Home Learning 20.04.20

Good Morning Primary 3  and welcome back. I hope you all managed to have an enjoyable Easter break and got outside to enjoy some of the lovely spring sunshine.

Numeracy and literacy work will continue to be uploaded here each day for you to access- complete what you are able to do. It can be recorded in the jotters that you were provided with from your learning pack or if you are able some parts can be done using ICT, art/ craft materials, outdoor objects etc – try to have fun and be creative and I can’t wait to hear what you have been up to when I see you next 😊 .

Remember Mr Green has posted lots of links to other curricular areas on the main blog for you to explore.




Warm Up

Time yourself – how long does it take you to complete these addition sums?


How many can you complete in a given time e.g 2 minutes?

Challenge – Talk about some of the strategies you used to complete your sums.


Main Task

Copy and complete the following addition sums.


Fun Finisher

  • If you are able to login to Sumdog and practise your maths skills.


Revision Spelling Words

house    about    your    day    made

Warm Up

  • Speed writing
  • Set a timer for 30 seconds
  • How many times can you write each of your words in 30 seconds

Main Task

Use your words to create an acrostic poem.


Fun Finisher

Look in books, magazines, online – how many of each of your words can you find.


Try to use all your words in one sentence.

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