Literacy Friday 5th June

Rhyme and Spelling Friday

Morning Primary 1!  Friday again.  I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Hey everybody, it's Friday!! What you doing this weekend ...

Today we are going to do some rhyming work.  Remember words rhyme when they have the same sound at the end.  Like  fit and sit, or hen and pen.


Warm Up

Watch the video and join in – Can you spot the words that rhyme and the words that don’t rhyme?

Main Task

Have a go at finding and matching the rhyming words.  You can write them in your jotter to practise your writing and spelling if you want.  Or you can just talk about it with your adult.

Matching Rhyming Words (o)

Extra Challenge

Below is a list of the spelling words for primary 1.  Can you spell some of them?
Why don’t you practise spelling these words over the next two weeks.  If you have some chalk you could practise spelling them on the pavement outside your house?

100 Things To Do With Just A Piece of Chalk - The Alpha Parent ...

When you have written a word can you think of any other words that rhyme with it?
big – wig – pig
get – let – met 

Games to Support Learning

Partners in Rhyme
Match the Rhyming words
Spooky Spellings
You could also play this game as a family:  One person starts with a word and then each person one after the other has to say a word that rhymes with it.  So the 1st person might say cat, the next person bat, the next sat and so on until you can’t think of any more rhyming words.
You could play a ‘speed round’ or a ‘slow round’.  Have fun!

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