  1. We have 500 books in our class library. Lucy S has read 125 of them and Lucy L has read 126. How many books have they read in total?
  1. Chloe M bought an apple for 30p. How much would she pay for 7 apples?
  1. If Cameron S is 142cm and Mikey is 146cm, what is their combined height?
  1. Challenge Question:  During our Daily Mile session on Monday, Emma walked around the playground 32 times. If she walks the same amount every day, how many laps will she have walked after the 5 days?

P7M Homework – Monday 21st November

Remember to complete each task to the best of your ability. Please let me know if you are struggling with any task or need advice, as soon as possible. Try not to get stressed or upset about homework – it really isn’t worth it! Ask your parent/carer to write a note if you are unable to  attempt any task. Thank you.


  • Reading – Please see below for the pages you have to read. We will no longer be completing any Book Detectives jobs at home. The only reading homework you have, is to read!
    • Blue: Secret and Lies – Whole book by Monday 5th
    • Orange: Deadly, Animal Heroes, Extreme Fear or Trapped! – Whole book by Monday 28th
    • Purple: Own choice of novel – Whole book by Monday 5th
    • Red: Fun or Fear? or Fun with Food – Whole book by Monday 28th
    • Yellow: Dads Win Prizes – Whole book by Monday 28th
    • Green: Split! Whole book by Monday 5th
  • Personal Reading Challenge – Throughout the year, please read extra texts on top of the class novels. Record what you have read and complete the tasks on the Personal Reading Challenge sheet.
  • Spelling – Unit/List 6 – Please complete Unit/List 6 in your Spelling Homework jotter for Monday 5th December. Please practise your spelling words on Spelling City (not compulsory).
  • Solo Talk – plan and prepare a 2-3 minute talk on a subject of your choice for Tuesday 22nd November. Click here for the criteria and hints and tips.


  • Please play Sumdog for at least 10 minutes every night in order to improve your basic maths skills.


  • P.E. Monday  and Thursday 9-10am – Please wear your P.E. kit to school and then change into your uniform.

Remember if you need a paper copy of any of the homework tasks, please ask.

P5 – Division Practice

Image result for numbers

In maths we have been practicing our division skills. It is very important that we are able to use divsion calculations. In class we looked at the division trainer and saw how it can help you with the speed of your calculations.

If you have any spare time, or just want a little more practice, please access the link below.  Please remember to set realistic times and make sure you choose  a range of calculations- not just the easy ones! Challenge yourself with the areas you need to work on the most. This is not homework however practice does make perfect!

Maths: Division Trainer

P5S – 3D Shape Hunt

Image result for 3d shapes

Yesterday we were looking at 3D shapes and their properties. We discussed where we could find 3D shapes in our daily lives and you came up with some excellent examples.

You were sent out and about in school armed with the iPads to find as many 3D shapes as you could. Once you did, you were to take a photograph of them to bring back to class. As we found out, there were lots and lots. Tell someone at home some of the 3D shapes you found. Can you remember their properties?

Using the photographs, and your knowledge of their properties, you were to show what you had learned using the Explain Everything app on the iPads.  As we ran out of time, we will continue with this next week.

Here are a few photographs of some of you out and about the school.



P5 – Multiplication Practice

Image result for numbers

In maths we have been practicing our multiplication skills. The times tables are used in many maths topics and it is very important that we learn them well. In class we looked at the multiplication trainer and saw how it can help you with the speed of your calculations.

If you have any spare time, or just want a little more practice, please access the link below.  Please remember to set realistic times and make sure you choose  a range of times tables – not just the easy ones! Challenge yourself with the tables you need to work on the most. This is not homework however practice does make perfect!

Maths: Multiplication Trainer



P5 group 2 Maths Homework – w/b 14.11.16

Please read each question carefully so you understand fully what is being asked of you and the type of operation which should be used.

Each answer should show all workings and include a sentence answer. This task should be completed and returned to school by Thursday.

