All posts by Mrs O'Neill

P5S – Group 2 Maths Homework w/b 24.4.17

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Please read each question carefully so you understand fully what is being asked of you and the type of operation which should be used.

Each answer should show all workings and include a sentence answer. This task should be completed and returned to school by Friday.

Work It Out!

  1. Emma started her homework at 5.35pm. If it took her 35 minutes to complete, what time did Emma finish her homework?
  1. At the beginning of the Easter break Alex had £19.45 saved up. During the holidays he helped out in the house doing chores and now has £67.80. How much money did Alex earn doing chores?
  1. Term 4 is 10 weeks and one day in length. How many days are in term 4?
  1. It is 9 miles from Mrs O’Neill’s house to Bishopton Primary School. How many miles does Mrs O’Neill travel to school and back each week?
  1. 8 of the children in our class are 10 years old. The other 17 are 9. What is the combined age of all of the children in our class?
  1. Challenge Question Cameron S was cycling in a race at the weekend.  He had  completed a third of the course when he got a puncture. If the total distance of the race was 36km, how far did Cameron manage to cycle? How far did Cameron have to carry his bike for to reach the finishing line?

P5S – Group 1 Maths Homework w/b 24.4.17

Image result for maths symbols

Please read each question carefully so you understand fully what is being asked of you and the type of operation which should be used.

Each answer should show all workings and include a sentence answer. This task should be completed and returned to school by Friday.

Work It Out!

  1. Emma started her homework at 5.35pm. If it took her 37 minutes to complete, what time did Emma finish her homework?
  1. At the beginning of the Easter break Alex had £19.45 saved up. During the holidays he helped out in the house doing chores and now has £67.80. How much money did Alex earn doing chores?
  1. Term 4 is 10 weeks and one day in length. How many days are in term 4?
  1. It is 8.9 miles from Mrs O’Neill’s house to Bishopton Primary School. How many miles does Mrs O’Neill travel to school and back each week?
  1. 8 of the children in our class are 10 years old. The other 17 are 9. What is the combined age of all of the children in our class?
  1. Challenge Question Cameron S was cycling in a race at the weekend.  He had  completed two thirds of the course when he got a puncture. If the total distance of the race was 36km, how far did Cameron manage to cycle?  How far did Cameron have to carry his bike for to reach the finishing line?

P5S – Symmetry Success

Image result for symmetry

We started our new Friday maths topic this morning: Symmetry. We discussed where we would find examples of symmetry in our everyday lives and environment. What great examples you came up with! Please tell someone at home some of the examples we discussed.

We looked at different shapes and designs and worked out where the line(s) of symmetry were. Please tell someone what a line of symmetry is. Next we looked at a number of 2D shapes then worked out the lines of symmetry they may, or may not, have.

Have a look at us hard at work and some of our completed work.

P5S – Titanic Home Team Challenge

Image result for titanic

This week we started our new topic and completed our Home Team Challenge. You decided on your Titanic family names and created your banners using the information you researched about family life during that time. In jigsaw groups you researched particular information which you then shared with your group members.

In your first task as a new group you had to work on the following skills:

Skill for Learning – Application: I can carry out a task by working collaboratively with my group members.

Social Skill: As a group we can reach an agreement in the correct manner.

How did you do? Did you achieve success, both as an individual and a group member. I could see some fabulous work going on however at times there were individuals who were not on task or as focused as they should have been. Were you one of them?

Here are some photographs of you working on the task. Are you on task? Did you complete your share of the work? Keep scrolling to see just how well (or not) you think you worked as a group on this first task. Please remember to always think about next steps and ways in which you can ensure you are all working to the best of your abilities in future tasks.







 THE SILVEN FAMILY (feedback form to follow)

P5S – Hockey

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Today we started a new topic in P.E.: hockey. To familiarise ourselves with the hockey stick and puck we practiced our passing and controlling technique. I was very impressed at just how well this was done. There were very few out of control pucks! You did a great job of passing them to your partners. Great effort this afternoon P5!

P5S – Homework w/b 18.4.17

tango face smile big by warszawianka - Smiley icon from Tango Project: <br><br> Tango Project icons are Public Domain.

Good afternoon everyone! I hope you have been having a fabulous Easter break. I am looking forward to hearing all of your stories during check-in tomorrow.

I’m not sure how we got here so quickly but Term 4 is upon us already! We have another very busy term ahead of us and I am sure you will show the same enthusiasm that you have shown so far during Primary 5.

