Home Learning 3.04.20

Happy Friday everyone.

Well done for all your hard work this week.



Warm Up

  • Watch this video to revise your knowledge and understanding of symmetry.

Main Task

Copy and complete the following Easter Egg designs using symmetrical patterns.

  • Add colour to the designs, but keep checking they are symmetrical.
  • Use a mirror if you have one to check.


Fun Finisher

  • Create your own symmetrical Easter Egg – make sure the shapes, colours and patterns are symmetrical.


  • Complete the Sumdog symmetry task.

Be careful to remember the difference between vertical and horizontal symmetry.



Warm Up

  • Use a book, magazine etc you have at home. Identify all the different types of punctuation used.


Main Task

Punctuate these sentences using capitals, full stops, commas, exclamation marks and question marks.

1 – the sun is shining today

2 – what time are we going to the cinema at

3 – i went to the park with my friends sarah david and jessica

4 – help i’ve lost my purse

5 – where is my jacket

6 – how many people want pudding

7- can you get me some milk bread and bananas

8- who wants an ice cream


Fun Finisher

That is our home learning complete until Monday 20th April.

Stay safe and enjoy your holiday.


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