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First Day Photos!
We all had a fabulous day on our first ever day at school. We sang songs, practised writing our names, drew pictures, played in the classroom and went to assembly. It was a fun and very tiring day!
Please label all items
With lots of jumpers and cardigans going wanders, and the cloakroom being a busy place, it would be greatly appreciated if you could label all your child’s items.
Water Bottles
Children are welcome to bring in a filled water bottle each day.
Primary 1 have P.E. on a Thursday and a Friday. They can leave their gym kit in school if that is easier for you.
Please include: gym shoes, a t-shirt and shorts.
Welcome to Primary 1!
Welcome everyone to P1’s class blog.
Please try and check the blog regularly for information and updates on what we have been doing in class.
If you ever have any question please feel free to speak to me anytime. Thank you.
Here’s to a successful year ahead.
Homework 10/6/19
Please send in school trip slips ASAP.
- Complete the ch, sh, th sheet inside your folder.
- Read your book as often as you can – can you spot any ee or oo words?
- Go over your sound and word card – how fast can you read all the words?
- Have a go at playing the game below:
- Complete the number sheet inside your folder.
- Can you count to 20 forward and backwards?
- Can you count in 10’s to 100?
- Can you add doubles e.g. 1+1, 2+2, 3+3 etc
- Have a go at playing the game below:
School Show
Please remember to send in forms and money for school show tickets.
Children will be provided with a t-shirt to wear but are asked to provide black trousers/leggings . School trousers will be suitable.
Keep singing along to the songs at home:
Primary 1
Dancing Queen
Ring Ring
Sorry it’s been a bit quiet recently…
We have continued to be super busy in class and we are all working so hard.
We’ve also been practicing our show songs on the stage – we are very excited for you to see us!
We had a brilliant time at sports day too – sorry these didn’t get posted earlier :-/
Today we have come home with our report cards… we hope you enjoy reading them!
Homework 27/5/19
I hope everyone had lovely bank holiday weekend.
Complete the sheet inside your homework folder.
Our new sound this week is oo. Can you think of any oo words e.g. moon, spoon, smoothie, tool.
New reading books given out today to most groups. One group still needs a bit more practise please! Can you find any sh, ch, th or wh sounds in your book?
Take some time to go over your reading card in your homework folder.
Complete the sheet inside your homework folder. We began takeaway sums today. The children are encouraged to cross out the dinosaurs when taking away.
Log into your SumDog and have a go at some maths games.
School Show Songs
Please listen to the songs at home and learn the words.
Primary 1
Dancing Queen
Ring Ring
Online Games
These are some games your child can play at home if they wish.
Homework 20/5/19
It is Sports Day on Wednesday this week. Children can wear their gym clothes to school – please dress for the weather as some of the activities will be outside (including sun tan lotion if it is sunny).
Thursday is an in-service day due to the European Elections – the school is closed for pupils.
Friday 24th and Monday 27th are May holidays.
Complete the sheet inside your homework folder.
Please read your reading book. Can you find ‘ee’ words? Can you name capital letters and say their sounds?
Take some time to go over your reading card in your homework folder.
Complete the addition sheet or fill in the missing numbers.
Log into your SumDog and have a go at some maths games.
School Show Songs
Please listen to the songs at home and learn the words.
Dancing Queen
Ring Ring
Online Games
Homework 13/5/19
Complete the sheet inside your homework folder.
Take some time to go over your new reading card in your homework folder.
Try and read your reading book as often as you can – can you find any ee, sh, ch, th or wh words?
Complete the adding sheet. Remember to put the bigger number ‘in your pocket’ and then count on.
Log into your SumDog and have a go at some maths games.
Online Games
Fun in the Learning Zone
We have really enjoyed exploring our new ‘space’ themed Learning Zone this week. There is lots to do & we have been using our imaginations to role play.
At the creative table we have been experimenting with clay. We liked using it but found it a bit “squishy”. When you add water to it, it goes a bit “jiggly”.
We also have a Minibeasts discovery area and the Small World Area has ‘People who Help Us’ toys & costumes to play with.
Tomorrow we are going to try creating some art work for the Learning Zone wall – watch this space!