Spelling: Units 3 and 32 should be completed for Friday. As always, each word should be written out three times and an uplevelled sentence should be written for each spelling rule word. Please remember to consider your VCOP in each sentence.

This week I would like you to continue focusing on using  ambitious connectives in each sentence again. Here are some examples: before, as well as, however, also, although and after. Try to include one in each sentence. Some of you are doing very well with this. Remember this does not mean you forget about uplevelling your openers and vocabulary. We are trying to use all of these together to make your sentences the best they can be.

Reading:  A new core reader will be issued on Thursday.  The main focus is to ensure you are reading aloud to someone at home. Please remember to use expression where needed. Once again, there will be no written homework as we will continue to complete our comprehension tasks for the core readers in class. As always, if there is any vocabulary you are unsure of, please take a note of it and we will discuss it in class on Thursday.

Last term I introduced the reading feedback form which should be completed by the person hearing you read aloud. We will be continuing with this during term 4. New forms will be issued this week.

Personal Reading Challenge: We will be continuing with our Personal Reading Challenge this term. This was a great success last term and I was very impressed at the number of books being read. Watch this space for some interesting information regarding term 3’s challenge.

This week you will be setting a new target. The aim is to ensure you are reading regularly (not just during our ERIC sessions) and you will most definitely achieve success by the end of term. Please remember to bring your book to school as this will allow you to read it during our ERIC sessions.

Please remember to record the books in your reading passport as you finish them. The passport is kept in class. Remember this is your record of the number of books you have read so far this term.

Maths: Please access the relevant link below for your Maths homework. This should be completed in your homework jotter for Friday.

Group 1

Group 2

If you wish additional practice of your multiplication tables, please use the links below.

Multiplication Trainer

Division Trainer

  1. P.E. is on Tuesday and Friday . All P.E. kits should have been taken home at the end of last term to be washed. Please remember to bring a fresh kit to school.
  2. Our next library visit is on Tuesday 25th April. We require two parent helpers.  Please click here for further details.
  3. Please remember to return your ticket request forms for our Rookie Rockstars show which will take place on Tuesday 2nd May (Eagles and Ospreys) and Wednesday 3rd May (Hawks and Falcons).
  4. Our Fairtrade Tuckshop begins on Wednesday. Please ensure you know which date you are in charge of the tuckshop. If you wish to buy something, please remember to bring money to school. Details of prices can be found here.

See you all tomorrow.

Mrs O’Neill

P5S – Group 1 Maths Homework 18.4.17

Image result for maths symbols

Please read each question carefully so you understand fully what is being asked of you and the type of operation which should be used.

Each answer should show all workings and include a sentence answer. This task should be completed and returned to school by Friday.

Work It Out!

  1. Declan goes to watch Dumbarton play St. Mirren at Strathclyde Homes Stadium. He leaves the house at 14.07 and arrives at the stadium 45 minutes later. What time does Declan arrive at the stadium?
  1. He travels on a bus that is exactly half full. The number of people allowed on a full bus is 130. How many people were on the bus?
  1. Declan goes to the club shop. He buys a programme (£1.75), a new scarf (£7.50) and the new away socks (£9.50). How much did Declan pay in total for all three items? If he paid with a £20.00 note, how much change would he receive?
  1. Declan is hungry. He only has £3.50 left. What three items can he buy? He is allowed to have change left over.

Hot Dog £1.25                      Soup £1.10

Hamburger £1.30                 Fish  £1.25

Chips £0.65                          Cans £0.70

  1. Challenge Question: Declan finds himself in a long queue for the bus home. There are 364 people in front of him and 277 behind him. How many people in total are waiting for a bus?

P5S – Group 2 Maths Homework 18.4.17

Image result for maths symbols

Please read each question carefully so you understand fully what is being asked of you and the type of operation which should be used.

Each answer should show all workings and include a sentence answer. This task should be completed and returned to school by Friday.

Work It Out!

  1. Declan goes to watch Dumbarton play St. Mirren at Strathclyde Homes Stadium. He leaves the house at 14.05 and arrives at the stadium 45 minutes later. What time does Declan arrive at the stadium?
  1. He travels on a bus that is exactly half full. The number of people allowed on a full bus is 120. How many people were on the bus?
  1. Declan goes to the club shop. He buys a programme (£1.25), a new scarf (£7.50) and the new away socks (£9.00). How much did Declan pay in total for all three items? If he paid with a £20.00 note, how much change would he receive?
  1. Declan is hungry. He only has £3.00 left. What three items can he buy? He is allowed to have change left over.

