Home Learning 30.04.20

Good Morning P3.  I hope you are all having a good week so far.

Here are your number and literacy tasks for today.



Warm Up

Watch this money video revising UK coins

  • Draw each coin take care to think about the shape, colour, size of each coin.


  • Can you think of money that is notes we have in the UK and draw them?
  • What other ways do we have to pay for things – can you draw these?

Main Task

Complete the following money task.


Fun Finisher

Play this Toy Shop Money  game  on Topmarks to practise money skills.  Choose level that suits you.





Warm Up

Watch this story of ‘The Magic Paintbrush’


As you watch or during a second watch of the video make notes about the main parts in the beginning, middle and end of the story.

Main Task

What would you do if you had a Magic Paintbrush.  What would you draw with it?

Write a story about your Magic Paintbrush

  • Choose your own setting, characters and plot for what would happen with your Magic Paintbrush. Would you use it for good to help people or will something bad happen to the paintbrush.
  • Use as much detail as you can to tell your story.

Fun Finisher

Imagine you had a magic paintbrush – draw a scene you would create with it.

  • It can be from your story above or a new idea.

Home Learning 29.04.20

Good Morning P3.

Here are today’s number and literacy tasks.



Warm Up

  • Watch this number video to revise bridging through ten using addition and subtraction.
  • Complete the bridging through ten quiz below the video.


Main Task

Copy and complete the following subtraction task.

If you can complete this mentally using bridging strategies.


A 100 square can also help with subtraction.  Start at the biggest number and count back.

For missing number sums start at the biggest number and count the jumps it takes to get to your answer.

Here is an online hundred square.

You could use the online, print out or make your own 100 square.

Fun Finisher

  • Play Race to the Moon with someone at home or count the number of turns you need to get across the page from the Earth to the Moon and try to beat your own score.

Use the 100 square to help if needed – remember for taking away two digit numbers you can move horizontally for units and vertically for tens.




Warm Up

Watch this Authors Live video of the author Oliver Jeffers talking about his writing and drawings .

As you watch join in the drawing workshop and make notes about the author Oliver Jeffers.


Main Task

Listen to a reading of the story ‘The Hueys in The New Jumper’.


  • Pick a part of the story from the The Hueys in the New Jumper that you liked and pause the video on that page.  Look and discuss what is happening in the picture.  How do you think the Hueys are feeling? How can you tell? What are they thinking? What might they say?
  • Choose a Huey and write a speech  bubble showing what they might be saying.

Research the author Oliver Jeffers

From your notes you completed watching the Authors Live or using the internet if you have access to find out more about the author Oliver Jeffers.

Create a fact file or poster by drawing and writing about Oliver Jeffers. This could be in your jotter, on paper or on the computer.

You could include;

  • Books he has written
  • Where he is from
  • Where he lives now
  • What his hobbies or interests are

Fun Finisher

Choose a different Authors Live video to watch.



Research the new Author you chose.

Home Learning 28.04.20

Good Morning P3.

Here are your number and literacy tasks for today.


Times Tables

Warm Up

  • Practise counting on and back in tens. As you count try doing something like clapping, throwing a ball, jumping etc .


  • Try repeating this activity for your other times tables.

Main Task

Watch this ten times table video again to remind you about multiplying by ten.

Complete the following ten times table tasks.

Task one

Task two


  • Create your own multiplying by 10 sums using the same strategy you used to complete the task above.  Try multiplying 2 digit, 3 digit numbers etc by ten.  Ask someone at home or use a calculator to check your answer.
  • Think about how you worked out the answer and tell someone at home or write it out.


Fun Finisher

  • With someone at home get them to ask you a ten times table question and you give the answer then swap start with the answer and you give the fact that matches.
  • Challenge – repeat task for 2X, 5X and 4X table



Sound – ou

Warm Up

Watch this video to revise the ou sound.

Main Task

Copy and complete the ou task.


Make a poster with words and pictures showing as many ou words as you can.


Fun Finisher

  • Go to this site to explore ou words.

