We had lots of fun doing balloon races this week as part of sports week!
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Writing about Farming
We have been reading ‘A Farmer’s Life for Me’ book and we have been discussing life on a farm. For writing we sequenced the pictures in the book and then write about each job they are doing in the picture. We were using our phonics knowledge to help us sound out words.
Bean planting
Monday Sports Challenge
We took part in our first challenge of sports week this afternoon – The Trim Trail Challenge. We completed circuits of the trim trail which challenged some of us to tackle parts of it that we would usually avoid! We felt proud when we achieved success!
Mental Health Awareness
As part of mental health awareness week, we discussed different emotions and specifically emotions which make you feel bad like sadness, worry and anger.
We talked about and practised strategies to deal with these emotions including breathing techniques, talking to others and activities to make us feel better.
We also did some mindful colouring.
Following our work on doubling and then halving shapes, we have been learning about halving numbers. We used cubes to half amounts. We were good at it.
P.E. Fun
We have new P.E. equipment for the next few weeks. We were very excited to try it out. We got into groups of 4 and rotated round different stations to practise our motor skills. We found skipping very tricky and we are going to do lots of practise as we want to get better at it.
Thursday Fun!
This afternoon we had some play time at our desks. We had lots of fun choosing what we wanted to do and using our imagination.