Hot Dog      £1.50                 Soup £1.10

Hamburger £1.30                 Fish   £1.25

Chips          £0.60                 Cans  £0.70

  1. Challenge Question: Declan finds himself in a long queue for the bus home. There are 363 people in front of him and 216 behind him. How many people in total are waiting for a bus?

P5S – The River Clyde/Clyde in the Classroom Debrief

Image result for brown trout

Today we had our topic debrief. We discussed What Went Well and how we could make the topic even better (EBI). I have been delighted at the enthusiasm shown by you all with this topic.  You have all worked incredibly hard and have learned so much this term. Well done!

Here are your feedback comments.

Lewis:  WWW – I liked that we had the fish and the bake sale/fundraiser.

EBI – If we could choose our own landmarks for the mural and to have some more balloons at the fundraiser.

Mirren: WWW – I think when we had the fish we looked after them well!

EBI – I think it would be even better if we kept the fish for longer!

Kate:  WWW – I really like looking at the huge mural outside of class and I really enjoyed making a part of it.

EBI – It would be even better if we had the fish for longer.

Lily: WWW – Looking after the fish went very well. The community Café went very well when we did the quiz all about the River Clyde.

EBI – If we went on more school trips about the River Clyde. Also if we could have kept the fish for longer.

Cameron H: WWW – I like that P5S and P5H kept fish in the classroom. I enjoyed gong to the Science Centre because we got to try things out for the first time. Also releasing the fish into a burn was fun.

Innis:  WWW – I liked having the fish in the class. I liked making our 3D fish. I really the song about the River Clyde we learned.

EBI – It would have been better if the groups had been able to look after the fish a bit more. We got to take the fish home.

Lucy L: WWW – I liked the fish because we got to look after them. I also liked letting them go.

Chloe M: WWW – The mural because it was fun making it and it looks good on the wall. Our trip to the Science Centre and releasing the fish. Having the fish in class was good. I enjoyed organising the fundraiser. The quiz during the Community Café was fun because my grandparents were there.

Heather: WWW – Most of our fish survived because we took good care of them. Our fish life cycle posters on the wall are good. The quiz on the River Clyde at the Community café went well.

Mikey: WWW – Not a lot of our fish died. I liked my group and we learned a lot about the River Clyde.

EBI _ If more fish stayed alive.

Luca: WWW – The activities and the brown trout. Looking after the fish and making the posters.

EBI: It would have been even better if we had been able to keep the fish and go on a visit to the Sealife Centre or go fishing at Balloch.

Ewan: WWW – I thought the fish were good because it was very fun.

EBI – I think we should have went on the Waverley.

Finlay: WWW – Everything because it was fun.

Lucas: WWW – Not a lot of fish died because we looked after them so well.

EBI – The quality of my work was better and if I stopped talking more often.

Olivia: WWW – I really liked keeping the brown trout. It was fun looking after them. I loved learning all about the marine life in the River Clyde.

Cameron S: WWW – I enjoyed the quiz – definitely! I enjoyed making the posters. I enjoyed making the 3D fish. I enjoyed learning about the River Clyde from the visitors at the Community Café.

Lucy S: WWW – I loved that we got to have brown trout and then release them. Also I learned more about the River Clyde like there used to not be the Erskine Bridge and instead it was a ferry. I also learned that the Waverley is 70 years old and will be 71 years old this year.

Aiden: WWW – It was really fun – everything!

EBI – If we didn’t have to release the fish and if some of the fish hadn’t died. It was sad when they died.

Chloe S: WWW – I think we looked after the fish very well. I think it is good that we had around 185 fish left.

EBI – It would be even better if the 3D fish didn’t fall apart so quickly. I wish we could have had the fish longer because I really liked looking after them.

Kieran: WWW – My group didn’t fight. We learned a lot and it was fun.

EBI – The brown trout didn’t jump in the water. If the tank didn’t leak.

Alex: WWW – I liked doing the Pointillism brown trout because it was a different way of painting them and we got to draw them before we painted them.

Charlie: WWW – I liked the quiz. I liked the Now and Then task because it was interesting. I liked releasing the fish.



P5S – Homework w/b 27.3.17

tango face smile big by warszawianka - Smiley icon from Tango Project: <br><br> Tango Project icons are Public Domain.

Good evening everyone! I hope you have been having a lovely weekend in this glorious weather. Well, we have reached our final week of term 3. What a quick year it has been! Here is your last lot of homework for this term. Keep reading for your reminders for this week.

Reading:  A new core reader to complete at home will be issued tomorrow (Monday). Please complete the book for Thursday. There will be no written homework for this as all tasks will be completed in class. As always, if there is any vocabulary you are unsure of, please take a note of it and we will discuss it in class on Thursday.

