Go to Oxford Owl and choose a book or 2 to read with someone at home.
Click on ‘my class login’ at the top and then ‘My Bookshelf’.
Username: woodlandsreading
Password: pupil
Talk about the story using the 6 questions:
Main Task
Read the short story below about cat. Then answer the questions. You can answer them by talking to someone else or you can write your answers in your jotter.
Remember, you need to answer in a full sentence with a capital letter and full stop. Not just with one word. So for question number 1 your answer would start:-
Tess has a _______ ________ ________ .
Extra Challenges
Make up your own question about the story for someone else to answer!
Watch this video with all our jolly phonics sounds and actions – how many do you remember?
Main Activity
Look at the sheet below. Write a word that begins with each letter of the alphabet – maybe you could draw a picture of something that begins with that letter too.
Remember to sound out your word when you are writing it and read it back to make sure you haven’t missed any letters.
Who can write a word for all 26 letters of the alphabet?
Extra Challenge
Try and write you words in capitals as well as lowercase letters.
Use your words to try and write a sentence – how many of your words can you get into one sentence?
Game to support learning
Click on this link Little Bird Spelling to practise your spelling (click on Year 1 at the top then choose a book).
Start from 30 and count backwards – try and write your numbers all the way to 0. Maybe you could challenge yourself and start from 100 and try and count all the way back to 0!
Watch this video all about subtraction
Main Task:
Write down your subtraction sums in your jotter and then answer them.
Remember to put the big number in your pocket and count back the small number using your fingers, or use a number line, to help you.
0 – 0 =
6 – 2 =
5 – 3 =
6 – 6 =
2 – 1 =
10 – 1 =
7 – 0 =
4 – 2 =
Extra Challenge:
Can you tell someone all the things you know about subtraction?
Maybe you could make a poster to teach someone how to subtract.
Morning Primary 1. It should be another sunny day. I hope you can get out in the sunshine for a while today.
Warm up
Write out the alphabet using lowercase or uppercase letters. Remember to make sure you are forming your letters correctly; think about tall, small and fall letters.
Play the game below to see if you can tell the difference between read words and nonsense words. You can choose different levels to suit how much of a challenge you would like.
Here is a video of one of our favourite books that we read in class – ‘The Smartest Giant in Town’. Listen to the story and try to join in with the rhyming.
After you have read it choose your favourite character from the story to draw in your jotter or on paper.
Write some words to describe your character with help from adult.
Use the words you have written to write a few sentences about your character.
I asked Lyla (my youngest daughter, who is 6) to do this activity and here is hers which you can use as an example:
Remember to use capital letters and full stops.
Can you use a joining word?
Extra Challenge
Make up your own new character for ‘The Smartest Giant in Town’ story. Draw your new character and write about them.
Fun Finisher
Remember in class when I used to sing part of the story to you and I had made up my own tune? Well it turns out that the author’s husband had already made up a tune. Here is his version of the song. Sing along while you watch!
Boys and girls – I actually prefer my own tune for the song! 😉 Don’t tell anyone.
Here is a wee Numbertime video for you to watch today! It is all about addition. We know how much you enjoy Numbertime. Remember to watch out for our favourite – El Nombre!
Remember to put the bigger number in your pocket and count on the smaller number.
Use small objects from around the house or a number line to help you.
Addition sums
Missing Numbers – if you want!
7 + 0 =
8 + ? = 9
9 + 2 =
3 + ? = 6
4 + 3 =
5 + ? =7
8 + 8 =
4 + ? = 8
5 + 3 =
? + 1 = 10
4 + 1 =
? + 4 = 4
7 + 3 =
0 + ? = 3
6 + 2 =
? + 5 = 9
Extra Challenge:
Addition card game (if you have a pack of cards at home)
Using a deck of cards, this game can be played with 2-4 players. Each player picks up two cards, they then need to add the two numbers together and give the answer to the sum. If they get it right, they get to keep the cards. If they don’t, they have to put their cards back to the bottom of the pile. The student with the most cards at the end wins!
Game to Support Learning:
Play Sumdog for 10 minutes – Mr Green is awarding Sumdog champions.
Good morning Primary 1. It’s another Monday and the sun is shining again! Here are today’s online lessons for you to have a go at.
Phonics Monday!
Last week I put on a link for Oxford Owl– it will give you access to lots of age appropriate books, including Biff, Chip and Kipper ones, to help you read at your level. You can filter by age or level at the top. I set up an account for our class:
Click on ‘my class login’ at the top and then ‘My Bookshelf’.
Username: woodlandsreading
Password: pupil
Phonics Monday
Today we are going to be doing some revision on our digraph oo.
Warm up:
Can you read these words with the digraphs ch th wh sh?
Watch these two YouTube clips all about oo:
Main Task
In your jotter write some oo words.
Write a sentence with an oo word in it. Remember a capital letter, full stop and finger spaces in your sentence.
Happy Friday Primary 1 and happy May! It’s a new month.
I hope you are all doing well and trying to stay happy and busy in lock down. Missing you all! I hope you have a lovely weekend. I’ll be back on Monday with more learning for you all 🙂
If you are looking for something to do over the weekend, here is the link to the Art for Kids Hub that we liked to use in class. Have a go and see how you get on drawing the different things!
Friday Spelling
Warm Up:
Watch this video clip on spelling tricky words.
Main Activity:
Primary 1 spelling words
Can you write your spelling words in CAPITALS?
Can you write your spelling words in bubble writing?
Can you write them in rainbow writing? e.g. they
Extra Challenge:
Be a Text Detective and have a look around your house. How many of your spelling words can you find?
Can you use any of your spelling words in a sentence?
Game to Support Learning:
Click on this link Little Bird Spelling to practise your spelling (click on Year 1 at the top then choose a book).
You will need to create an account and sign up but it is a FREE resource and it will give you online access to lots of age appropriate books which are designed to help your little one read at their level.
Read your chosen story with someone at home.
Main Task
Read the short story below about cat. Then answer the questions. You can answer them by talking to someone else or you can write your answers in your jotter.
Remember, you need to answer in a full sentence with a capital letter and full stop. Not just with one word. So for question number 1 your answer would start:-
The cat is sat on the ……. .
Extra Challenge
Make up your own question about the story for someone else to answer!