All posts by Pamela Donald

Literacy Thursday 28th May

Reading Thursday – Non-Fiction

Fiction vs. Non-Fiction - Miss Francine's Website 2019-2020

Hi Primary 1.  Hope you are good today! I am still missing you all.
Today we are going to read a non-fiction book.  Remember in Tuesday’s online learning we learned about the difference between fiction and non-fiction.
Fiction books are made up stories that are not real and non-fiction book have facts, they teach us something and have information that is true.  
Have a look back to Tuesday’s lesson if you need a reminder!

Warm Up

Visit the DK Find Out Website and explore all the different non-fiction categories you can find out about .  There are videos, quizzes and fun facts too!
  Why not take a quiz about dinosaurs…
or watch a short video about your amazing body!

Main Task

  • I have assigned you a selection of non-fiction reading books on the Epic reading site.
  • Log on to the Epic Reading website and choose a non-fiction book from the range  I have assigned to you all…
My Favorite Animal: Wolves by Victoria Marcos | MagicBlox Online ... Discover Africa: Level 2 Reader (Discover Reading ...
Remember the Login class code: jvy5210
  • You can read as many as you like to read – you might need an adult to help you with some of the books.
  • Choose one book to complete the task below.  You can write in your jotter or just talk about it with an adult…


Extra Challenge

Game to Support Learning

Fiction V Non-Fiction books

Maths Thursday 28th May

Money Thursday

Today we are going to learn about money and about adding coins to make an amount!

Fish - Banking Jokes for Kids

  • We need money so we can pay for things. Can you think of any things you have bought using money?
  • There are lots of different ways we can pay for items. We can use coins, notes or a credit/debit card. Look at these coins…
Warm Up
  • Go on a coin hunt!  Look around the house to see if you can find any coins.  Ask a grown up to help you.  When you have finished talk about the coins you have found.
  • Watch this short sing along video that tells us about the coins 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p.

Play this Game to practise giving the correct amount.   There are different levels of difficulty to choose from:

Cashing In

Main Task

Have a look at the money jars below.  Can you work out how much money is in each jar?  If you have any coins at home you can use these to lay out the amounts shown on the sheet.

Extra Challenge

Can you make these amounts with coins up to 10p?  You could draw round any coins you have at home to show the amount in your jotter!


Games to support Learning:

Toy Shop Money Game

Coins Game

  • If you have time, watch this Numbertime episode all about money – I remember how much you all loved watching Numbertime in class!

Literacy Wednesday 27th May

Blending Wednesday 

Today we are going to do some more work on letter blends – sometimes letter blends are called ‘consonant blends’.  

20 Perfect Anchor Charts for Teaching Phonics and Blends

Each letter is said individually, but quickly, so they ‘blend‘ together. 


Warm Up:

  • Can you read all the letter blends below? Remember to say each sound quickly so they ‘blend’ together! : Carson Dellosa Beginning Blends Chart (114065 ...

  • Try and say the letter blends in this video along with Jack Hartman


Main Activity:

  • Write down the words from the sheet by adding the correct letter blend to the beginning of the word
  • If you would like to, you can draw a picture next to your word

Blending And Segmenting - Lessons - Tes Teach

Extra Challenge:

  • Can you use some of the words above to write a sentence? How many words can you get in your sentence?
  • Try writing out the words from the sheet above in capital letters as well as lowercase letters e.g. trunk TRUNK

Game to Support Learning:

  • Play this game and fill in the missing blend at the start of the word…. click here to play

Maths Wednesday 27th May

Number Problem Wednesday

Comics (With images) | Funny math posters, Math puns, Math jokes

Today we are going to do some work on number problems.
Solving number problems means you’ve got to use your brain and think about what you have been asked – is it an adding sum or a taking away sum?
Lot of words give you a clue and help you work out if you have to add or subtract. Look at these posters to help you:


Clue Words - Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division | TpTClue Words - Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division | TpT

Warm Up:

  • Watch this video about solving word problems

Main Activity:

Can you solve these tricky addition and subtraction problems?  You need to to really think about what the question is asking you to dois it an adding sum or a take away sum? Remember to look for clues in the words that are used!

Number bond worksheets | Teaching Resources

Extra Challenge:

  • Can you remember all the words that mean ‘subtract‘ and all the words you remember that mean ‘add‘? Look back up to the top of this post at the ‘word clue’ posters if you need some help!
  • Maybe you could make a poster, like the ones above, with all the words that mean ‘subtract’ and all the words that mean ‘add’

Game to Support Learning:







Literacy Tuesday 26th May

Morning primary 1

I hope you’ve enjoyed your weekend.  I have enjoyed hearing from some of you about what you have been up to while you’ve been away from school.  Fabulous plant growing BM! Remember you can contact me at:


Well done to NG, CT and LM  for all their super reading on Epic Books. 

Here are today’s online activities….

