Category Archives: Ospreys

Rookie Rockstars Concerts

The Rookie Rockstars concerts at Ingliston Country Club on Tuesday and Wednesday night were amazing! The pupils turned up dressed to impress and ready to rock! They put on two great shows, showing off their singing and dancing skills as well as what the songs had taught them about anti-bullying and self-esteem.

A huge thank you to everyone who helped make the events happen: Rookie Rockstars for their guidance and songs, Ingliston Country Club for allowing us to host the events for free, the audience (families and friends) for your support, the many school staff who came to supervise and rock out, the school secretaries who acted as a professional box office for a few weeks, the janitorial staff who acted as roadies for a few days and most importantly the pupils who rocked their socks off!

If you would still like to purchase a CD to listen to for many years to come, please visit the School Office.

Many thanks,

Miss McDowall, Principal Teacher



Rookie Rockstars – Eagles and Ospreys – Tuesday 2nd May

Tonight, Ingliston Country Club will welcome the Eagles and Ospreys to perform the Rookie Rockstars concert in front of their family and friends. Here are a few reminders:

  • Performers should be in the Main Arena from 6-6.15pm.
  • The car park may be extremely busy so perhaps consider car pooling, where possible.
  • Enter the arena at the left-handside of the Country Club, at the On the Hoof café.
  • On the Hoof café will be open from 5pm.
  • As the arena is used for equestrian events, anyone with horse allergies should take precautions.
  • The arena is cold so dress appropriately.
  • Take your seats from 6.15pm. The performance begins at 6.30pm and should end at 7.30pm.
  • Tickets should be handed over next to the Seating Area.
  • Pupils will only be handed over to the parent/carer as noted on their permission form. One teacher per class will be responsible for dismissing the pupils.
  • A large number of teaching staff will be at the events to assist pupils during the performance and will direct you in case of an emergency evacuation.
  • Official Rookie Rockstars merchandise will be available to buy at the events.
  • You can pre-order the CDs at the events. £5 per CD (£1 per CD goes to the School Funds)
  • Pupils are encouraged to dress like a rockstar for their performance or alternatively dress however they feel comfortable!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support. We are really looking forward to seeing you at the performance tonight and cannot wait to see the pupils rocking out with Dave from Rookie Rockstars!

Many thanks,

Miss Karen McDowall, Principal Teacher

Rookie Rockstars – Nominated Adult

Your child will be issued with the letter below today:

Dear Parent/carer,

We are pleased to see that tickets for the Rookie Rockstars events are selling well and you are still able to buy your two tickets until Thursday 27th April. Please complete the form or write your child’s name, class, House, how many tickets you require (max. 2 at £5 each) and put it in an envelope with the exact money with your child’s name and class noted on the front. If you wish to request extra tickets, note this on the form.

Reminders for the performance:

  • The car park may be extremely busy so perhaps consider car pooling, where possible.
  • Enter the arena at the left-handside of the Country Club, at the On the Hoof café.
  • On the Hoof café will be open from 5pm.
  • As the arena is used for equestrian events, anyone with horse allergies should take precautions.
  • The arena is cold so dress appropriately.
  • Pupils should be dropped off in the main arena between 6-6.15pm.
  • Take your seats from 6.15pm.
  • The performance begins at 6.30pm and should end at 7.30pm.
  • Pupils will only be handed over to the parent/carer noted below.
  • A large number of teaching staff will be at the events to assist pupils during the performance and will direct you in case of an emergency evacuation.
  • Official Rookie Rockstars merchandise will be available to buy at the events.
  • You can pre-order the CDs at the events.
  • Pupils are encouraged to dress like a rockstar for their performance.

As mentioned, all pupils must be accompanied by a nominated adult before and after the performance. Please indicate on the slip below who this will be and advise us of any changes, as soon as possible.

Many thanks,

Miss Karen McDowall

Principal Teacher

*Please return the completed tear-off slip A.S.A.P.

Rookie Rockstars – Day 2

We had another fantastic session rocking out with Nick from Rookie Rockstars. We learned another two songs: Bullies Ain’t Big and Hey, Hey (I’m OK!). We practised the actions to the songs and played some air guitar along to the guitar solos. We even had some fun watching a rap battle between two pupils and two teachers! Please tell someone at home what you enjoyed most about today’s session.

If you want tickets but have lost the slip, please write your child’s name, class, House, which night you are coming and how many tickets you want. Remember you are guaranteed 2 tickets (£5 each) and can request extra which will be given out when all tickets have been sorted. Please put the exact money and request slip in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and class. Your child can hand it to their teacher in the morning or hand it in at the office.

Many thanks,

Miss McDowall

Rookie Rockstars – Day 1

Today we had our first session with Nick from Rookie Rockstars. We learnt two songs: I’m Glad To Be Me and Don’t Give Up. We also sung other classic rock and pop songs. The pupils had a great time singing, dancing, air guitar-ing, moshing and fist pumping to the songs. Please ask your child about what they enjoyed most about the session.

Thank you for the ticket orders we have already received. Could I request that any further tickets orders should be in for tomorrow, Tuesday 25th April? Please put the exact money and number of tickets you want (max. 2) in an envelope. If you want any extra tickets, please note that on the form too. The tickets cost £5 each.

The Eagles and Ospreys will be performing on Tuesday 2nd May and the Hawks and Falcons will be performing on Wednesday 3rd May. The performances start at 6.30pm in the Main Arena at Ingliston Country Club. Pupils should arrive in the arena from 6pm and no later than 6.15pm. We hope to see as many of you there to support your child and the school as possible.

Official Rookie Rockstars merchandise (hats, t-shirts, writstbands) will be available to buy at the event. We encourage the pupils to dress like a rockstar for their performance.