Have a Go – Word Problems

  1. Mrs. Hughes started P5 with 99 pencils.  So far she has given out 17.  How many pencils does she have left?
  2. Adam has 278 Pokémon cards of which 80 are doublers. he gives these away to his friends.  How many Pokémon cards does he have now?
  3. Holly was watching a film on T.V. for 135 minutes.  The adverts lasted for 15 minutes, how long is the actual film?
  4.  Mrs. Fraser is putting up borders in both the P5 classes.  She has a roll of border 130m long.  She cuts off a 25m length, how much border is left in the roll?
  5. Bishopton Primary was raising money for charity.  Their target amount was £500.  They managed to raise £390, how short of their target were they?
  6. Emma brought 208 colouring pencils to school.  During the first term she lost 26.  How many pencils did she have for starting the second term?

Challenge Question: Eva buys a bracelet at £2.50 and a ring at £1.50.  How much change does she get from £10.00?

P5 group 1 Maths Homework w/b 14.11.16

Please read each question carefully so you understand fully what is being asked of you and the type of operation which should be used.

Each answer should show all workings and include a sentence answer. This task should be completed and returned to school by Thursday.

Have a Go – Word Problems

  1. Mrs. Hughes started P5 with 99 pencils.  So far she has given out 32.  How many pencils does she have left?
  2. Adam has 278 Pokémon cards of which 88 are doublers. he gives these away to his friends.  How many Pokémon cards does he have now?
  3. Holly was watching a film on T.V. for 137 minutes.  The adverts lasted for 19 minutes, how long is the actual film?
  4.  Mrs. Fraser is putting up borders in both the P5 classes.  She has a roll of border 103m long.  She cuts off a 25m length, how much border is left in the roll?
  5. Bishopton Primary was raising money for charity.  Their target amount was £500.  They managed to raise £385, how short of their target were they?
  6. Emma brought 200 colouring pencils to school.  During the first term she lost 28.  How many pencils did she have for starting the second term?

Challenge Question: Eva buys a bracelet at £2.65 and a ring at £1.48.  How much change does she get from £10.00?

P7M Homework – Monday 14th November

Remember to complete each task to the best of your ability. Please let me know if you are struggling with any task or need advice, as soon as possible. Try not to get stressed or upset about homework – it really isn’t worth it! Ask your parent/carer to write a note if you are unable to  attempt any task. Thank you.


  • Reading – Please see below for the pages you have to read. We will no longer be completing any Book Detectives jobs at home. The only reading homework you have, is to read!
    • Blue: Split! – Whole book by Monday 21st
    • Orange: Deadly, Animal Heroes, Extreme Fear or Trapped! – Whole book by Monday 21st
    • Purple: Own choice of novel – Whole book by Monday 21st
    • Red: Fun or Fear? or Fun with Food – Whole book by Monday 14th
    • Yellow: Me and My Newt – Whole book by Monday 14th
    • Green: Secret and Lies – Whole book by Monday 21st
  • Personal Reading Challenge – Throughout the year, please read extra texts on top of the class novels. Record what you have read and complete the tasks on the Personal Reading Challenge sheet.
  • Spelling – Unit/List 5 – Please complete Unit/List 4 in your Spelling Homework jotter for Friday 18th November. Please practise your spelling words on Spelling City (not compulsory).
  • Solo Talk – plan and prepare a 2-3 minute talk on a subject of your choice for Tuesday 22nd November. Click here for the criteria and hints and tips.



  • P.E. Monday  and Thursday 9-10am – Please wear your P.E. kit to school and then change into your uniform.
  • We are still looking for one adult/parent helper to accompany us on a visit to the library on Friday 18th November from 11.00-12.00. Please write a note in your child’s diary to let me know if you can help. Thank you in advance.
  • If you have not returned your Walking Consent form, you must do so before our visit to the library on Friday 18th  or you will not be able to join us and your buddies.
  • Would you like to design a flyer for the Christmas Fair with the chance of winning 2 cinema vouchers? If so, please visit this link: https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/re/bishopton/2016/11/09/design-a-flyer-for-the-christmas-flyer/

Remember if you need a paper copy of any of the homework tasks, please ask.