Tuesday’s Literacy 

Today in literacy I thought we could do some learning on fiction and non-fiction books.

Warm Up:

  • Have you heard of ‘fiction books‘ and ‘non-fiction books‘? Try and have a guess at what you think the words might mean then watch the videos below to see if you’re right!


Were you right? So, fiction books are made up stories that are not real and non-fiction book have facts, they teach us something and have information that is true.  

Fiction and Nonfiction Poster Freebie (With images) | Kindergarten ...Fiction and Nonfiction Poster Freebie (With images) | Nonfiction ...

Main Activity:

  • Read the title of each book from this worksheet and decide if it is fiction (made up – not real) or non-fiction (real information, teaches us something)
  • You can write the titles of the books (or draw pictures of the titles) in your jotter under the headings Non-Fiction and Fiction or just discuss them with someone at home

How to" writing and Non-fiction activities | Reading classroom ...

Extra Challenge:

  • When I did a hunt around my house I found some nonfiction books; I found a dictionary, a recipe book and a book all about birds.
  • Go on a book hunt around your house and try and find some fiction books and non fiction books – how many of each can you find? Can you beat me?

Game/reading to Support Learning:

  • Click on the link below and compare the fiction and nonfiction books. You can read along with the books or press on the button and listen to them be read to you
  • Non-fiction books vs Fiction books

Maths Tuesday 26th May

Fraction Tuesday

fractions humor (With images) | Teacher cartoon, Teacher humor ...

Today we are going to learn about fractions. Fractions are when something is split into equal parts – all the pieces need to be the same size.  
Half‘ is a fraction. Sometimes it is written like this ‘1/2‘. Half means 1 whole split into 2 equal sized pieces

Mrs Graham's Maths Group - Fraction Fun!

Warm Up:

  • Watch this video all about half

Main Activity:

  • Look at the worksheet below. You can draw the shapes in your jotter or just talk about them with someone at home. Which pictures show half 1/2?

Fun activity on fractions, Half (1/2) worksheets for children

  • Draw your own pizza or cookie like the ones below. Afterwards, cut your cookie or pizza in half and share it with someone

Fraction Cookies @Adrienne Moses | Elementary math, First grade mathPaper Plate Pizza Fractions

Extra Challenge:

  • Maybe you could ask an adult to help you divide things into 2 equal halves e.g. fruit, your toast or a tasty sandwich
  • Try and share out some sweets or toys between 2 people so each person has an equal half

Game to Support Learning:

  • Click on the link and play the game about half. How much of the shape is shaded? Remember if it is a half then equal sized parts must be coloured in…. click here to play!
  • Here is a NUMBERJACKS all about half 

Mental Health Awareness Week – Kindness

Hi Primary 1
As Part of mental health awareness week, the focus for the long weekend is going to be kindness.

Be Kind: Zietlow, Pat Miller: Books

Being kind is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and others.  It makes other people feel good but it makes you feel good too.


See how many acts of kindness you can complete over the weekend.   Use this kindness Bingo board.  Tick each square as you do them.
Acts of Kindness Activity - WordUnited

Mental Health Awareness Week – Gratitude

Hi Primary 1,
Today we are going to focus on gratitude as part of mental health week. 

We know expressing gratitude has many benefits. | Tinybop

This means that we are going to think about the things we are grateful or thankful for.  What makes you happy and what are you really glad about? 
Focusing on and thinking about the things that make us really happy helps feel better, even if it’s something really small like the sun shining,  what you had for lunch or your favourite toy.
Here are some things that I am grateful for…
  • My family – especially Rosie and Lyla who are keeping me busy and entertained during lockdown.
  • All of you – my primary 1 class who I have loved teaching in your first months of school.
  • My cat Wilbur
Think about and draw 3 things that you are grateful for.

Some art for the Weekend?

Hello primary 1.
Tomorrow and Monday are May holidays so today will be the last online lessons until Tuesday 😎!  Hope you have a great weekend!
I saw these art activities online and thought I’d share them with you in case you wanted to do them over the holiday weekend.

Literacy Thursday 21st May

Reading Thursday 

Warm Up:

  • How many of these common words can you read before the girl on the video says them? Good luck – you’ve got to be quick!!

Main Activity:

Primary 1

  • Read the short story below about Russ and then answer the questions.  You can answer the questions by talking to someone at home or you can write your answers in your jotter.
  • Remember to try and answer in a full sentence with a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop. So for question number 1 your answer would start:-
Russ has  a pet   ______ . 

Click on these links and go onto

Oxford Owl  or Epic Reading! and choose a book to read for enjoyment.

Choose a Book:

  • There are Biff, Chip and Kipper stories and lots of other great books for your level.

Game to Support Learning:

  • Practice your reading by playing this game from class…click here to play! Who can get the highest score? Choose either Phase 2 or Phase 3.