Today we completed the last of our Show and Tell of our fabulous homework!
The children did so well presenting their work to the class and should be very proud of themselves. Thank you so much for all the effort that went into this. I hope you don’t mind us holding onto the presentation pieces for a little while longer.
All pieces are on display in the school – even the powerpoint presentations – which have been printed out to display. Miss Ferguson is planning to complete a ‘walk round’ to view all of this wonderful homework in school.
It has been so lovely to find out more about all of the primary ones in this way.
There have been a few items of clothing and other property left behind, been mixed up with other pupils, clothing not claimed and clothing and accessories still missing.
I have set up a lost property box which I will bring out with me at the end of every day for parents and carers to have a look in to see if you can identify any of your child’s things.
To help make sure that clothing etc. is easily found please label everything with your child’s name, including gym kit, shoes and ties – When changing for gym there are a lot of loose items in the class!
Just a wee reminder to return all pupil information forms to school as soon as possible, if you haven’t already done so. Once all data and photograph permission slips are returned I will then be able to continue posting photos on the Blog of your children’s learning, if you have given permission to do so.
Thank you to all those who attended the homework workshop today – Tuesday 3rd September 3.00pm – 3.30pm.
I hope you found it both helpful and informative. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Remember there is another session, which covers the same content, this Thursday 5th September 3:00-3:30pm, so we hope to see you there if you weren’t there today!
Your child has come home with their homework folder. Please keep everything in the homework folder and put it back into your child’s bag when you are finished – we will be using the sound and word cards in class.
P1 Homework
Please try and go over your words and sounds as often as you can – little and often is usually best.
This weeks sounds are : a t sCan you find these soundsin your word wallet?Can you think of any words that have these sounds at the start?
This weeks words are : a the at Can you find these words in your word wallet? Can you find any of these words in a book or in your house?
Please complete the first page of your workbook in pencil.
Write your name 3 times at the top.
Make sure you are forming your letters correctly – always start at the top.
Draw pictures or get an adult to write words beginning with these sounds in the box at the bottom.