P5S – Brazil – A Day in the Life of …….

Image result for brazil flag

Last week for homework you were to keep a diary of a typical day: what time you got up, when you left for school, our school day, what time you go to bed. All this was so you could compare your life to that of a child from Brazil.

Today we looked at the life of Valentina from Bela Vista. Using information shared on Glow, each of you had to look at the similarities and differences between your lives. You took lots and lots of notes about Valentina’s life and used this to complete a venn diagram. Thank you to Lewis, our Digital Leader, for showing everyone how to access the information.

On one side you shared your information about your life and on the other Valentina’s. How wonderful do the completed diagrams look on your wall space? Please show your work to someone at home. Tell them some of the information you learned about Brazilian life. Are there any similarities or differences?

Mangahigh Challenge Fai-To!


You have been offered the chance to challenge another school to a Fai-To. If your students decide to proceed with the Fai-To challenge, they will face up to 9 rounds of head to head mathematics competition.

How Fai-To Works
When you next log in, you will be offered a choice of two different schools to challenge. You can also decide not to challenge anyone (boo!). If 6 pupils vote to challenge one of the schools, then the Fai-To is on, and the first school to win 5 rounds of the Fai-To is the Winner. The defending school will receive 1 advantage round for free. Each subsequent round lasts 24 hours, and you score points by winning medal points as usual. Fai-To does not affect the way that you use Mangahigh.

As the Challenger, if we win the Fai-To, we will capture the Defender’s current trophy for your cabinet. You can upgrade your trophies by winning more Fai-Tos.  The honour of the school is at stake!



P5 – Group 1 Maths Homework w/b 7.11.16

Image result for maths symbols

Please read each question carefully so you understand fully what is being asked of you and the type of operation which should be used.

Each answer should show all workings and include a sentence answer. This task should be completed and returned to school by Friday.

Work It Out!

Word Problems

Image result for jotter and pen clipart

  1. Mrs O’Neill asked Heather and Kate to count the scissors in class. There were 14 pairs of scissors in each block. If we have 3 blocks, how many scissors did the girls count altogether?
  1. Charlie has been saving his pocket money for 7 weeks now. If Charlie receives £6.50 each week, how much has he saved?
  1. Cameron has 36 packets of Haribos hidden in his school bag. If he was to share them equally between himself and 5 of his classmates, how many packets would they get each?
  1. There are 52 weeks in a year. If Mirren reads one book every 2 weeks, how many would she read in a year?
  1. Emma likes to collect pencils. She has collected 6 pencils every week for 8 weeks. How many pencils does Emma now have?
  1. Mikey has scored 12 goals for his football team in his last 4 games. If he scored the same amount in each game, how many did he score each week?
  1. Chloe went to the cinema to see Trolls. Her ticket was £4.75. If she paid with a £10.00 note, how much change would she receive?
  1. (Challenge question)  There are 22 children in P5S. If we have an even number of red and blue chairs in class, how many red and blue chairs would we have?

P5 – Group 2 Maths Homework w/b 7.11.16

Image result for maths symbols

Please read each question carefully so you understand fully what is being asked of you and the type of operation which should be used.

Each answer should show all workings and include a sentence answer. This task should be completed and returned to school by Friday.

Work It Out!