Use a timer try and write as many ou words as you can in a set time eg one minute.  Try it again try and beat the number from your first go- be careful to make sure spelling is accurate.

Home Learning 27.04.20

Good morning P3 .  I hope everyone had a lovely weekend and are getting a chance to enjoy this sunshine.

These are your number and literacy tasks for today.



Warm Up

  • Practise your number bonds using the online game Hit the Button choose your own level.

Main Task

Complete the following addition problem solving task.


Fun Finisher

Try these magic square challenges



Common Words – came, make, here, saw, very

Warm Up

Choose one of the spelling activities to practise your words


Main Task

Write each of your words in a silly sentence

Eg I saw a rainbow coloured pig walk into the hairdresser.


Fun Finisher

Choose from all your common words and play hangman with someone at home.



Home Learning 24.04.20

Good Morning and Happy Friday. I hope you all had a good week and are looking forward to a relaxing weekend.  Happy Birthday for Sunday to LH – I hope you have a super day.


Position and Movement

Warm Up

  • Play Stop The Clock to practise matching your digital and analogue times (these games need flash and may not work on some devices).

Level one

Level two


You have to login to this site

your login details are;

  • Username – first four letters of your first and second name (no capitals or spaces and if your name has less than four letters just use these)
  • Password – woodlands
  • School code – 6kwa

Again if anyone has any problems leave a message and I can try to sort.

Main Task

Complete the following task by writing the digital times to match the analogue clock faces.

Tell the Time Task

Fun Finisher

Use the times from the activity above

  • Think about what you might be doing on a typical day or during home learning at this time.
  • Draw or write in you jotter.

Eg 6.00pm – Eating my dinner




Warm Up

Watch this video to revise what a verb is and complete the activity online.

Main Task

Copy and complete the following sentences choosing suitable verbs.

Verb Task

Fun Finisher

  • Play charades with someone at home- choose a verb and act it out without saying any words. Take turns to act it out and guess the verb.

Home Learning 23.04.20

Good Morning everyone.

Well done to MK who had the fantastic idea to do the ‘Pogo Times Tables’ keeping fit and doing her number work – it really made me smile 😊.

Good work to  all of you who have been able to get some of the home learning done, I know it can be tricky. Remember if you have a good idea to adapt the learning with the space and resources you have at home – go for it!


Position and Movement

Warm Up

  • With someone at home play the robot game.
  • One person is the controller and one person the robot – find a large space that is safe to move around in.
  • The controller uses forward, back, left, right and numbers to give instructions for the robot to follow.

eg Left one, forward three, right two, back one

  • If you don’t have anyone to play with – write down your own instructions and then follow them.
  • Try giving instructions to get from one place in a room or the garden to another.
  • Be careful!


Main Task

Watch this video about grid reference


Copy and complete the following task.

Fun Finisher

Make your own grid reference map by drawing lines in opposite directions and labelling the X and Y axis with letters and numbers (as above).  You could do this on paper, on the computer, outside using chalk or sticks and stones etc.

Draw or put your own items in the boxes and get someone at home to see if they can tell you what position your items are in.



Writing – Story settings

Warm Up

Think about different settings for stories.  Write or draw as many different settings as you can think of eg space, school, the park, a farm etc.


Main Task

Watch this video about story settings and complete the task online.

  •   Choose one of the settings from your warm up or another one you have thought of.
  •  Draw the setting using as much detail as you can – add labels to your drawing to help.
  • Write about the setting using wow words to describe in as much detail as you can.


You can use your setting as a starting point and continue the story by adding characters and plot.


Fun Finisher

  • With someone at home give clues about a setting and let them guess what setting you are thinking of. Take turns to guess.
  • If you don’t have anyone to work with – write clues to use later.


Home Learning 22.04.20

Good Morning P3. I hope everyone has had a good week so far.

Today is the 50th Earth Day.  Can you think of any small changes you can do around the house or during your daily exercise that can help the planet.  Maybe you can reduce, reuse, recycle?




