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Homework 21.10.19

Welcome back after the October break – I hope you all had a lovely week off.


Reading Book
  • Try and read your reading book as often as you can.
  • Remember to point to each word as you read it.
  • Can you find any of your words or sounds in your book?
Sounds and Words
  • This week is another consolidation week – we will be revising all the sounds and words we have learned so far.
  • Please spend time this week going over the sounds and words your child is not as confident with.
  • If you haven’t already,  you can download the ‘Jolly Phonics’ app on a phone or tablet.  It will help with sounds and formation of letters.
  • Please complete the sound worksheet in your folder.
  • Please complete the worksheet in pencil.
  • Make sure you are forming your letters correctly.
  • Please complete the missing number sheet.
  • Play this game on a computer, phone or tablet:


Tomorrow, Thursday 10th October, the school photographer is in to take individual and sibling photos.  Please remember to wear full school uniform and not P.E. kit to school!

Also, P1 and P1/2 will be singing at the McMillan Coffee morning in school on Friday 11th October at 10:30 am, if you would like to come along for a cuppa and a cake and some entertainment.

Homework 7.10.19

Primary 1 Homework

Sounds and Words
  • This week is a consolidation week – we will be revising all the sounds and words we have learned so far.
  • Please spend time this week going over the sounds and words your child is not as confident with – I have marked these on a sheet and placed them in their homework folder.
  • Please complete the sound and number worksheet in your folder.
  • Please complete the worksheet in pencil.
  • Make sure you are forming your letters correctly.
  • Play these games on a computer, phone or tablet:


This afternoon we had a science afternoon! We visited the nursery to take part in some science experiments which we could also eat some of.  We made a rainbow by adding some water to some skittles which made the colours melt to create a rainbow.  We also created an image of an atom using marshmallows and chocolate.

After that we came back to our class and learned about changing the state of water from a solid to a liquid. Our challenge was to rescue the little people from the ice as fast as we could.  We used some different materials to try to help us but we learned that the quickest way to melt ice is by using heat and that our bodies have heat, so we used our hands to melt the ice quicker.

Homework 01.10.19

Primary 1 Homework


  • This weeks sounds are :  g   l   f
  • Can you make up any 3 letter words with your sounds e.g. rip, red, cap.
  • Can you think of any words that have these sounds at the beginning?


  • This weeks words are :  did  as  he
  • Can you find these words in your word wallet?
  • What sounds are in these words?
  • Can you find any of these words in a book or in your house?


  • Please complete the 5th page of your workbook (with sounds g, l, f) in pencil.


  • We have been learning about ‘ the number after‘. Use your number line to help you:
  • What number comes after 9?
  • What number comes after 5?
  • What number comes after 0?
Try playing these maths games at home (they should work on a tablet or phone):

Book of the Week

Our book of the week is ‘A Squash and a Squeeze’ by Julia Donaldson.
  • Can you remember what happened in the beginning, middle and end of the book?
  • Can you remember any of the characters?

Primary 2 Homework


  • Can you think of words that have these sounds at the beginning, middle or end?
  • What 4 letter words can you make with your sound cards?
  • Can you name the capital letters that go with the lowercase letters?


  • Go over the words in your word wallet.
  • How many of these words can you find in your reading book or around your house?


  • Please complete the 5th page of your workbook in pencil.
  • Make sure you are forming your letters correctly – always start at the top.

Reading Book

  • Read your reading book at home to an adult.
  • Try and read your book every day if you have time.
  • Remember to point to each word as you read it.


Log into SumDog and play the games.
All children from P2-P7 have been entered in the Sumdog Maths Week Scotland competition.
To take part, students simply play Sumdog’s maths games.
Each contest runs from 8am local time Friday to 8pm the following Thursday – but you can play at any time during this period.
As a reward for taking part, each student who answers 100 questions will receive an item for their Sumdog House.

Road Safety Magic Show at Ravenswood

This afternoon Primary 1-3 walked to Ravenswood Primary to school to watch a magic show all about road safety!  It was so much fun and we learned how to be really safe when crossing the road.  Remember to always…





Tomorrow afternoon we will be talking about and drawing our favourite part of the show! 😉

Homework 23.09.19

Primary 1 Homework


  • This weeks sounds are :  e   c   k
  • Can you make up any 3 letter words with your sounds e.g. can, cat, nip.
  • Can you think of any words that have these sounds at the beginning?


  • This weeks words are :  am  me  my
  • Can you find these words in your word wallet?
  • What sounds are in these words?
  • Can you find any of these words in a book or in your house?


  • Please complete the 4th page of your workbook (with sounds e, c, k) in pencil.


Try playing these pattern and symmetry games at home (they should work on a tablet or phone):

Book of the Week

Our book of the week is ‘The Scarecrow Wedding’ by Julia Donaldson.
  • Can you remember what happened in the beginning, middle and end of the book?
  • Can you remember any of the characters?

Rhyme of the week

10 Green bottles.  This also helps with initial subtraction – 1 more / 1 less