Word Problems

Image result for jotter and pen clipart

  1. Mrs O’Neill asked Heather and Kate to count the scissors in class. Each block holds 14 pairs of scissors. If we have 2 blocks, how many scissors did the girls count altogether?
  1. Charlie has been saving his pocket money for 7 weeks now. If Charlie receives £6.00 each week, how much has he saved?
  1. Cameron has 36 packets of Haribos hidden in his school bag. If he was to give 6 of his classmates an equal amount of packets, how many packets would they get each?
  1. There are 12 months in a year. If Mirren reads two books every month, how many would she read in a year?
  1. Emma likes to collect pencils. She has collected 6 pencils every week for 8 weeks. How many pencils does Emma now have?
  1. Mikey has scored 3 goals for his football team in every game for the last 4 weeks. How many goals has he scored in total?
  1. Chloe went to the cinema to see Trolls. Her ticket was £4.50. If she paid with a £10.00 note, how much change would she receive?
  1. (Challenge question)    There are 23 children, plus Mrs O’Neill, in P5S. How many shoes would we have in the class in total?

P7M Homework – Monday 7th November

Remember to complete each task to the best of your ability. Please let me know if you are struggling with any task or need advice, as soon as possible. Try not to get stressed or upset about homework – it really isn’t worth it! Ask your parent/carer to write a note if you are unable to  attempt any task. Thank you.


  • Reading – Please see below for the pages you have to read. We will no longer be completing any Book Detectives jobs at home. The only reading homework you have, is to read!
    • Blue: Split! – Whole book by Monday 21st
    • Orange: Code Breakers, Ghostly, Dangers of the Deep or Mystery of the Skies – Whole book by Monday 14th
    • Purple: Own choice of novel – Whole book by Monday 21st
    • Red: Fun or Fear? or Fun with Food – Whole book by Monday 14th
    • Yellow: Me and My Newt – Whole book by Monday 14th
    • Green: Secret and Lies – Whole book by Monday 21st
  • Personal Reading Challenge – Throughout the year, please read extra texts on top of the class novels. Record what you have read and complete the tasks on the Personal Reading Challenge sheet.
  • Spelling – Unit/List 5 – Please complete Unit/List 4 in your Spelling Homework jotter for Friday 18th November. Please practise your spelling words on Spelling City (not compulsory).
  • Solo Talk – plan and prepare a 2-3 minute talk on a subject of your choice for Tuesday 22nd November. Click here for the criteria and hints and tips.



  • P.E. Monday  and Thursday 9-10am – Please wear your P.E. kit to school and then change into your uniform.
  • We are looking for two adult/parent helpers to accompany us on a visit to the library on Tuesday 8th November from 11.15-12.15. We also require two adult/parent helpers on Friday 18th November from 11.00-12.00. Please write a note in your child’s diary to let me know if you can help. Thank you in advance.
  • If you have not returned your Walking Consent form, you must do so before our visit to the library on Tuesday 8th or you will not be able to join us.

Remember if you need a paper copy of any of the homework tasks, please ask.

P7M – Percentage of a Number

This week we have been revising and practising how to calculate the percentage of an amount.  See the examples below to remind you how to calculate the answer and how to record the working.

Please play the games below to try out your knowledge and understanding.

Percent Shopping

Percent of a Number

Converting between a Percentages and Fractions

Once you have played all of the games above, please practise the 72 Learn Its: Hit the Button




Group 2 Maths Homework – w/b 31.10.16

Please read each question carefully so you understand fully what is being asked of you and the type of operation which should be used.

Each answer should show all workings and include a sentence answer. This task should be completed and returned to school by Thursday for P5H and Friday for P5S

  1. Ryan collected 93 sweets on Halloween night from his street. His sister also collected  66. How many sweets were there altogether?
  2. There are 24 ghosts living in the old haunted house on the hill. There are 6 ghosts in each room. How many rooms are there?Image result for haunted cartoon house
  1. Tremor Troll was very upset. He believed Trogmire Troll’s claim that there were 550 humans living under Tremor’s bed. Tremor was relieved when he found that there were really only 200 humans under his bed. How many more humans did Trogmire say that there were.
  2. Chris went to the Halloween party dressed as a spider. He paid £5 for his costume. His sister, Laurie, went to the party dressed as a stomach ache. She paid 6 times as much for her costume as Chris. How much did Laurie pay for her costume?
  3. 4 pumpkins in each row, 8 rows, and not one more, Altogether we should know,  the pumpkin’s number is ?