Warm Up

Target Number

  • Choose a target number.
  • How many take away sums can you create that the answer is your target number.
  • Set yourself a time limit if you like.
  • Repeat for different target numbers.


Main Task

Copy and complete the following subtraction page.

Fun Finisher

Create a poster showing all the different ways subtraction can be presented




Warm Up

Read this text

Main Task

Complete the following questions

All about Words



Fun Finisher

If you can complete 15 minutes on Sumdog Reading.




Home Learning 21.04.20

Good Morning P3.

Hope you are all well.


Times Tables

Warm Up

  • If you are able to watch these times table songs.  If not you could try writing the facts for each of these tables.

2 X table song

4 X table song

5 X table song  

10 X table song  


Main Task

Copy and complete the following times table page.


Fun Finisher

I have added some times table games to active learn.

You have to login to this site

– your login details are;

  • Username – first four letters of your first and second name (no capitals or spaces and if your name has less than four letters just use these)
  • Password – woodlands
  • School code – 6kwa

If you have any problems leave a message and I can try to sort.


If you can’t get online practise your times table facts with someone at home.



Revision phonemes – ways to make the O sound – oe, ow, oa, o_e.

Warm Up

If you are able watch this  sound video.

Write down as many words that contain the O sound- take care to use the correct spelling.

Main Task

Use this website to explore word spellings and meanings

oe word list

ow word list

oa word list

o_e word list

Copy and complete


  • Can you think of other words you could add to each list.


Fun Finisher

Ask someone at home to test you on the spelling of the words you used above.


Practise your spellings using look, say, cover, write, check.


Home Learning 20.04.20

Good Morning Primary 3  and welcome back. I hope you all managed to have an enjoyable Easter break and got outside to enjoy some of the lovely spring sunshine.

Numeracy and literacy work will continue to be uploaded here each day for you to access- complete what you are able to do. It can be recorded in the jotters that you were provided with from your learning pack or if you are able some parts can be done using ICT, art/ craft materials, outdoor objects etc – try to have fun and be creative and I can’t wait to hear what you have been up to when I see you next 😊 .

Remember Mr Green has posted lots of links to other curricular areas on the main blog for you to explore.




Warm Up

Time yourself – how long does it take you to complete these addition sums?


How many can you complete in a given time e.g 2 minutes?

Challenge – Talk about some of the strategies you used to complete your sums.


Main Task

Copy and complete the following addition sums.


Fun Finisher

  • If you are able to login to Sumdog and practise your maths skills.


Revision Spelling Words

house    about    your    day    made

Warm Up

  • Speed writing
  • Set a timer for 30 seconds
  • How many times can you write each of your words in 30 seconds

Main Task

Use your words to create an acrostic poem.


Fun Finisher

Look in books, magazines, online – how many of each of your words can you find.


Try to use all your words in one sentence.

Home Learning 3.04.20

Happy Friday everyone.

Well done for all your hard work this week.



Warm Up

  • Watch this video to revise your knowledge and understanding of symmetry.

Main Task

Copy and complete the following Easter Egg designs using symmetrical patterns.

  • Add colour to the designs, but keep checking they are symmetrical.
  • Use a mirror if you have one to check.


Fun Finisher

  • Create your own symmetrical Easter Egg – make sure the shapes, colours and patterns are symmetrical.


  • Complete the Sumdog symmetry task.

Be careful to remember the difference between vertical and horizontal symmetry.



Warm Up

  • Use a book, magazine etc you have at home. Identify all the different types of punctuation used.


Main Task

Punctuate these sentences using capitals, full stops, commas, exclamation marks and question marks.

1 – the sun is shining today

2 – what time are we going to the cinema at

3 – i went to the park with my friends sarah david and jessica

4 – help i’ve lost my purse

5 – where is my jacket

6 – how many people want pudding

7- can you get me some milk bread and bananas

8- who wants an ice cream


Fun Finisher

That is our home learning complete until Monday 20th April.

Stay safe and enjoy your holiday.