Thank you,

Miss McDowall

House Quiz – Thursday 30th March

The House Captains have organised a whole school quiz on Thursday, 30th March. Pupils are encouraged to wear their House colours on Thursday. Each stage will have two representatives to answer questions for each house and other volunteers will be chosen to take part in fun activities during the quiz. May the best house win! Apologies for the late notice.

World Book Day and Sponsored Readathon

Just a reminder that our sponsored readathon has started. I hope you are all enjoying discovering new books and authors!  It continues until March 2nd when we celebrate World Book Day.  Children should come to school dressed as their favourite book character or wearing onesies/pyjamas. It is not an own clothes day so school uniform should be worn if you choose not to come dressed in one of the options.  Suggested donation is £1.  We will have lots of exciting activities happening during the day.  Children should bring a favourite book to school with them on March 2nd.

Children will soon be taking home their £1 book token which can be redeemed in various retailers against a special World Book Day £1 book or to put towards the cost of another book.

Happy reading everyone!

Mrs Hunter

P7 – WW2 Show & Rookie Rockstars

Dear Parent/Carer,

WW2 Show – Tuesday, 21st March 6.30-7.30pm

The pupils will be working with members of G.A.M.T.A. to create a performance based on World War Two. We will be showcasing this event on Tuesday 21st March from 6.30-7.30pm. All pupils will be involved. Tickets are free of charge and will be limited to two per family in the first instance and then will be on a first come first serve basis. We look forward to welcoming you to this event.

Rookie Rockstars – Tuesday, 2nd May and Wednesday, 3rd May 6.15-7.30pm

This year, as part of being a Nurture Pathfinder School we have introduced Bounce Back. To consolidate this, we have organised a whole school visit from Rookie Rockstars, a Music and Anti-Bullying Charity. Rookie Rockstars will work with the pupils the week beginning Monday 24th April, to teach them songs and record a CD. The theme of the songs promotes self-esteem and values. The following week we have organised two events to showcase the songs at Ingliston Country Club, Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd May, 6.15-7.30pm.

The Eagles and Ospreys will perform on Tuesday 2nd May then the Falcons and Hawks on Wednesday 3rd May. As we expect a high turnout for this event we will be limited to sell two tickets per family in the first instance and then will be on a first come first serve basis. The cost of the tickets will cover the expenses of Rookie Rockstars. CDs of the songs will be available to pre-order and other merchandise will be available at the events. £1 from every CD sold will help to raise money for the school funds.

Ingliston Country Club have very kindly agreed to host this event free of charge as they would like to promote community spirit. Palomino’s restaurant will be open before and after the event but they expect to be busy, so please book at least two weeks in advance and leave plenty of time for service. They will also be opening ‘On the Hoof ‘at 5.00pm offering hot snacks, filled rolls, cakes, pastries, teas & coffees etc. This is an indoor facility and has a seating area with tables, although the arena is quite cold so dress appropriately. More information about the events will be provided nearer the time.

We are very excited about this whole school event as Rookie Rockstars has an amazing reputation. Please visit their website for more information:  We are looking forward to watching the pupils perform and hope to have a great turnout for both events.

Many thanks,

Miss Karen McDowall, Principal Teacher

Rookie Rockstars – Tuesday, 2nd May and Wednesday, 3rd May 6.15-7.30pm

Dear Parent/Carer,

This year, as part of being a Nurture Pathfinder School we have introduced Bounce Back. To consolidate this, we have organised a whole school visit from Rookie Rockstars, a Music and Anti-Bullying Charity. Rookie Rockstars will work with the pupils the week beginning Monday 24th April, to teach them songs and record a CD. The theme of the songs promotes self-esteem and values. The following week we have organised two events to showcase the songs at Ingliston Country Club, Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd May, 6.15-7.30pm.

The Eagles and Ospreys will perform on Tuesday 2nd May then the Falcons and Hawks on Wednesday 3rd May. As we expect a high turnout for this event we will be limited to sell two tickets per family in the first instance and then will be on a first come first serve basis. The cost of the tickets will cover the expenses of Rookie Rockstars. CDs of the songs will be available to pre-order and other merchandise will be available at the events. £1 from every CD sold will help to raise money for the school funds.

Ingliston Country Club have very kindly agreed to host this event free of charge as they would like to promote community spirit. Palomino’s restaurant will be open before and after the event but they expect to be busy, so please book at least two weeks in advance and leave plenty of time for service. They will also be opening ‘On the Hoof ‘at 5.00pm offering hot snacks, filled rolls, cakes, pastries, teas & coffees etc. This is an indoor facility and has a seating area with tables, although the arena is quite cold so dress appropriately. More information about the events will be provided nearer the time.

We are very excited about this whole school event as Rookie Rockstars has an amazing reputation. Please visit their website for more information:  We are looking forward to watching the pupils perform and hope to have a great turnout for both events.

Many thanks,

Miss Karen McDowall, Principal Teacher

Ospreys Christmas Art Day

On Friday we held our annual House Christmas Art Day. This year our focus was important buildings in Paisley to help with their bid to become the UK City of Culture 2021. The Ospreys had the important task of recreating Paisley Town Hall and they did a wonderful job.

Here are our Ospreys hard at work. Please keep scrolling to see our completed display.

Our completed display (and our House Captains): Paisley Town Hall




House Christmas Art Day

Well done to all of the houses for working so hard today during the Christmas Art Day! It was wonderful to see everyone helping each other to create amazing individual art pieces and contributing to the big house displays.

I am sure all the visitors will enjoy looking at them tomorrow at the Christmas Fair.

Here are photos of the finished displays. They each feature a Paisley landmark to support the bid for Paisley City of Culture in 2021.

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