Group 1 Maths Homework – w/b 31.10.16

Please read each question carefully so you understand fully what is being asked of you and the type of operation which should be used.

Each answer should show all workings and include a sentence answer. This task should be completed and returned to school by Thursday for P5H and Friday for P5S

  1. Ryan collected 93 sweets on Halloween night from his street. His sister also collected  67. How many sweets were there altogether?
  2. There are 72 ghosts living in the old haunted house on the hill. There are 8 ghosts in each room. How many rooms are there?Image result for haunted cartoon house


  1. Tremor Troll was very upset. He believed Trogmire Troll’s claim that there were 500 humans living under Tremor’s bed. Tremor was relieved when he found that there were really only 150 humans under his bed. How many more humans did Trogmire say that there were?
  2. Chris went to the Halloween party dressed as a spider. He paid £8 for his costume. His sister, Laurie, went to the party dressed as a stomach ache. She paid 6 times as much for her costume as Chris. How much did Laurie pay for her costume?
  3. 9 pumpkins in each row, 12 rows, and not one more, Altogether we should know,  the pumpkin’s number is ?





P7M Homework – Monday 31st October

Remember to complete each task to the best of your ability. Please let me know if you are struggling with any task or need advice, as soon as possible. Try not to get stressed or upset about homework – it really isn’t worth it! Ask your parent/carer to write a note if you are unable to  attempt any task. Thank you.


  • Reading – Please see below for the pages you have to read. We will no longer be completing any Book Detectives jobs at home. The only reading homework you have, is to read!
Blue Orange Purple Red Yellow Green
Born Lucky and Other Tales of the Past Code Breakers




Dangers of the Deep

Own Choice of novel Wild and Windy


Robots Rule!

Billy’s Luck Auntie Madge and Other Aliens
Whole book by Friday 4th Whole book by Monday 7th Whole book by Friday 4th Whole book by Monday 7th Whole book by Monday 7th Whole book by Friday 4th
  • Personal Reading Challenge – Throughout the year, please read extra texts on top of the class novels. Record what you have read and complete the tasks on the Personal Reading Challenge sheet.
  • Spelling – Unit/List 4 – Please complete Unit/List 4 in your Spelling Homework jotter for Friday 4th November. Please practise your spelling words on Spelling City (not compulsory).
  • Solo Talk – plan and prepare a 2-3 minute talk on a subject of your choice for Tuesday 22nd November. Click here for the criteria and hints and tips.



  • P.E. Monday  and Thursday 9-10am – Please wear your P.E. kit to school and then change into your uniform.

Remember if you need a paper copy of any of the homework tasks, please ask.

P5S – Time for Triangles

Image result for isosceles triangle

Today we continued with our Shape topic and learned all about the different types of triangles and their properties. To help with your understanding  we played a sorting game where you had to look at the properties of different types of triangles and display them under the correct name. Can you remember how to spell (and pronounce) the names? They were rather tricky! Can you tell someone the name of the triangle above?

Next you all became detectives and had to solve a couple of crimes. You had to use your knowledge of the properties of each style of triangle and try to work out who the culprit was and send them to jail.

Before heading out for break, everyone had to complete an exit pass and tell me the names of all of the triangles and the properties of at least one of them. I did have a chuckle at some of the spelling! Guess what words we will be practicing next week.

Here are a few photographs from today’s lesson.

P5S – Maths is Fun!

Image result for d10 dice

This week we have been learning to add and subtract using 3-digits. This has meant we have had to “carry” and “borrow” which can be quite tricky.  We have had lots of practice and even completed a few class quizzes where we got full marks. Well done!

Yesterday in our maths pairs, we used a 10-sided dice to create 3-digit numbers which we then added or subtracted with great results. Who would have thought you could have so much fun with maths?

Have a wee nosey at our task.