Please remember to read aloud to someone at home. Once again, your feedback form should be completed, if possible, by the person who heard you read and returned to school for Thursday. A huge thank you to everyone who took the time to complete this again last week. I am thoroughly enjoying reading your comments and I hope you are enjoying hearing the children read to you.

Personal Reading Challenge: This is your final week of our Reading Challenge. How are you doing? Have you managed to reach the target number of books you set at the beginning of this term. If you have, a HUGE well done! If you haven’t there is still time! Use this week wisely. Please remember to bring your book to school as this will allow you to read it during our ERIC sessions.

Please remember to record the books in your reading passport as you finish them. The passport is kept in class. Remember this is your record of the number of books you have read so far this term.

Maths:  Our Big Maths Beat That scores are increasing and accuracy is pretty much 100% for all of you on the questions you answer. However, we do need to work on the speed of your calculations. Each week you should be able to answer more questions than you did the week before. I would like you to spend 15 minutes this week working on building your speed of calculations. Please use the link below to do so.

Multiplication Trainer

H&WB: A number of photographs have been posted on our class blog over the last few weeks. Please look at them with someone at home and leave a comment on the blog letting me know your thoughts on what we have been doing. This should be completed by Friday.

  1. All Pupil/Parent Response sheets should now have been returned to school. Parents’ Night appointments are  on Tuesday and Wednesday. I am looking forward to seeing your parents and chatting about your progress.
  2. Our Big Pedal will continue this week. Please continue to bring your bike or scooter to school. Please remember a helmet must be worn during our daily sessions in the playground. A plastic bag should be brought to protect your bike seat from the rain.
  3. We will be having our annual House Quiz on Thursday afternoon. Please come to school in house colours.
  4. Eagles gained the most house points over the last month and as a reward will have a non-uniform day on Friday.
  5. Rookie Rockstar ticket forms should be returned A.S.A.P.
  6. We stop at 2.30pm on Friday for our Easter break. Wooooohoooo!

See you tomorrow.

Mrs O’Neill

P5S – Eco Drama

Today you took part in an Eco drama where we learned all about the 3 R’s: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. “Bag Girl” recruited you to become Eco Superheroes and you took on the role with great enthusiasm.

Please remember the important message of today’s drama session (and our Eco Week): using the 3R’s whenever possible. Please tell someone at home all about the 3R’s.

Well done for completing the “Recycling Race” in the fastest time yet: 1 minutes 58 seconds.

P5S – Eco Week: Taylor Wimpey Visit

Today Graeme, Erin and Laura from Taylor Wimpey came in to chat with us about the new techniques they now use on new development sites to ensure they are being eco friendly. Can you remember the names of any? We also learned some really interesting facts like how humans cannot survive without five particular animals. Who remembers what they are? Have a look at the photos below and you might just find out the answers.

We then had the opportunity to take part in three different activities based around what we had been learning. Erin showed you how an eco friendly drainage system works. Can you tell someone at home how it all works?

Laura had you working hard to complete a wordsearch. Three lucky winners walked away with some great prizes!

Graeme had you trying to match some pictures with the environmentally friendly techniques we had been learning about and use our new vocabulary correctly in a passage. How did your group do? Were you one of the super fast groups to complete Graeme’s task?

P5S – Mushroom Planting

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As part of our Eco Week some of you had the opportunity to get your hands dirty when you planted some mushrooms this afternoon. The compost was rather smelly but that didn’t stop a few of you digging deep. We have put the container somewhere dark and we will check on it in a few days (6 to be precise) to see if anything has happened.

As discussed in class, one of you may take our mushrooms home to look after over the Easter break, if you wish, as we shouldn’t really leave them in class unattended. The chances are they won’t survive if we do! If you would like to do so, please bring a note in from someone at home giving you permission. Obviously if you are going away over the holidays, it wouldn’t be a very good idea for you to take them home.

If you didn’t get a chance to plant today, don’t worry as we have other activities planned for later in the week where you might just get your hands dirty too.

P5S – Library Visit

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This morning we had our last visit of the term to the library. Once again lots of books were taken out to read over the next few weeks. We had animal books, books about careers and transport, Diary of a Wimpy Kid books, Jacqueline Wilson books ……. lots and lots of different books. I am loving the enthusiasm from you, even those of you who are claiming you still don’t like reading despite all the books you have got through this term. Well done everyone!

Thank you to our two parent helpers who came along with us today. Our next visit will be on Tuesday 25th April.