Home Learning 24.04.20

Good Morning and Happy Friday. I hope you all had a good week and are looking forward to a relaxing weekend.  Happy Birthday for Sunday to LH – I hope you have a super day.


Position and Movement

Warm Up

  • Play Stop The Clock to practise matching your digital and analogue times (these games need flash and may not work on some devices).

Level one

Level two


You have to login to this site

your login details are;

  • Username – first four letters of your first and second name (no capitals or spaces and if your name has less than four letters just use these)
  • Password – woodlands
  • School code – 6kwa

Again if anyone has any problems leave a message and I can try to sort.

Main Task

Complete the following task by writing the digital times to match the analogue clock faces.

Tell the Time Task

Fun Finisher

Use the times from the activity above

  • Think about what you might be doing on a typical day or during home learning at this time.
  • Draw or write in you jotter.

Eg 6.00pm – Eating my dinner




Warm Up

Watch this video to revise what a verb is and complete the activity online.

Main Task

Copy and complete the following sentences choosing suitable verbs.

Verb Task

Fun Finisher

  • Play charades with someone at home- choose a verb and act it out without saying any words. Take turns to act it out and guess the verb.

5 thoughts on “Home Learning 24.04.20”

  1. Hi I’m unable to find the time games on the active learn page when I go into Carson’s stuff. Also on Sumdog I couldn’t find the reading tasks. I don’t know if I’m just totally missing it. Have only just figured out how to send a message and don’t know if it’s private or not. Thanks

    1. Hi,
      Thanks for letting me know- don’t worry I’m getting used to it too 😃. Sumdog reading is the grammar but he could do spelling either is fine. My Sumdog lists it as reading – I’m not sure why it is different. Hope you are all well – Well done Carson for all your hard work.

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